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Evaluation of Precipitation Forecast by the Operational China Meteorological Administration Mesoscale Model During the 2020 Meiyu Period

  •  30 May 2024

Key Points

  • Performance of the operational CMA-MESO in China at convection-permitting resolution was evaluated

  • CMA-MESO can well reproduce the distribution and propagation of precipitation, but overestimates precipitation in eastern coastal areas

  • Overestimation of low-level wind speed is the main reason for the overestimation of precipitation in eastern coastal areas

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Boundary Layer Structures Over the Northwest Atlantic Derived From Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar and Dropsonde Measurements During the ACTIVATE Campaign

  •  30 May 2024

Key Points

  • Dropsondes over the northwest Atlantic are used to determine mixed layer height (MLH) and boundary layer height (PBLH)

  • HSRL-2 lidar MLH product compares well with dropsonde-derived MLH but does not correspond to PBLH for decoupled PBL

  • The current operational HSRL-2 algorithm is modified to include retrieval of the PBLH for decoupled PBL

Open access

The Role of Deposition of Cosmogenic 10Be for the Detectability of Solar Proton Events

  •  30 May 2024

Key Points

  • The role of galactic cosmic rays for the detectability of solar proton events in Beryllium-10 ice core records was studied in a 3D-model

  • We show that sedimentation can be a major deposition mechanism for Beryllium-10, especially at high latitudes

  • The seasonal timing of the solar proton event and the phase of the 11-year solar cycle during the event have an impact on its detectability

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Assessing Multi‐Source Precipitation Estimates in Nepal: A Benchmark for Sub‐Seasonal Model Assessment

  •  29 May 2024

Key Points

  • Multi-source precipitation estimates captured the annual to weekly precipitation cycle, but only roughly captured the spatial pattern

  • Multi-source precipitation estimates performed poorly in estimating extreme precipitation and struggled over complex terrain

  • Among high-resolution datasets, TPMFD has the potential to be used as a reference dataset for sub-seasonal to seasonal model evaluation

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Issue Information

  •  28 May 2024
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A New Perspective on Estimation of Gas Flaring Volume From Space: OLI/TIRS, VIIRS, and TROPOMI

  •  28 May 2024

Key Points

  • Air pollutants and remote sensing radiation used for estimation of gas flaring volume

  • Thermal infrared bands of Landsat 8 showed the most important role in GF volume estimation

  • NO2 showed more significant role in GF volume estimation compared to others pollutants

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Long‐Term Trends in Aerosols, Low Clouds, and Large‐Scale Meteorology Over the Western North Atlantic From 2003 to 2020

  •  28 May 2024

Key Points

  • In tandem with the continuous decrease in aerosol, low-cloud droplets became fewer and larger over the western North Atlantic

  • Despite concurrent changes in aerosol and low-cloud optical properties, surface shortwave irradiance lacked reciprocal significant trends

  • Meteorological fields—temperature and humidity—correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation had changed, exhibiting tripolar patterns

Open access

Shortwave Radiative Flux Variability Through the Lens of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation

  •  28 May 2024

Key Points

  • The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is a prominent pacemaker for variability, accounting for about 1/3 of the shortwave flux year-to-year variability over NH continents

  • A negative PDO anomaly leads to a reduction in atmospheric shortwave reflectivity (clouds) in North America and Europe and an increase in India

  • The redistribution of clouds in response to a North Pacific PDO anomaly might influence SSTs in the South Pacific and North Atlantic

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Temporal and Spatial Soil Moisture–Precipitation Coupling Relationships Over the Tibetan Plateau

  •  28 May 2024

Key Points

  • The temporal and spatial preferences of afternoon precipitation over soil moisture anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau are investigated

  • Precipitation preferentially occurs over antecedent soil that is wetter than normal and wetter than the surrounding soils

  • Soil moisture changes the surface energy partitioning and affects subsequent precipitation by adjusting the atmospheric boundary layer

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