At FZU we support the education and career development of all our employees. We create conditions for deepening professional knowledge and sharing experience, but also for the development of transferable and soft skills. We use various forms of training, from onsite courses to online seminars to the transfer and sharing of good practice from more experienced colleagues.



Our development programmes focus on strengthening specific skills necessary to navigate the ever-changing research environment. Each employee's learning journey begins right after they have joined us with initial trainings at the period of induction.


"All employees are offered trainings and activities to support development of their skills, such as working with modern digital technologies, language proficiency, and mental health care."

Soft skills

Effective communication, constructive conflict resolution, time management and presentation skills play an important role in everyone's work life. For managers, the ability to lead and motivate a team, encourage collaboration, and effectively evaluate and provide feedback are important. Therefore, these topics are part of our educational plans.

Hard skills

An important part of scientific career development is the ability to obtain and implement a grant project. Therefore, we support our scientists by offering training and workshops aimed at improving competences in project management or academic writing. This support also includes grant workshops on selected calls and topics of open access or intellectual property.

Mentoring and coaching

Another opportunity for professional and personal development is provided by the FZU Mentoring Programme. The aim of the programme is to connect early-stage career researchers with senior researchers who can provide them with a different perspective on their professional and personal development and growth. We offer individual coaching to senior employees according to their current needs.


Networking activities such as seminars, workshops and discussion meetings contribute to the sharing of good practice, knowledge and experience. At FZU we organise both institution-wide seminars and lectures as well as workshops of individual scientific divisions to present their own research.

"We also open up topics related to equal access or unconscious bias and regularly organise meetings for postdocs and events to promote the wellbeing of our employees."