Publications 2022 (Web of science)

Long-Range Magnetic Order in Nickel Hydroxide-Functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots, Michal, L; Roy, R; Holec, D; Gómez, IJ; Pizúrová, N; Necas, D; Dolecková, A; Medalová, J; Lepcio, P; Zajícková, L; Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters; 2022 13 11536-11542

Structural phase stability and homogeneity enhancement of electrochemically synthesized Mn 2V 2O 7 by nanocarbon networks, Parmar, R; Rezvani, SJ; Neto, DBD; Rosolen, JM; Kazim, S; Mattiello, S; Rajak, P; Ciancio, R; Thakur, MK; Minicucci, M; Amati, M; Gregoratti, L; Kalbac, M; Haider, G; Di Cicco, A; Gunnella, R; Carbon Trends; 2022 9

Cholesterol promotes clustering of PI(4,5)P2 driving unconventional secretion of FGF2, Lolicato, F; Saleppico, R; Griffo, A; Meyer, A; Scollo, F; Pokrandt, B; Müller, HM; Ewers, H; Hähl, H; Fleury, JB; Seemann, R; Hof, M; Brügger, B; Jacobs, K; Vattulainen, I; Nickel, W; Journal Of Cell Biology; 2022 221

Spectroscopic signatures of states in the continuum characterized by a joint experimental and theoretical study of pyrrole, Mukherjee, M; Kumar, TPR; Rankovic, M; Nag, P; Fedor, J; Krylov, AI; Journal Of Chemical Physics; 2022 157

Mass Spectrometric Quantification of Volatile Compounds Released by Fresh Atlantic Salmon Stored at 4 °C under Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Vacuum Packaging for up to 16 Days, Dalsvåg, H; Cropotova, J; Jambrak, AR; Janci, T; Spanel, P; Dryahina, K; Smith, D; Rustad, T; Acs Food Science & Technology; 2022 2 400-414

Two phenotypes of chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis with different patterns of bone involvement, Cebecauerová, D; Malcová, H; Koukolská, V; Kvicalová, Z; Soucek, O; Wagenknecht, L; Bronsky, J; Sumník, Z; Kyncl, M; Cebecauer, M; Horváth, R; Pediatric Rheumatology; 2022 20

Vibrational excitation in the e + CO2 system: Analysis of the two-dimensional energy-loss spectrum, Dvorák, J; Rankovic, M; Houfek, K; Nag, P; Curík, R; Fedor, J; Cízek, M; Physical Review A; 2022 106

Electrical Contact Resistance of Large-Area Graphene on Pre-Patterned Cu and Au Electrodes, Blecha, T; Zivcová, ZV; Sonia, FJ; Mergl, M; Volochanskyi, O; Bodnár, M; Rous, P; Mizohata, K; Kalbác, M; Frank, O; Nanomaterials; 2022 12

Gas phase C6H6- anion: Electronic stabilization by opening of the benzene ring, Pysanenko, A; Vinklárek, IS; Fedor, J; Fárník, M; Bergmeister, S; Kostal, V; Nemirovich, T; Jungwirth, P; Journal Of Chemical Physics; 2022 157

Computational investigation of natural compounds as potential main protease (Mpro) inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 virus, Patel, CN; Jani, SP; Modi, KM; Kumar, Y; Computers In Biology And Medicine; 2022 151

Modulation of Anionic Lipid Bilayers by Specific Interplay of Protons and Calcium Ions, Abinav; Jurkiewicz, P; Hof, M; Allolio, C; Sykora, J; Biomolecules; 2022 12

Magnetically Separable Photoactive Nanofiber Membranes for Photocatalytic and Antibacterial Applications, Liska, V; Kubát, P; Krtenová, P; Mosinger, J; Acs Omega; 2022

Distant Symmetry Control in Electron-Induced Bond Cleavage, Kumar, TPR; Nag, P; Rankovic, M; Luxford, TFM; Kocisek, J; Masín, Z; Fedor, J; Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters; 2022 13 11136-11142

Modification of Vibrational Parameters of a D8h-Symmetric Triatomic Molecule in a Laser Plasma, Kornev, AS; Chernov, VE; Kubelík, P; Ferus, M; Symmetry-basel; 2022 14

Self-Assembled Monolayers of Molecular Conductors with Terpyridine-Metal Redox Switching Elements: A Combined AFM, STM and Electrochemical Study, Kocábová, J; Vavrek, F; Lachmanová, SN; Sebera, J; Valásek, M; Hromadová, M; Molecules; 2022 27

Distant Symmetry Control in Electron-Induced Bond Cleavage, Kumar, PR; Nag, P; Rankovic, M; Luxford, FM; Kocisek, J; Masin, Z; Fedor, J; Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters; 2022

Surface modifications of a silicalite film designed for coating orthopaedic implants, Broz, A; Jirka, I; Matejka, R; Stepanovská, J; Doubková, M; Sajdl, P; Drahokoupil, J; Volochanskyi, O; Futóová, T; Bacáková, L; Materials & Design; 2022 224

Photocatalytic NOx abatement: The effect of high air flow velocity, Mikyskova, E; Martiniakova, I; Zouzelka, R; Rathousky, J; Environmental Technology & Innovation; 2022 28

The Effects of Ultrasound Treatment of Graphite on the Reversibility of the (De)Intercalation of an Anion from Aqueous Electrolyte Solution, Abbas, G; Zafar, ZA; Sonia, FJ; Knízek, K; Houdková, J; Jirícek, P; Kalbác, M; Cervenka, J; Frank, O; Nanomaterials; 2022 12

Highly Efficient Antibacterial Polymer Composites Based on Hydrophobic Riboflavin Carbon Polymerized Dots, Markovic, ZM; Kovácová, M; Jeremic, SR; Nagy, S; Milivojevic, DD; Kubat, P; Kleinová, A; Budimir, MD; Mojsin, MM; Stevanovic, MJ; Annusová, A; Spitalsky, Z; Markovic, BMT; Nanomaterials; 2022 12

Synthesis, Characterization, and Physicochemical Studies Of Orientation-Controlled Multi-Arm PEG Zn(II)/Mg(II) (Aza)Phthalocyanines, Husain, A; Ganesan, A; Salah, L; Kubát, P; Ghazal, B; Makhseed, S; Chempluschem; 2022 87

Synergistic effect of p-type and n-type dopants in semiconductors for efficient electrocatalytic water splitting, Kutlusoy, T; Divanis, S; Pittkowski, R; Marina, R; Frandsen, AM; Minhova-Macounova, K; Nebel, R; Zhao, DN; Mertens, SFL; Hoster, H; Krtil, P; Rossmeisl, J; Chemical Science; 2022 13 13879-13892

H-Atom Abstraction Reactivity through the Lens of Asynchronicity and Frustration with Their Counteracting Effects on Barriers, Maldonado-Domínguez, M; Srnec, M; Inorganic Chemistry; 2022 61 18811-18822

Electrochemistry of Tetrathiafulvalene Ligands Assembled on the Surface of Gold Nanoparticles, Janousek, J; Rybácek, J; Budesínsky, M; Pospísil, L; Stará, IG; Stary, I; Molecules; 2022 27

Stabilization of benzene radical anion in ammonia clusters, Pysanenko, A; Bergmeister, S; Scheier, P; Fárník, M; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2022 24 27128-27135

Newton-X Platform: New Software Developments for Surface Hopping and Nuclear Ensembles, Barbatti, M; Bondanza, M; Crespo-Otero, R; Demoulin, B; Dral, PO; Granucci, G; Kossoski, F; Lischka, H; Mennucci, B; Mukherjee, S; Pederzoli, M; Persico, M; Pinheiro, M Jr; Pittner, J; Plasser, F; Gil, ES; Stojanovic, L; Journal Of Chemical Theory And Computation; 2022 18 6851-6865

Time-resolved fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy of NH radical in the X3Σ- ground state, Pastorek, A; Clark, VHJ; Yurchenko, SN; Civis, S; Journal Of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer; 2022 291

Mechanism of Catalytic CO2 Hydrogenation to Methane and Methanol Using a Bimetallic Cu3Pd Cluster at a Zirconia Support, Mravak, A; Vajda, S; Bonacic-Koutecky, V; Journal Of Physical Chemistry C; 2022 126 18306-18312

3D Printed Platform for Impedimetric Sensing of Liquids and Microfluidic Channels, Sebechlebská, T; Vanecková, E; Choinska-Mlynarczyk, MK; Navratil, T; Poltorak, L; Bonini, A; Vivaldi, F; Kolivoska, V; Analytical Chemistry; 2022 94 14426-14433

Dissecting the mechanisms of environment sensitivity of smart probes for quantitative assessment of membrane properties, Ragaller, F; Andronico, L; Sykora, J; Kulig, W; Rog, T; Urem, YB; Abhinav; Danylchuk, DI; Hof, M; Klymchenko, A; Amaro, M; Vattulainen, I; Sezgin, E; Open Biology; 2022 12

Nonadiabatic excited-state dynamics of ReCl(CO)3(bpy) in two different solvents, Srut, A; Mai, S; Sazanovich, IV; Heyda, J; Vlcek, A; González, L; Zális, S; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2022 24 25864-25877

High-resolution spectra of 2?OH overtone of trans-formic acid in the supersonic jet, Svoboda, V; Rakovsky, J; Votava, O; Journal Of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer; 2022 292

Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry as a Tool to Understand Hydride Atomization and the Fate of Free Analyte Atoms in an Externally Heated Quartz Tube Atomizer, Lacko, M; Dryahina, K; Spanel, P; Kratzer, J; Matousek, T; Dedina, J; Analytical Chemistry; 2022

The Human Skin Volatolome: A Systematic Review of Untargeted Mass Spectrometry Analysis, Mitra, A; Choi, S; Boshier, PR; Razumovskaya-Hough, A; Belluomo, I; Spanel, P; Hanna, GB; Metabolites; 2022 12

Absolute Double-Differential Cross Sections of Ultrasoft Isochromatic X-ray Radiation in Electron Scattering on Atoms, Kornev, AS; Zon, BA; Chernov, VE; Amusia, MY; Kubelík, P; Ferus, M; Atoms; 2022 10

Ionic Strength and Solution Composition Dictate the Adsorption of Cell-Penetrating Peptides onto Phosphatidylcholine Membranes, Nguyen, MTH; Biriukov, D; Tempra, C; Baxova, K; Martinez-Seara, H; Evci, H; Singh, V; Sachl, R; Hof, M; Jungwirth, P; Javanainen, M; Vazdar, M; Langmuir; 2022 38 11284-11295

Cisplatin-Cross-Linked DNA Origami Nanostructures for Drug Delivery Applications, Sala, L; Perecko, T; Mestek, O; Pinkas, D; Homola, T; Kocisek, J; Acs Applied Nano Materials; 2022 5 13267-13275

Molecular-level insight into uptake of dimethylamine on hydrated nitric acid clusters, Pysanenko, A; Fárníková, K; Lengyel, J; Pluharová, E; Fárník, M; Environmental Science-atmospheres; 2022 2 1292-1302

Selectivity of Ru-rich Ru-Ti-O oxide surfaces in parallel oxygen and chlorine evolution reactions, Macounová, KM; Pittkowski, RK; Nebel, R; Zitolo, A; Krtil, P; Electrochimica Acta; 2022 427

Mixed Valency vs Radical Bridge Formulation in Symmetrically and Asymmetrically Ligated Diruthenium Complexes, Mondal, S; Schwederski, B; Zalis, S; Kaim, W; European Journal Of Inorganic Chemistry; 2022 2022

A polarizable reference electrode, Marecek, V; Electrochemistry Communications; 2022 141

Influence of different covalent immobilization protocols on electroanalytical performance of laccase-based biosensors, Tvorynska, S; Barek, J; Josypcuk, B; Bioelectrochemistry; 2022 148

Novel nannofossils extraction methods from paintings, coupled with GC-MS for provenance determination and binder analysis, Jaques, VAJ; Trubac, J; Rathousky, J; Cajthaml, T; Holcová, K; Heritage Science; 2022 10

Resonances in nitrobenzene probed by the electron attachment to neutral and by the photodetachment from anion, Rankovic, M; Nag, P; Anstöter, CS; Mensa-Bonsu, G; Kumar, TPR; Verlet, JRR; Fedor, J; Journal Of Chemical Physics; 2022 157

Mediator-assisted synthesis of WS2 with ultrahigh-optoelectronic performance at multi-wafer scale, Chen, YS; Chiu, SK; Tsai, DL; Liu, CY; Ting, HA; Yao, YC; Son, H; Haider, G; Kalbá, M; Ting, CC; Chen, YF; Hofmann, M; Hsieh, YP; Npj 2d Materials And Applications; 2022 6

Laboratory assessment of a photoactive Gypsum-based repair plaster, Pawelkowicz, SS; Svora, P; Prosek, Z; Keppert, M; Vejmelkova, E; Murafa, N; Sawoszczuk, T; Sygula-Cholewinska, J; Bibova, H; Construction And Building Materials; 2022 346

Time-Dependent DNA Origami Denaturation by Guanidinium Chloride, Guanidinium Sulfate, and Guanidinium Thiocyanate, Hanke, M; Hansen, N; Tomm, E; Grundmeier, G; Keller, A; International Journal Of Molecular Sciences; 2022 23

Comparison of mononuclear and dinuclear copper (II) biomimetic complexes: spectroelectrochemical mechanistic study of their catalytic pathways, Sys, M; Kocábová, J; Klikarová, J; Novák, M; Jirásko, R; Obluková, M; Mikysek, T; Sokolová, R; Dalton Transactions; 2022 51 13703-13715

On water reorientation dynamics in cation hydration shells, Pluharova, E; Stirnemann, G; Laage, D; Journal Of Molecular Liquids; 2022 363

Additive transport in DNA molecular circuits, Sebechlebská, T; Kolivoska, V; Sebera, J; Fukal, J; Reha, D; Budesínsky, M; Rosenberg, I; Bednárová, L; Gasior, J; Mészáros, G; Hromadová, M; Sychrovsky, V; Journal Of Materials Chemistry C; 2022 10 12022-12031

Electrochemical Detection of Isolated Nanoscale Defects in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Cabre, MB; Paiva, AE; Velicky, M; Colavita, PE; McKelvey, K; Journal Of Physical Chemistry C; 2022

p-CuO films and photoelectrochemical corrosion, Neumann-Spallart, M; Singh, P; Pausova, S; Mishra, A; Bhagat, D; Krysova, H; Mukhopadhyay, I; Krysa, J; Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry; 2022 919

Interplay between π-Conjugation and Exchange Magnetism in One- Dimensional Porphyrinoid Polymers, Biswas, K; Urbani, M; Sanchez-Grande, A; Soler-Polo, D; Lauwaet, K; Matej, A; Mutombo, P; Veis, L; Brabec, J; Pernal, K; Gallego, JM; Miranda, R; Ecija, D; Jelinek, P; Torres, T; Urgel, JI; Journal Of The American Chemical Society; 2022

Turing patterns by supramolecular self-assembly of a single salphen building block, Escarcega-Bobadilla, MV; Maldonado-Domínguez, M; Romero-Avila, M; Zelada-Guillén, GA; Iscience; 2022 25

VUV-VIS FT spectroscopy of the rare 13C18O isotopologue of carbon monoxide: Analysis of the A1Π(ν=1) multiply-perturbed level, Ryzner, S; Malicka, MI; Heays, AN; Field, RW; de Oliveira, N; Szajna, W; Ubachs, W; Hakalla, R; Spectrochimica Acta Part A-molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy; 2022 279

Probing the emission dynamics in nitrogen-doped carbon dots by reversible capping with mercury(ii) through surface chemistry, Roy, D; Das, A; Roy, R; Das, D; Das, BK; Ghorai, UK; Chattopadhyay, KK; Sarkar, S; New Journal Of Chemistry; 2022 46 14690-14702

Evolution of the Raman 2D? mode in monolayer graphene during electrochemical doping, Melnikova-Kominkova, Z; Vales, V; Frank, O; Kalbac, M; Microchemical Journal; 2022 181

Vibronic Coupling through the Continuum in the e + CO2 System, Dvorák, J; Rankovic, M; Houfek, K; Nag, P; Curík, R; Fedor, J; Cízek, M; Physical Review Letters; 2022 129

Probing plasma physics and elemental composition of a leonid meteor by fitting complex plasma radiation model parameters, Kubelík, P; Koukal, J; Lenza, L; Srba, J; Laitl, V; Krízová, R; Krivková, A; Civis, S; Chernov, VE; Ferus, M; Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society; 2022 514 5266-5275

NMR Crystallography of Monovalent Cations in Inorganic Matrices: Na+ Siting and the Local Structure of Na+ Sites in Ferrierites, Klein, P; Dedecek, J; Thomas, HM; Whittleton, SR; Klimes, J; Brus, J; Kobera, L; Bryce, DL; Sklenak, S; Journal Of Physical Chemistry C; 2022 126 10686-10702

Laurdan in live cell imaging: Effect of acquisition settings, cell culture conditions and data analysis on generalized polarization measurements, Pokorna, S; Ventura, AE; Santos, TCB; Hof, M; Prieto, M; Futerman, AH; Silva, LC; Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-biology; 2022 228

Nano-optical Visualization of Interlayer Interactions in WSe2/WS2 Heterostructures, Rodriguez, A; Krayev, A; Velicky, M; Frank, O; El-Khoury, PZ; Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters; 2022 13 5854-5859

Anion-specific structure and stability of guanidinium-bound DNA origami, Hanke, M; Dornbusch, D; Hadlich, C; Rossberg, A; Hansen, N; Grundmeier, G; Tsushima, S; Keller, A; Fahmy, K; Computational And Structural Biotechnology Journal; 2022 20 2611-2623

Reactions of permethyltitanocene tucked-in derivatives with carbon dioxide, Pinkas, J; Gyepes, R; Polásek, M; Mach, K; Horácek, M; Dalton Transactions; 2022 51 10198-10215

Low-Energy Electron Induced Reactions in Metronidazole at Different Solvation Conditions, Lochmann, C; Luxford, TFM; Makurat, S; Pysanenko, A; Kocisek, J; Rak, J; Denifl, S; Pharmaceuticals; 2022 15

New physical insights: Formamide discharge decomposition and the role of fragments in the formation of large biomolecules, Pastorek, A; Clark, VHJ; Yurchenko, SN; Ferus, M; Civis, S; Spectrochimica Acta Part A-molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy; 2022 278

ANN-LIBS analysis of mixture plasmas: detection of xenon, Saeidfirozeh, H; Myakalwar, AK; Kubelík, P; Ghaderi, A; Laitl, V; Petera, L; Rimmer, PB; Shorttle, O; Heays, AN; Krivková, A; Krus, M; Civis, S; Yáñez, J; Képes, E; Porízka, P; Ferus, M; Journal Of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry; 2022 37 1815-1823

Methodology for Simultaneous Analysis of Photocatalytic deNOx Products, Suchanek, J; Vaneckova, E; Dostal, M; Mikyskova, E; Brabec, L; Zouzelka, R; Rathousky, J; Catalysts; 2022 12

Molecular Bending: An Important Factor Affecting the Packing of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Triptycene-Based Molecular Rods ona (111) Gold Surface, Roncevic, I; Kaletová, E; Varga, K; Císarová, I; Bastl, Z; Jiang, JC; Kaleta, J; Journal Of Physical Chemistry C; 2022 126 7193-7207

Ammonia Borane, NH3BH3: A Threshold Photoelectron-Photoion Coincidence Study of a Potential Hydrogen-Storage Material, Schleier, D; Gerlach, M; Mukhopadhyay, DP; Karaev, E; Schaffner, D; Hemberger, P; Fischer, I; Chemistry-a European Journal; 2022 28

Opposite effects of gold and silver nanoparticle decoration of graphenic surfaces on bacterial attachment, Pajerski, W; Chytrosz-Wrobel, P; Golda-Cepa, M; Pawlyta, M; Reczynski, W; Ochonska, D; Brzychczy-Wloch, M; Kotarba, A; New Journal Of Chemistry; 2022 46 13286-13295

Kinetics of reactions of NH4+ with some biogenic organic molecules and monoterpenes in helium and nitrogen carrier gases: A potential reagent ion for selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry, Swift, SJ; Smith, D; Dryahina, K; Gnioua, MO; Spanel, P; Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry; 2022 36

Tetrazine Chelate Ligands Bridging Two [Ru(acac)2] Fragments: Mixed Valency and Radical Complex Formation, Kaim, W; Löw, I; Ringenberg, MR; Schwederski, B; Filippou, V; Fiedler, J; Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie; 2022 648

Bovine Serum Albumin Adsorption at a Polarized Water/1,2-Dichloroethane Interface with No Effect on the Ion Transfer Kinetics, Trojánek, A; Marecek, V; Samec, Z; Chemelectrochem; 2022 9

The effect of the nanoscale intimacy of platinum and acid centres on the hydroisomerization of short-chain alkanes, Morávková, J; Pilar, R; Bortnovsky, O; Kaucky, D; Vondrová, A; Rathousky, J; Sádovská, G; Sazama, P; Applied Catalysis A-general; 2022 634

Formamide-Based Post-impact Thermal Prebiotic Synthesis in Simulated Craters: Intermediates, Products and Mechanism, Ferus, M; Knizek, A; Petera, L; Pastorek, A; Hrncirova, J; Jankovic, L; Ivanek, O; Sponer, J; Krivkova, A; Saeidfirozeh, H; Civis, S; Chatzitheodoridis, E; Mrazikova, K; Nejdl, L; Saija, F; Sponer, JE; Cassone, G; Frontiers In Astronomy And Space Sciences; 2022 9

Efficient Adiabatic Connection Approach for Strongly Correlated Systems: Application to Singlet-Triplet Gaps of Biradicals, Drwal, D; Beran, P; Hapka, M; Modrzejewski, M; Sokól, A; Veis, L; Pernal, K; Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters; 2022 13 4570-4578

Toward Graphene-Enhanced Spectroelectrochemical Sensors, Kaushik, P; Sonia, FJ; Haider, G; Thakur, MK; Vales, V; Kong, J; Kalbác, M; Advanced Materials Interfaces; 2022 9

Hydrogenation of CO2 on Nanostructured Cu/FeOx Catalysts: The Effect of Morphology and Cu Load on Selectivity, Simkovicová, K; Qadir, MI; Zilková, N; Olszówka, JE; Sialini, P; Kvítek, L; Vajda, S; Catalysts; 2022 12

Activation of Raman modes in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides through strong interaction with gold, Rodriguez, A; Velicky, M; Ráhová, J; Zólyomi, V; Koltai, J; Kalbác, M; Frank, O; Physical Review B; 2022 105

Recent advances in electrochemistry of pyridinium- based A structronic approach, Hromadova, M; Laine, PP; Current Opinion In Electrochemistry; 2022 34

Morphology of Meteorite Surfaces Ablated by High-Power Lasers: Review and Applications, Krivková, A; Laitl, V; Chatzitheodoridis, E; Petera, L; Kubelík, P; Knízek, A; Saeidfirozeh, H; Drtinová, B; Cuba, V; Páclík, D; Mocek, T; Brajer, J; Kaufman, J; Divoky, M; Koukal, J; Dudzák, R; Schmidt, N; Bohácek, P; Civis, S; Lenza, L; Krus, M; Ferus, M; Applied Sciences-basel; 2022 12

Visualisation and quantification of flooding phenomena in gas diffusion electrodes used for electrochemical CO2 reduction: A combined EDX/ICP-MS approach, Kong, Y; Hu, HF; Liu, ML; Hou, YH; Kolivoska, V; Vesztergom, S; Broekmann, P; Journal Of Catalysis; 2022 408 1-8

Applicability of Selected 3D Printing Materials in Electrochemistry, Choinska, M; Hrdlicka, V; Dejmková, H; Fischer, J; Míka, L; Vanecková, E; Kolivoska, V; Navrátil, T; Biosensors-basel; 2022 12

The Potential Role of SP-G as Surface Tension Regulator in Tear Film: From Molecular Simulations to Experimental Observations, Schicht, M; Riedlová, K; Kukulka, M; Li, WY; Scheer, A; Garreis, F; Jacobi, C; Paulsen, F; Cwiklik, L; Bräuer, L; International Journal Of Molecular Sciences; 2022 23

Uptake of Hydrogen Bonding Molecules by Benzene Nanoparticles, Vinklárek, IS; Pysanenko, A; Pluharová, E; Fárník, M; Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters; 2022 13 3781-3788

Different Mechanisms of DNA Radiosensitization by 8-Bromoadenosine and 2′-Deoxy-2′-fluorocytidine Observed on DNA Origami Nanoframe Supports, Sala, L; Lyshchuk, H; Sáchová, J; Chvátil, D; Kocisek, J; Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters; 2022 13 3922-3928

Probing the charge transfer and electron-hole asymmetry in graphene-graphene quantum dot heterostructure, Roy, R; Holec, D; Kratzer, M; Muenzer, P; Kaushik, P; Michal, L; Kumar, GS; Zajícková, L; Teichert, C; Nanotechnology; 2022 33

HEALTH EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO ISOCYANATES IN A CAR FACTORY, Klusácková, P; Dusková, S; Mráz, J; Navrátil, T; Vlcková, S; Pelclová, D; Central European Journal Of Public Health; 2022 30 32-36

Relative influence of helium and nitrogen carrier gases on analyte ion branching ratios in SIFT-MS, Spanel, P; Swift, SJ; Dryahina, K; Smith, D; International Journal Of Mass Spectrometry; 2022 476

Exploring the materials space in the smallest particle size range: from heterogeneous catalysis to electrocatalysis and photocatalysis, Jasík, J; Fortunelli, A; Vajda, S; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2022 24 12083-12115

Consequences of Intrapore Liquids on Reactivity, Selectivity, and Stability for Aldol Condensation Reactions on Anatase TiO2 Catalysts, Kadam, SA; Hwang, A; Iglesia, E; Chemcatchem; 2022 14

Low-temperature selective transformation of diethylbenzene to isobutane and cyclohexanes via the interplay of Pt and acid centres in Pt/H-*BEA zeolites, Kaucky, D; Pilar, R; Kukula, P; Bartácek, J; Morávková, J; Sazama, P; Journal Of Catalysis; 2022 407 186-197

H1 helix of colicin U causes phospholipid membrane permeation, Riedlová, K; Dolejsová, T; Fiser, R; Cwiklik, L; Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-biomembranes; 2022 1864

Atom by atom built subnanometer copper cluster catalyst for the highly selective oxidative dehydrogenation of cyclohexene, Valtera, S; Jasík, J; Vaidulych, M; Olszowka, JE; Zlámalová, M; Tarábková, H; Kavan, L; Vajda, S; Journal Of Chemical Physics; 2022 156

Photoelectron spectroscopy of low valent organophosphorus compounds, P-CH3, H-P=CH2 and P=CH2, Mukhopadhyay, DP; Gerlach, M; Hartweg, S; Fischer, I; Loison, JC; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2022 24 10993-10999

Novel Screen-Printed Sensor with Chemically Deposited Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode: Preparation, Characterization, and Application, Matvieiev, O; Selesovská, R; Vojs, M; Marton, M; Michniak, P; Hrdlicka, V; Hatala, M; Janíková, L; Chylková, J; Skopalová, J; Cankar, P; Navratil, T; Biosensors-basel; 2022 12

Self-Assembly of an Amphiphilic Bile Acid Dimer: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of Its Medium-Responsive Fluorescence, Santiago-Sampedro, GI; Aguilar-Granda, A; Torres-Huerta, A; Flores-Alamo, M; Maldonado-Domínguez, M; Rodríguez-Molina, B; Iglesias-Arteaga, MA; Journal Of Organic Chemistry; 2022 87 2255-2266

Effect of amines on the peroxo-titanates and photoactivity of annealed TiO2, Komárková, B; Ecorchard, P; Motlochová, M; Slovák, V; Vislocká, X; Smrzová, D; Kormunda, M; Bezdická, P; Luspai, K; Simunková, M; Dvoranová, D; Slusná, MS; Belhácová, L; Subrt, J; Arabian Journal Of Chemistry; 2022 15

Reversible anion intercalation into graphite from aluminum perchlorate "water-in-salt" electrolyte, Zafar, ZA; Abbas, G; Silhavik, M; Knizek, K; Kaman, O; Sonia, FJ; Kumar, P; Jiricek, P; Houdková, J; Frank, O; Cervenka, J; Electrochimica Acta; 2022 404

Nitrogen Oxide Production in Laser-Induced Breakdown Simulating Impacts on the Hadean Atmosphere, Heays, AN; Kaiserová, T; Rimmer, PB; Knízek, A; Petera, L; Civis, S; Juha, L; Dudzák, R; Scherf, M; Lammer, H; Pascal, R; Ferus, M; Journal Of Geophysical Research-planets; 2022 127

Electric conductivity measurements employing 3D printed electrodes and cells, Vivaldi, F; Sebechlebská, T; Vanecková, E; Biagini, D; Bonini, A; Kolivoska, V; Analytica Chimica Acta; 2022 1203

Capacitance of the interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions-A controversial issue, Trojánek, A; Marecek, V; Samec, Z; Electrochimica Acta; 2022 403

Metallation of a gold(i) metalloligand with P,C-bridging phosphinoferrocenyl groups enables the construction of defined multimetallic arrays, Schulz, J; Cisarová, I; Gyepes, R; Stepnicka, P; Dalton Transactions; 2022 51 6410-6415

Bimolecular reactions on sticky and slippery clusters: Electron-induced reactions of hydrogen peroxide, Postulka, J; Slavícek, P; Pysanenko, A; Poterya, V; Fárník, M; Journal Of Chemical Physics; 2022 156

Proximity Effect on the Reactivity of Dioxygen Activated over Distant Binuclear Fe Sites in Zeolite Matrices, Sklenak, S; Groizard, T; Jirglova, H; Sazama, P; Dedecek, J; Journal Of Physical Chemistry C; 2022 126 4854-4861

Formation and local structure of framework Al Lewis sites in beta zeolites, Kobera, L; Dedecek, J; Klein, P; Tabor, E; Brus, J; Fishchuk, AV; Sklenak, S; Journal Of Chemical Physics; 2022 156

Dose Rate Effects in Fluorescence Chemical Dosimeters Exposed to Picosecond Electron Pulses: An Accurate Measurement of Low Doses at High Dose Rates, Precek, M; Kubelik, P; Vysin, L; Schmidhammer, U; Larbre, JP; Demarque, A; Jeunesse, P; Mostafavi, M; Juha, L; Radiation Research; 2022 197 131-148

Electrochromic 2,5-Dihydroxyterephthalic Acid Linker in Metal-Organic Frameworks, Shiozawa, H; Melnikova, Z; Bastl, Z; Peterlik, H; Kalbac, M; Frank, O; Advanced Photonics Research; 2022 3

Effect of Multiply Twinned Ag(0) Nanoparticles on Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Nanosheets and TiO2 Nanostructured Thin Films, Bakardjieva, S; Mares, J; Koci, E; Tolasz, J; Fajgar, R; Ryukhtin, V; Klementova, M; Michna, S; Bibova, H; Holmestad, R; Titorenkova, R; Caplovicova, M; Nanomaterials; 2022 12

Effect of Hydration on Electron Attachment to Methanesulfonic Acid Clusters, Pysanenko, A; Huss, T; Fárník, M; Lengyel, J; Journal Of Physical Chemistry A; 2022 126 1542-1550

Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic study of Pb2+ removal from aqueous solution by waste brick dust, Mikyskova, E; Dousova, B; Mikysek, P; Lhotka, M; Kolousek, D; Colloids And Surfaces A-physicochemical And Engineering Aspects; 2022 634

Excitation-Wavelength-Dependent Photophysics of d8d8 Di-isocyanide Complexes, Pizl, M; Hunter, BM; Sazanovich, IV; Towrie, M; Gray, HB; Zális, S; Vlcek, A; Inorganic Chemistry; 2022 61 2745-2759

Quantum Dots in Peroxidase-like Chemistry and Formamide-Based Hot Spring Synthesis of Nucleobases, Nejdl, L; Petera, L; Sponer, J; Zemánková, K; Pavelicová, K; Knízek, A; Adam, V; Vaculovicová, M; Ivanek, O; Ferus, M; Astrobiology; 2022 22 541-551

Approach to map nanotopography of cell surface receptors, Franke, C; Chum, T; Kvícalová, Z; Glatzová, D; Gentsch, GJ; Rodriguez, A; Helmerich, DA; Herdly, L; Mavila, H; Frank, O; Brdicka, T; van de Linde, S; Cebecauer, M; Communications Biology; 2022 5

Salting-Out of DNA Origami Nanostructures by Ammonium Sulfate, Hanke, M; Hansen, N; Chen, RP; Grundmeier, G; Fahmy, K; Keller, A; International Journal Of Molecular Sciences; 2022 23

Controlling the competitive growth of zeolite phases without using an organic structure-directing agent. Synthesis of Al-rich *BEA, Pilar, R; Moravkova, J; Sadovska, G; Sklenak, S; Brabec, L; Pastvova, J; Sazama, P; Microporous And Mesoporous Materials; 2022 333

Highly Sensitive Room-Temperature Ammonia Sensors Based on Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Modified by PEDOT, Stulik, J; Slauf, J; Polansky, R; Mergl, M; Kalbac, M; Ieee Sensors Journal; 2022 22 3024-3032

Ternary association reactions of H3O+, NO+ and O2+• with N2, O2, CO2 and H2O; implications for selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry analyses of air and breath, Smith, D; Spanel, P; Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry; 2022 36

Electroanalysis of Fentanyl and Its New Analogs: A Review, Choinska, MK; Sestakova, I; Hrdlicka, V; Skopalova, J; Langmaier, J; Maier, V; Navratil, T; Biosensors-basel; 2022 12

Calix[4]pyrrole based scrupulous probe for track on of tryptophan: Host-guest interaction, in silico modeling and molecular docking insights, Desai, AL; Bhatt, K; Modi, KM; Patel, NP; Panchal, M; Kongor, A; Patel, CN; Liska, A; Chemical Physics; 2022 554

Exotic magnetic and electronic properties of layered CrI3 single crystals under high pressure, Ghosh, A; Singh, D; Aramaki, T; Mu, QG; Borisov, V; Kvashnin, Y; Haider, G; Jonak, M; Chareev, D; Medvedev, SA; Klingeler, R; Mito, M; Abdul-Hafidh, EH; Vejpravova, J; Kalbàc, M; Ahuja, R; Eriksson, O; Abdel-Hafiez, M; Physical Review B; 2022 105

The Two Faces of the Liquid Ordered Phase, Schachter, I; Paananen, RO; Fábián, B; Jurkiewicz, P; Javanainen, M; Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters; 2022 13 1307-1313

A unifying framework for amyloid-mediated membrane damage: The lipid-chaperone hypothesis, Tempra, C; Scollo, F; Pannuzzo, M; Lolicato, F; La Rosa, C; Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-proteins And Proteomics; 2022 1870

Comb coherence-transfer and cavity ring-down saturation spectroscopy around 1.65 μm: kHz-accurate frequencies of transitions in the 2ν3 band of 12CH4, Votava, O; Kassi, S; Campargue, A; Romanini, D; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2022 24 4157-4173

Design and synthesis of benzothiadiazole-based molecular systems: self-assembly, optical and electronic properties, Miranda-Olvera, M; Arcos-Ramos, R; Maldonado-Domínguez, M; Salmon, L; Molnár, G; Bousseksou, A; Carreón-Castro, MD; New Journal Of Chemistry; 2022 46 4992-5001

Localized Spectroelectrochemical Identification of Basal Plane and Defect-Related Charge-Transfer Processes in Graphene, Jindra, M; Velicky, M; Bousa, M; Abbas, G; Kalbác, M; Frank, O; Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters; 2022 13 642-648

Inherent electrochemical activity of TiO2 (anatase, rutile) enhances the charge capacity of cathodes of lithium-sulfur batteries, Zlámalová, M; Lásková, BP; Vinarcíková, M; Zukalová, M; Kavan, L; Journal Of Solid State Electrochemistry; 2022 26 639-647

Heterogeneous Reactions of Methane with CI Radicals on Large ArN Clusters, Poterya, V; Pysanenko, A; Pluharová, E; Votava, O; Fárník, M; Journal Of Physical Chemistry A; 2022 126 249-258

Fluorinated Ferrocene Moieties as a Platform for Redox-Responsive Polymer 19F MRI Theranostics, Svec, P; Petrov, OV; Lang, J; Stepnicka, P; Groborz, O; Dunlop, D; Blahut, J; Kolouchová, K; Loukotová, L; Sedlácek, O; Heizer, T; Tosner, Z; Slouf, M; Benes, H; Hoogenboom, R; Hruby, M; Macromolecules; 2022 55 658-671

Chaotropic anion based "water-in-salt" electrolyte realizes a high voltage Zn-graphite dual-ion battery, Zafar, ZA; Abbas, G; Knizek, K; Silhavik, M; Kumar, P; Jiricek, P; Houdková, J; Frank, O; Cervenka, J; Journal Of Materials Chemistry A; 2022 10 2064-2074

Antibacterial Nanoparticles with Natural Photosensitizers Extracted from Spinach Leaves, Ludacka, P; Kubát, P; Bosáková, Z; Mosinger, J; Acs Omega; 2022 7 1505-1513

Water-soluble sulfonated phosphorus(v) corrolazines and porphyrazines: the effect of macrocycle contraction and pyrazine ring fusion on spectral, acid-base and photophysical properties, Ivanova, SS; Salnikov, DS; Knorr, G; Ledovich, O; Sliznev, V; Kubat, P; Novakova, V; Stuzhin, PA; Dalton Transactions; 2022 51 1364-1377

Controlling the diversity of ion-induced fragmentation pathways by N-methylation of amino acids, Barreiro-Lage, D; Nicolafrancesco, C; Kocisek, J; Luna, A; Kopyra, J; Alcamí, M; Huber, BA; Martín, F; Domaracka, A; Rousseau, P; Díaz-Tendero, S; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2022 24 941-954

Stereoselective Cyclopropanation of Boron Dipyrromethene (BODIPY) Derivatives by an Organocascade Reaction, Docekal, V; Koberová, T; Hrabovsky, J; Vopálenská, A; Gyepes, R; Císarová, I; Rios, R; Vesely, J; Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis; 2022 364 930-937

Probing the local dielectric function of WS2 on an Au substrate by near field optical microscopy operating in the visible spectral range, Garrity, O; Rodriguez, A; Mueller, NS; Frank, O; Kusch, P; Applied Surface Science; 2022 574

Room temperature synthesis of a luminescent crystalline Cu-BTC coordination polymer and metal-organic framework, Siddiqui, SA; Prado-Roller, A; Shiozawa, H; Materials Advances; 2022 3 224-231

Electrochemical, EPR, and computational study of pyrene conjugates-precursors for novel type of organic semiconductors, Kolácná, L; Klíma, J; Polák, P; Tobrman, T; Liska, A; Ludvík, J; Journal Of Solid State Electrochemistry; 2022 26 503-514

Atomization of As and Se volatile species in a dielectric barrier discharge atomizer after hydride generation: Fate of analyte studied by selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry, Kratzer, J; Lacko, M; Dryahina, K; Matousek, T; Spanel, P; Dedina, J; Analytica Chimica Acta; 2022 1190

Photodissociation of the trichloromethyl radical: photofragment imaging and femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy, Matthaei, CT; Mukhopadhyay, DP; Röder, A; Poisson, L; Fischer, I; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 2022 24 928-940

Group 4 metallocene derivatives as a new class of singlet oxygen photosensitizers, Lamac, M; Dunlop, D; Lang, K; Kubát, P; Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology A-chemistry; 2022 424

Influence of structural properties on (de-)intercalation of ClO4- anion in graphite from concentrated aqueous electrolyte, Abbas, G; Sonia, FJ; Zafar, ZA; Knízek, K; Houdková, J; Jiricek, P; Bousa, M; Plsek, J; Kalbác, M; Cervenka, J; Frank, O; Carbon; 2022 186 612-623

Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Dimeric Steroid Spiroketals, Mayorquín-Torres, MC; Maldonado-Domínguez, M; Flores-Alamo, M; Iglesias-Arteaga, MA; Synthesis-stuttgart; 2022 54 643-654

Halide Perovskites: Advanced Photovoltaic Materials Empowered by a Unique Bonding Mechanism, Wuttig, M; Schön, CF; Schumacher, M; Robertson, J; Golub, P; Bousquet, E; Gatti, C; Raty, JY; Advanced Functional Materials; 2022 32

Calculating a function of a matrix with a real spectrum, Kubelík, P; Kurbatov, VG; Kurbatova, IV; Numerical Algorithms; 2022 90 905-930

A novel high entropy spinel-type aluminate MAl2O4 (M = Zn, Mg, Cu, Co) and its lithiated oxyfluoride and oxychloride derivatives prepared by one-step mechanosynthesis, Porodko, O; Fabián, M; Kolev, H; Lisnichuk, M; Zukalová, M; Girman, V; Da Silva, KL; Sepelák, V; Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie-international Journal Of Research In Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics; 2022 236 713-726

Ariel - a window to the origin of life on early earth?, Ferus, M; Adam, V; Cassone, G; Civis, S; Cuba, V; Chatzitheodoridis, E; Drtinová, B; LeFloch, B; Heays, A; Jheeta, S; Kereszturi, A; Knízek, A; Krus, M; Kubelík, P; Lammer, H; Lenza, L; Nejdl, L; Pastorek, A; Petera, L; Rimmer, P; Saladino, R; Saija, F; Spross, L; Sponer, J; Sponer, J; Todd, Z; Vaculovicová, M; Zemánková, K; Chernov, V; Experimental Astronomy; 2022 53 679-728