Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research, 2024 (roč. 25), číslo 1
Various Perspectives on the ‘War on Gender’ / Různé pohledy na válku proti genderu


Various Perspectives on the ‘War on Gender’: A Thematic Collection

Eva Svatoňová, Mina Baginová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 2-11 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.003  


‘The School Must Not Be Partisan!’ Mobilising against ‘Gender Ideology’ in Italian Schools

Paolo Gusmeroli, Luca Trappolin

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 12-30 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.008  

Over the past decade, the protest against so-called ‘gender ideology’ in Italian schools has witnessed widespread and pervasive mobilisations. Prompted by the directives of anti-gender organisations, grassroots networks activated at the local level have opposed educational programmes related to gender equality, sexuality and the prevention of discrimination against LGBT+ individuals. Through qualitative interviews with Catholic mothers and teachers who participated in the anti-gender conferences in 2015, we adopted a micro-level perspective to interpret their narratives as strategies aimed at defending their ethical and heteronormative...

Transformative Activism and Feminist Solidarity: A Qualitative Study on the Personal Narratives of Polish Activist Women

Ecem Nazli Üçok

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 31-55 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.004  

The intersection of personal experiences, political contexts, and feminist activism are explored in this qualitative study of Polish migrant women activists. Informed by the author’s own personal solidarity story and connections with the Polish activist community abroad, the study examines the emotions and affective dimensions of activism amidst the political uncertainties that preceded the October 2023 elections in Poland. Grounded in Claire Hemmings’ (2012) concept of affective dissonance, the analysis explores how emotions propel political transformation and shape activist identities. In-depth interviews reveal the enduring presence...

Choosing the Lesser Evil: The Anti-Gender Movement in Kazakhstan in the Context of Coloniality

Altynay Kambekova

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 56-79 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.005  

When it comes to the topic of antigenderism, most scholarly and international advocacy works concentrate on the (East) European context, leaving the countries of the so-called ‘third world’ invisible. However, if we look beyond the idea that anti-gender movements are intrinsic only to countries that are moving away from modernity, we can see that the phenomenon also exists in other geographical contexts. In this regard, Kazakhstan presents an interesting case. Over the course of the last few years, there has been a rise in state-sponsored anti-gender activities backed by citizen movements that are advocating against ‘gender ideology’....


Inkluzivní vyjadřování v češtině. Metodická doporučení

Jana Valdrová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 133-147 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2023.024  

Tento metodický materiál vychází ze srovnávacích výzkumů přístupů k označování osob v angličtině, němčině, polštině, slovenštině, ruštině a češtině se zvláštním zřetelem k prostředkům rovného pojednávání osob z hlediska lexika, syntaxe a morfologie. U již etablovaných, zejména v anglicky a německy mluvících zemích používaných principů inkluzivního jazyka byla rovněž zkoumána jejich institucionalizace od Evropského parlamentu a dalších nadnárodních institucí přes orgány státních správ a samospráv až po rozmanitá odvětví, obory a oblasti veřejného dění (právo, politika, trh práce, školství atd.). Jazyková doporučení pro češtinu byla formulována...

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„Musím se tvářit, že je všechno v naprostém pořádku“: menstruace, ženská těla a svět pracovních organizací

Petra Poncarová, Radka Dudová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 80-105 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.002  

Menstruation in the world of work organisations has so far from a sociological perspective remained an unexplored topic. Using exploratory research and the grounded theory method, this article seeks to capture how Czech women cope with menstruation in the workplace. Women interested in participating in the research were first asked to answer a short online questionnaire. From this pool we chose nineteen women (ages 21–66) who differed from each other in terms of their professions, age, and the extent to which menstruation is limiting for them and conducted qualitative interviews with them. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and subsequently...

Nízkopříjmoví podnikající a jejich způsob vyrovnání se s krizí na příkladu pandemie covidu-19

Romana Marková Volejníčková, Marie Pospíšilová, Hana Maříková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 106-132 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.001  

The aim of this paper is to analyse coping strategies to deal with the impact of crisis (pivots) among low-income entrepreneurs living in a marriage/partnership using the example of a pandemic as a social and economic crisis. We draw on literature that critiques the individualised and masculine conception of entrepreneurship as focused on innovation and profit. Our analysis reveals the diversity of entrepreneurial strategies for coping with pandemics. The choice of strategies has often been interpreted with an emphasis on non-economic aspects, as a way of legitimising why they do not choose pivots oriented towards business development in times of crisis....


Filozofky – ženy různých generací

Ján Mišovič

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 148-151  

Recenze knihy: Buxton, R., Whiting, L. 2022. Královny filosofie. Život a odkazy nedoceněných žen filosofie.

Láska, péče, solidarita. K novým narativům péče

Magdalena Jozová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 151-156  

Recenze knihy: Lynch, K. 2022. Care and Capitalism.

Strašáci genderu v nežitelné krajině

Hana Drštičková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 156-162  

Recenze knihy: Butler, J. 2024. Who’s afraid of gender? 


Report from the Symposium ‘Central-European Masculinities in a Comparative Perspective’

Shana De Sousa

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (1): 164-167