Research field
European and International Sports Law; EU Law
- Anglo-American College in Prague (LLB), Westbohemian University, Pilsen (JUDr., Ph.D.)
- studied within student exchange programs at Aristotle University in Thessaloniky, Greece (1998), Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom (2000– 2001) and post-gradual research at Asser College Europe, T.M.C. Asser Instituut, Den Haag, Netherlands (2003)
Author of project European Sports Law and its Role in Regulation of Sport in Czech Republic, granted by Czech Science Foundation no. 408/10/P539, Research period 2010–2012
National expert in Study on the equal treatment of non-nationals in individual sports competitions, tender no. EAC/19/2009 commissioned by European Commission, T.M.C. Asser Instituut, Den Haag, Edge Hill University, Leiden University
National expert in Study on sports organisers' rights in the EU, T.M.C. Asser Instituut, Den Haag, Institute for Information Law (IViR) – University of Amsterdam
National expert in Study on risk assessment and management and prevention of conflicts of interest in the prevention and fight against betting-related match-fixing" (EAC/16/2013),T.M.C. Asser Instituut, Den Haag
National expert in study Mapping the labour status of sportspeople under EU law, (VT/2014/016), T.M.C. Asser Instituut.
Participant in project "European Court of Human Rights as a Co-author of European Identity – a dialogue between the "old" and "new" Europe", Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values (Universiteit Antwerp)
Participant in the project Labour Safety in Sport, based on cooperation between Czech Research Institute of Labour Safety and the Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences (project No. 06-2020-VÚBP), Research period 2020–2021
Pedagogical work
External lecturer of Sports Law (LLM programme) at Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague
Activities in the field of scientific popularization
Lectures at conferences and seminars. Has been published regularly in the field of Sports Law