In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Liquid Crystals 47 (2020) 377-383.
- Advanced Optical Materials 8 (2020) 1900623(1)-1900623(23).
- Soft Matter 16 (2020) 5398-5405.
- Journal of Molecular Structure 1200 (2020) 127100(1)-127100(15).
- Vacuum 171 (2020) 108957 (1)-108957 (6).
- Corrosion Science 163 (2020) 108270(1)-108270(11).
- Physical Review Materials 4 (2020) 014409(1)-014409(9).
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (2020) 045901(1)-045901(7).
- Scripta Materialia 178 (2020) 62-66.
- Thin Solid Films 693 (2020) 137690(1)-137690(6).
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 111 (2020) 10-11.
- Physics Letters B 800 (2020) 135082(1)-135082(34).
- Liquid Crystals 47 (2020) 1379-1389.
- Liquid Crystals 47 (2020) 2276-2291.
- Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 77 (2020) 2815-2838.
- Journal of Crystal Growth 531 (2020) 125383(1)-125383(7).
- European Physical Journal - Applied Physics 88 (2020) 30302(1)-30302(6).
- IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 726 (2020) 012011(1)-012011(8).
- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 141 (2020) 1091-1099.
- ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 9 (2020) 016007(1)-016007(10).
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 498 (2020) 166238(1)-166238(5).
- Physica B: Condensed Matter 578 (2020) 411862(1)-411862(5).
- Smart Materials and Structures 29 (2020) 015001(1)-015001(10).
- Applied Surface Science 508 (2020) 1-9.
- Surface & Coatings Technology 383 (2020) 125256(1)-125256(10).
- Acta Materialia 184 (2020) 179-186.
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 464 (2020) 65-73.
- Coatings 10 (2020) 2(1)-2(7).
- Phase Transitions 93 (2020) 1-42.
- Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, A127 (2020) 1-20.
- Chemical Physics Letters 738 (2020) 136855(1)-136855(7).
- Current-induced fragmentation of antiferromagnetic domainsarXiv:1912.05287
- Physical Review B 101 (2020) 094429(1)-094429(8).
- Astrophysical Journal 888:21 (2020) 1-12.
- Astronomy and Astrophysics 630 (2020) 1-14.
- New Astronomy 76 (2020) 101336(1)-101336(8).
- Physical Review B 101 (2020) 014408(1)-014408(6).
- Physical Review Applied 13 (2020) 014006(1)-014006(10).
- The Astronomical Journal 159 (2020) 33(1)-33(15).
- Journal of Crystal Growth 533 (2020) 125479(1)-125479(6).
- Acta Physica Polonica B 51 (2020) 383-387.
- Vacuum Volume 171 (2020) 108955(1)-108955(5).
- Laser Physics 30 (2020) 1-5.
- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 141 (2020) 1101-1107.
- Materialia 9 (2020) 100506 (1)-100506 (15).
- International Journal of Fatigue 34 (2020) 105470 (1)-105470 (10).
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 823 (2020) 153752(1)-153752(8).
- Physical Review B 101 (2020) 014429(1)-014429(10).
- Corrosion Science 163 (2020) 108270(1)-108270(11).
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (2020) 6207 -6212.