
Ve výpisu publikací najdete všechny důležité publikační výsledky výzkumu a vývoje našich vědeckých pracovníků od roku 1961.

  1. A. Churpita, Z. Hubička, M. Čada, D. Chvostová, L. Soukup, L. Jastrabík, P. Ptacek
    Deposition of InxOy and SnOx thin films on polymer substrate by means of atmospheric barrier-torch discharge
    Surface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 1059-1063.
  2. M. Čada, Z. Hubička, M. Sicha, A. Churpita, L. Jastrabík, L. Soukup, M. Tichy
    Probe diagnostics of the RF barrier-torch discharge at atmospheric pressure
    Surface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 530-534.
  3. Surface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 290-295.
  4. Z. Hubička, M. Čada, I. Jakubec, J. Bludská, Z. Málková, B. Trunda, P. Ptáček, J.Přidal, L. Jastrabík
    Investigation of the RF plasma jet system for deposition of LiCoOx thin films
    Surface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 632-637.
  5. M. Čada, Z. Hubička, P. Adámek, P. Ptáček, H. Šíchová, M. Šícha, L. Jastrabík
    Surface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 627-631.
  6. Surface & Coatings Technology 173-174 (2003) 968-972.
  7. Surface & Coatings Technology 169-170 (2003) 571-574.
  8. A. Tarasenko, F. Nieto, L. Jastrabík, C. Uebing
    Surface Science 536 (2003) 1-14.
  9. M. Nikl, P. Boháček, E. Mihóková, V. Babin, A. Stolovich, A. Krasnikov, S. Zazubovich, G.P. Pazzi, P. Fabeni, A. Vedda, M. Martini
    Excited state dynamics of luminescence centres in PbWO4 single crystals
    Functional Materials 10, (2003) 105-110
  10. C. Carabatos-Nédelec, M. Oussaid, K. Nitsch
    Raman scattering investigation of cesium plumbochloride, CsPbCl3, phase transiton.
    Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 34 (2003) 388-393.
  11. J. A. Mareš, M. Nikl, A. Beitlerová, C.D' Ambrosio, F. de Notaristefani, K. Blazek, P. Maly, K. Nejezchleb
    Scintillation photoelectron Nphels(E) and light LY(E) yields of YAP:Ce and YAG:Ce crystals
    Optical Materials 24 (2003) 281-284.
  12. M. Nikl, A. Bensalah, E. Mihóková, J. Hybler, H. Sato, T. Fukuda, G. Boulon
    Luminescence and decay kinetics of Yb2+ in LiCaAIF6 single crystal host
    Optical Materials 24 (2003) 191-195.
  13. J.B. Shim, A. Yoshikawa, M. Nikl, N.Solovieva, J. Pejchal, D.H. Yoon, T. Fukuda
    Growth and characterization of Yb3+ -doped YAIO3 fiber single crystals grown by the modified micro-pulling-down method
    Journal of Crystal Growth 256 (2003) 298-304.
  14. G. Chen, S. Baccaro, R. Giorgi, A. Cecilia, E. Mihóková, M. Nikl
    Ultraviolet transparency and activatr oxidation state of Ce3+ -doped phospphate glasses
    Journal of Crystal Growth 326/327 (2003) 339-342.
  15. Surface Science 532-535 (2003) 588-593.
  16. A. Tarasenko, L. Jastrabík, N.A. Tarasenko
    European Physical Journal - Applied Physics 24 (2003) 3-12.
  17. A.G. Badalyan, P.G. Baranov, V.A. Trepakov, C.B. Azzonni, P. Galineto, M.C. Mozzati, L. Jastrabík, J. Rosa
    Association of Impurities and Vacancies in Copper Doped Potassium Tantalate Crystals Studium by EPR
    Ferroelectrics 295 (2003) 113-119.
  18. M. Savinov, V.A. Trepakov, S. Kamba, S.E. Kapphan, J. Petzelt, R. Pankrath, I.L. Kislova, A.B. Kutsesenko, L. Jastrabík
    Ferroelectrics 295 (2003) 31-38.
  19. A. Dejneka, G. Suchaneck, L. Jastrabík, G. Gerlach
    High-Temperature Phases in PZT Ferroelectric Fillms
    Ferroelectrics 293 (2003) 111-118.
  20. V.A. Trepakov, M.E. Savinov, P. Galineto, G. Samoggia, S.A. Prosandeev, S.E. Kapphan, L. Jastrabík
    Reentrant dipole glass-like ordering in weakly concentrated KTaO3:Nb
    Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 158 (2003) 275-280.
  21. H.R. Asatryan, J. Rosa, J. A. Mareš
    EPR of Ce3+ Ions in Mixed Yttrium-Lutecium Orthoaluminates
    Physics of the Solid State 45 (8) (2003) 1459-1464.
  22. V.A. Trepakov, I.B. Kudyk, S.E. Kapphan, M.E. Savinov, A. Pashkin, L. Jastrabík, A. Tkach, P. M. Vilarinho, A.L. Knolkin
    Critical phonos and R-zero-phonon emission line of Cr3+ in Mg-doped SrTiO3
    Journal of Luminescence 102-103 (2003) 636-642.
  23. Europhysics Letters 62 (1) (2003) 63-68.
  24. I.P. Raevski, S.A. Prosandeev, A.S. Bogatin, M.A. Malitskaya, L. Jastrabík
    High dielectric pemittivity in AFe1/2B1/2O3 nonferroelectric perovskite ceramics (A=Ba, Sr, Ca; B=Nb, Ta, Sb)
    Journal of Applied Physics 93 (7) (2003) 4130-4136.
  25. V.A. Trepakov, M.E. Savinov, I.B. Kudyk, A. Pashkin, S.E. Kudyk, A. Pashkin, S.E. Kapphan, P.M. Vilarinho, A. Tkach, A.L. Kholkin, L. Jastrabík
    Dielectric Permittivity and Cr3+Impurity Luminescence of Sr0.99Mg0.01TiO3and SrTi0.99Mg0.01O3
    Ferroelectrics 294 (2003) 229-238.
  26. L. Jastrabík, S.E. Kapphan, V.A. Trepakov, I.B. Kudyk, R. Pankrath
    Luminescence of Ba0.77Ca0.23TiO3:Cr
    Journal of Luminescence 102-103 (2003) 657-662.
  27. A. Kromka, R. Kravets, A. Poruba, J. Zemek, V. Perina, J. Rosa, M. Vaněček
    physica status solidi (a) 199 (2003) 108-112.
  28. I.P. Raevski, S.A. Prosandeev, S.A. Bogatina, M.A. Malitskaya, L. Jastrabík
    High k Ceramic Materials Based on Nonferroelectric AFe1/2B1/2O3 (A-Ba,Sr,Ca; B-Nb,Ta,Sb) Perovskites
    Integrated Ferroelectrics 55 (2003) 757-768.
  29. S.A. Prosandeev, U, Waghmare, I.P. Raevski, L. Jastrabík
    The Order Parameter in Relaxors
    Integrated Ferroelectrics 58 (2003) 1359-1370.
  30. A. Benmoussa, J.-F. Hochedez, W. K. Schmutz, U. SchÜhle, M. Nesladek, Y. Stockman, U. Kroth, M. Richter, A. Theissen, Z. Remeš, K. Haenen, V. Mortet, S. Koller, J. P. Halain, R. Petersen, M. Dominique, M. DOlieslaeger
    Experimental Astronomy 16 (2003) 141-148
  31. Pecularities in optical properties of ns2.
    Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 158 (2003) 67-71.
  32. Z. Kožíšek, P. Demo, A. M. Sveshnikov
    Surface nucleation kinetics on active centers from supersaturated vapor
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 53 (2003) 27-32.
  33. V.V. Laguta, M.D. Glinchuk, I.P. Bykov, A. Cremona, P. Galinetto, E. Giulotto, L. Jastrabík, J. Rosa
    Light-induced defects in KTaO3
    Journal of Applied Physics 93 (2003) 6056-6064.
  34. I.P. Raevski, S.A. Prosandeev, S.M. Emelyanov, F.I. Savenko, I.N. Zakharchenko, O.A. Bunina, A.S. Bogatin, S.I. Raevskaya, E.S. Gagarina, E.V. Sahkar, L. Jastrabík
    Random-Site Cation Ordering and Dielectric Properties of PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-PbSc1/2Nb1/2O3
    Integrated Ferroelectrics 53 (2003) 475-487.
  35. Z. Remeš, R. Kalish, C. Uzan-Saguy, E. Baskin, M. Nesladek, S. Koizumi
    physica status solidi (a) 199 (2003) 82-86.
  36. M. Rodova, J. Brozek, K. Knížek, K. Nitsch
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 71 (2003) 667-673.
  37. V. Babin, A. Krasnikov, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, A. Stolovits, S. Zazubovich
    Luminescence and relaxed excited state origin in CsI:Pb crystals
    Journal of Luminescence 101 (2003) 219-226.
  38. P. Demo, A. M. Sveshnikov, K. Nitsch, M. Rodova, Z. Kožíšek
    Determination of time characteristics of solidification of supercooled halid melt from measurements of its electrical conductivity
    Mater. Phys. Mech. 6 (2003) 43-48.
  39. Formation of droplets on active centers in supersaturated vapors
    Journal of Chemical Physics 118 (2003) 6411-6416.
  40. M. Kucera, K. Nitsch, M. Maryško, H. Stepankova
    Properties of epitaxial yttrium iron garnet films grown from BaO flux
    Journal of Applied Physics 93 (2003) 7510-7512.
  41. V.V. Laguta, M. Martini, A. Vedda, E. Rosetta, M. Nikl, E. Mihóková, J. Rosa, Y. Usuki
    Electron traps related to oxygen vacancies in PbWO4
    Physical Review B 67 (2003) 205102-205108.
  42. G. P. Pazzi, P. Fabeni, M. Nikl, P. Boháček, E. Mihóková, A. Vedda, M. Martini, M. Kobayashi, Y. Usuki
    Delayed recombination luminescence in lead tungstate (PWO) scintillating crystals
    Journal of Luminescence 102-103 (2003) 791-796.
  43. V. Babin, A. Krasnikov, J. A. Mareš, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, N. Solovieva, S. Zazubovich
    Luminiscence spectroscopy of the Gd-rich Ce3+ -, Tb3+ - and Mn2+ - doped phosphate glasses
    physica status solidi (a) 196 (2003) 484-495.
  44. M. Vanecek, R. Kravets, A. Poruba, J. Rosa, M. Nesladek, S. Koizumi
    Fourier transform photocurrent spectroscopy of dopants and defects in CVD diamond
    Diamond and Related Materials 12 (2003) 521-525.
  45. A. Vedda, D.Di Martino, M. Martini, V.V. Laguta, M. Nikl, E. Mihóková, J. Rosa, K. Nejezchleb, K. Blazek
    Thermoluminescence of Zr-codoped Lu3Al5O12:Ce crystals
    physica status solidi (a) 195 (2003) R1-R3.
  46. J. A. Mareš, M. Nikl, N. Solovieva, C.D' Ambrosio, Notaristefani, K. Blazek, P. Maly, K. Nejezchleb, P. Fabeni, G.P. Pazzi, J.T.M. de Haas, C.W.E. van Eijk, P. Dorenbos
    Scintillation and spectroscopic properties of Ce3+ -doped YAlO3 and Lux(RE)1-xAlO3 (RE=Y3+ and Gd3+) scintillators
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 498 (2003) 312-327.
  47. E. Mihóková, M. Nikl, P. Boháček, V. Babin, A. Krasnikov, A. Stolovich, S. Zazubovich, A, Vedda, M. Martini, T. Grabowski
    Decay kinetics of the green emission in PbWO4:Mo
    Journal of Luminescence 102-103 (2003) 618-622.
  48. M. Kucera, K. Nitsch, H. Stepánkova, M. Maryško, P. Reiche
    Growth and characterization of high purity epitaxial yttrium iron garnet films grown from BaO-B2O3-BaF2 flux
    physica status solidi (a) 198 (2003) 407-414.
  49. V. Kulikovsky, V. Vorlíček, P. Boháč, A. Kurdyumov, A. Dejneka, L. Jastrabík
    Thermal stability of microhardness and internal stress of hard a-C films with predominantly sp2 bonds
    Diamond and Related Materials 12 (2003) 1378-1384.
  50. G. Suchaneck, M. Guenther, J. Sorber, G. Gerlach, K-F. Arndt, A. Dejneka, L. Jastrabík
    Plasma surface modification of hydrogel thin films
    Surface & Coatings Technology 174-175 (2003) 816-820.