The old PCR is replaced

In the frame of the project PRO-NanoEnviCz III financially supported by MEYS co-funded by EU, the old PCR at the Technical University of Liberec was replaced by new one. All information about the new devices (TUL6) can be found in Our Services/ Equipment/ Microbiologic techniques.

About project:

Upgrade and modernization of large research infrastructure Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for protection of the environment and sustainable future

Project registration number: CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008171

Total project cost: CZK 106 360 000

The main objective of the project is to modernize and upgrade the large research infrastructure NanoEnviCz through the acquisition of new experimental equipment and the modernization of existing laboratory equipment and instruments used in the services offered to users of the NanoEnviCz. This upgrade will extend the portfolio by including new and unique services, particularly in the area of nanostructured materials application in environmental protection (including human health) and, at the same time, the existing base of the most widely used instruments providing rapidly available structural and surface characterization of nanomaterials will be maintained and upgraded.

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