Ve výpisu publikací najdete všechny důležité publikační výsledky výzkumu a vývoje našich vědeckých pracovníků od roku 1961.
- Deposition of InxOy and SnOx thin films on polymer substrate by means of atmospheric barrier-torch dischargeSurface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 1059-1063.
- Probe diagnostics of the RF barrier-torch discharge at atmospheric pressureSurface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 530-534.
- Surface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 290-295.
- Investigation of the RF plasma jet system for deposition of LiCoOx thin filmsSurface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 632-637.
- Surface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 627-631.
- Surface & Coatings Technology 173-174 (2003) 968-972.
- Surface & Coatings Technology 169-170 (2003) 571-574.
- Surface Science 536 (2003) 1-14.
- Excited state dynamics of luminescence centres in PbWO4 single crystalsFunctional Materials 10, (2003) 105-110
- Raman scattering investigation of cesium plumbochloride, CsPbCl3, phase transiton.Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 34 (2003) 388-393.
- Scintillation photoelectron Nphels(E) and light LY(E) yields of YAP:Ce and YAG:Ce crystalsOptical Materials 24 (2003) 281-284.
- Luminescence and decay kinetics of Yb2+ in LiCaAIF6 single crystal hostOptical Materials 24 (2003) 191-195.
- Growth and characterization of Yb3+ -doped YAIO3 fiber single crystals grown by the modified micro-pulling-down methodJournal of Crystal Growth 256 (2003) 298-304.
- Ultraviolet transparency and activatr oxidation state of Ce3+ -doped phospphate glassesJournal of Crystal Growth 326/327 (2003) 339-342.
- Surface Science 532-535 (2003) 588-593.
- European Physical Journal - Applied Physics 24 (2003) 3-12.
- Association of Impurities and Vacancies in Copper Doped Potassium Tantalate Crystals Studium by EPRFerroelectrics 295 (2003) 113-119.
- Ferroelectrics 295 (2003) 31-38.
- High-Temperature Phases in PZT Ferroelectric FillmsFerroelectrics 293 (2003) 111-118.
- Reentrant dipole glass-like ordering in weakly concentrated KTaO3:NbRadiation Effects and Defects in Solids 158 (2003) 275-280.
- EPR of Ce3+ Ions in Mixed Yttrium-Lutecium OrthoaluminatesPhysics of the Solid State 45 (8) (2003) 1459-1464.
- Critical phonos and R-zero-phonon emission line of Cr3+ in Mg-doped SrTiO3Journal of Luminescence 102-103 (2003) 636-642.
- Europhysics Letters 62 (1) (2003) 63-68.
- High dielectric pemittivity in AFe1/2B1/2O3 nonferroelectric perovskite ceramics (A=Ba, Sr, Ca; B=Nb, Ta, Sb)Journal of Applied Physics 93 (7) (2003) 4130-4136.
- Dielectric Permittivity and Cr3+Impurity Luminescence of Sr0.99Mg0.01TiO3and SrTi0.99Mg0.01O3Ferroelectrics 294 (2003) 229-238.
- Luminescence of Ba0.77Ca0.23TiO3:CrJournal of Luminescence 102-103 (2003) 657-662.
- physica status solidi (a) 199 (2003) 108-112.
- High k Ceramic Materials Based on Nonferroelectric AFe1/2B1/2O3 (A-Ba,Sr,Ca; B-Nb,Ta,Sb) PerovskitesIntegrated Ferroelectrics 55 (2003) 757-768.
- The Order Parameter in RelaxorsIntegrated Ferroelectrics 58 (2003) 1359-1370.
- Experimental Astronomy 16 (2003) 141-148
- Pecularities in optical properties of ns2.Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 158 (2003) 67-71.
- Surface nucleation kinetics on active centers from supersaturated vaporCzechoslovak Journal of Physics 53 (2003) 27-32.
- Light-induced defects in KTaO3Journal of Applied Physics 93 (2003) 6056-6064.
- Random-Site Cation Ordering and Dielectric Properties of PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-PbSc1/2Nb1/2O3Integrated Ferroelectrics 53 (2003) 475-487.
- physica status solidi (a) 199 (2003) 82-86.
- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 71 (2003) 667-673.
- Luminescence and relaxed excited state origin in CsI:Pb crystalsJournal of Luminescence 101 (2003) 219-226.
- Determination of time characteristics of solidification of supercooled halid melt from measurements of its electrical conductivityMater. Phys. Mech. 6 (2003) 43-48.
- Formation of droplets on active centers in supersaturated vaporsJournal of Chemical Physics 118 (2003) 6411-6416.
- Properties of epitaxial yttrium iron garnet films grown from BaO fluxJournal of Applied Physics 93 (2003) 7510-7512.
- Electron traps related to oxygen vacancies in PbWO4Physical Review B 67 (2003) 205102-205108.
- Delayed recombination luminescence in lead tungstate (PWO) scintillating crystalsJournal of Luminescence 102-103 (2003) 791-796.
- Luminiscence spectroscopy of the Gd-rich Ce3+ -, Tb3+ - and Mn2+ - doped phosphate glassesphysica status solidi (a) 196 (2003) 484-495.
- Fourier transform photocurrent spectroscopy of dopants and defects in CVD diamondDiamond and Related Materials 12 (2003) 521-525.
- Thermoluminescence of Zr-codoped Lu3Al5O12:Ce crystalsphysica status solidi (a) 195 (2003) R1-R3.
- Scintillation and spectroscopic properties of Ce3+ -doped YAlO3 and Lux(RE)1-xAlO3 (RE=Y3+ and Gd3+) scintillatorsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 498 (2003) 312-327.
- Decay kinetics of the green emission in PbWO4:MoJournal of Luminescence 102-103 (2003) 618-622.
- Growth and characterization of high purity epitaxial yttrium iron garnet films grown from BaO-B2O3-BaF2 fluxphysica status solidi (a) 198 (2003) 407-414.
- Thermal stability of microhardness and internal stress of hard a-C films with predominantly sp2 bondsDiamond and Related Materials 12 (2003) 1378-1384.
- Plasma surface modification of hydrogel thin filmsSurface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 816-820.