We are one of the most successful research institutions in the Czech Republic. Our research teams push the boundaries of knowledge in physics, work on unique research topics and projects, and contribute to raising the level of expertise and education. We have a solid technical and administrative background, and the people in these departments support us. Our teams are constantly developing and learning. We work together to fulfill the mission of our organization.
We create an open and respectful environment. As a public research organization, we are committed to efficiently using public resources. We promote open access to research results and a transparent and ethical approach to scientific work.
Working in international scientific teams, we emphasize building healthy working relationships based on open communication and mutual respect. Cooperation between individuals and teams is essential to the success of our organization.
Professional and personal motivation and discipline contribute to maintaining demanding standards of scientific work. High expertise and critical thinking help us to achieve scientific excellence. We are committed to responsible decision-making in planning and implementing our projects.
Lifelong learning and development are part of our organizational culture. We emphasize expanding our knowledge and skills. Our researchers work with young talents and help develop the next generation of scientists. Through public activities, we contribute to the outreach of physics and introduce current scientific topics.
We create an open, fair and respectful environment for our employees. We promote conditions for maintaining work-life balance. We offer full-time or part-time employment, or also employment in the form of an agreement on work performance and agreement on work activity. We provide our employees with a range of employee benefits.
Since 26 April 2019, we have been the recipient of the HR Excellence in Research Award, a prestigious award granted by the European Commission for excellence in the care of human resources in the scientific environment. Read more!
Terézia Jurkovičová
Terézia Jurkovičová from the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry is one of the graduates of our Mentoring programme. Listen to how her participation in the programme helped her with combining motherhood and returning to work after parental leave.
Jakub Vícha
A desire to unravel the enigmas of physics and a fascination with the cosmic mystery are the driving forces behind Jakub Vícha's research. However, working at the world's largest contemporary cosmic ray observatory, the Pierre Auger Observatory, does not prevent him from devoting his time to family life and sports.
Jan Brajer
Jan Brajer, Head of the Industrial Laser Applications Department, presents the activities of the HiLASE Centre. Take a look at the areas of laser technology research and development that our colleagues in Dolní Břežany are working on.
Alena Bakalová
Studying cosmic rays allowed Alena Bakalová from the Department of Astroparticle Physics to combine her two great interests - particle physics and astrophysics. Watch the video to see what she is working on and who inspires her research.
Judita Anthi
The opportunity to complete her PhD. in Dr. Lísalová's team was a significant boost for Judith Anthi, who had not considered a scientific career until then. As a PhD. student, she was able to combine her studies with work in the Laboratory of Functional Biointerfaces and clarify where her next career steps would lead.
Pavla Federičová
Pavla Federičová works on research in the Laboratory for the Testing of Silicon Particle Detectors. In the video, you will learn what experiments she performs in the lab, what her path to FZU was like, and what various activities she can engage in as part of her work.