Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

The journal Soudobé dějiny/Czech Journal of Contemporary History is published by the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences and follows the principles of publication ethics as formulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (

Responsibilities of the Editors, the Editorial Board and the Publisher

The editor and the editorial staff are responsible for the decisions as to which of the papers submitted to the journal will be published.

The editor and the editorial staff shall not consider an author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy as pertinent to the selection of the text for publication.

The editor and the editorial staff will observe all legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

Until the moment of the submission of the article for publication, the editor and editorial staff shall not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to any third party other than: a) the corresponding author; b) peer reviewers; c) members of the editorial team; d) the publisher; or e) copyeditors, proof readers and typesetters involved in the production of the journal as appropriate.

Unpublished original material submitted to the journal shall never be used by the editor or any party privy to the material prior to its publication for their own research purposes without the author's explicit written consent.

The Publisher shall not require any author´s fees and charges for manucript processing and/or publishing material in the journal.

Responsibilities of Peer Reviewers

The peer review shall provide the editors with information that will allow them to make an informed decision concerning the publication of the material.

The editor and the editorial staff shall provide the author with relevant peer review suggestions.

The reviewers shall be impartial in their evaluation of the submission and shall never use ad hominem arguments.

The reviewer shall express their views clearly and unambiguously.

The reviewer is obliged to identify any insufficient citation of sources or potential plagiarism, in which case the reviewer shall notify the editor.

The reviewer shall treat all documents received as confidential.

The reviewer shall disclose to the editor any conflict of interest. The reviewer shall decline to perform the review upon the discovery of any conflict of interest and shall inform the editor of such instances.

Responsibilities and Obligations of Authors

Authors shall present original research. Authors shall provide a complete list of references, crediting all other researchers and authors whose work has made the submission possible. Authors shall cite content created by artificial intelligence (AI).

Authors shall never submit plagiarized work, be it plagiarism based on uncredited translation, an uncredited citation or reference to someone else's unpublished work, or ideas knowingly harvested from others, including students, whose unpublished work remains their own. Authors submitting work agree that plagiarism is not only a crime, but also violates the basic principles of academic ethics and therefore shall take special care that no part of their work should leave any doubt in terms of academic honesty.

Authors shall not submit material previously published elsewhere, except by explicit invitation of the editors, who see the republication of already copyrighted material as important to the overall concept of the issue.

Submitting the same paper to several journals shall be considered unethical, therefore authors shall not submit contributions considered for review in Soudobé dějiny/Czech Journal of Contemporary History elsewhere.

Authors shall report any fundamental errors or inaccuracies to the editors that could not have been verified by the reviewers or the editors, and request an erratum.