History of Scholarship and the Global Imagination
Every Monday at 16.30 CET, 30 September – 16 December 2024, The online Scientiae seminar series...
Analysing Paracelsus's Views of Alchemy with Digital Humanities Methods
24. 10. 2024, 16.00, the lecture room of the CMS, Jilská 1, dr. Georgiana Hedesan (University of Oxford) lecture
Johann Paul Felwinger (1616–1681) and the disputatio academica between philosophy and theology: the dialectic of controversy at the time of Westphalia
14. 10. 2024, 14.00, the lecture room of the FLÚ, Jilská 1, Prague 1, Prof. Danilo Facca (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences)...

External Fellow of the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern and Intellectual History
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External Fellow of the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern and Intellectual History
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External Fellow of the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern and Intellectual History
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External Fellow of the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern and Intellectual History
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External Fellow of the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern and Intellectual History
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External Fellow of the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern and Intellectual History
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External Fellow of the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern and Intellectual History
email: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.