Fine Mechanics and Optics


Fine Mechanics and Optics (in Czech: “Jemná mechanika a optika”) publishes original scientific, summary, and reference articles; news; reports, and book reviews.


It mediates contacts between researchers and industry. It brings information about the latest topics in optics and fine mechanics, including interdisciplinary matters. It is intended for a wide audience not only from the Czech Republic and Slovakia but also from other countries as it accepts articles in Czech, Slovak, English, and German. Fine Mechanics and Optics is primarily intended for articles covering the following fields: optics, optoelectronics, photonics, nanotechnologies, measuring and controlling equipment, laser technologies, eye optics, and medical technologies, military technologies, photo-recording-video technologies, lighting devices, office technologies, and instrument design, vacuum and cryogenic technology. 

Established in 1956 and since 1995 published in cooperation with The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
Chief editor: Ing. Jaromír Křepelka, CSc.

Official pages of the Fine Mechanics and Optics (In Czech only)

Contact Details:

Fine Mechanics and Optics
17. listopadu 50A
772 07 Olomouc
tel. 585 631 576, fax: 585 631 531
E-mail: marcela [dot] badurova [at] upol [dot] cz (marcela[dot]badurova[at]upol[dot]cz)
Contents of the issues of the magazine available in PDF