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This section of the library web page provides access to electronic information resources for science, research and education:

Selected databases were funded through the USAID program 2007-2011, 2012-2015, 2017-2021. 

Czech eLIB



All available databases at Charles University eResources Portal.

Please select the database you want to open:
Click on to show more information about its contents.
Click on to get direct access Note: Use only within the CERGE-EI network (if the database is not free).
Click on  to get remote access Note: If green icons are missing, the database is available only in the library.

Citation Databases


Fulltexts, Abstracts



!!Electronic Resources - Usage Restrictions!!
Electronic information resources may not be used for any non-academic (and profit) purpose. These resources are only allowed for personal study use. Massive downloading of resource content is considered a violation of licence agreements and consequently when so used further access for the whole University can be denied!

Citation Databases

SCOPUS Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

Web of Science Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal  


IMF Direction of Trade Statistics Information about the database Open the database

IMF International Financial Statistics Information about the database Open the database

OECD iLibrary Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal USAID2017-2019 

World Bank Open Data Information about the database Open the database


Gale Virtual Reference Library Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

EBSCOhost eBook Collection  Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal USAID2013-2019

Elgar Online Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal 

ProQuest Ebook Central Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal USAID2017-2019 

SAGE Knowledge Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

SpringerLink  Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal  -License Agreement       

Taylor & Francis Group eBooks Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal  -License Agreement 

Wiley Online Library Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal -License Agreement 

Fulltexts, Abstracts

Cambridge Core Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

EBSCOhost Research Databases Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

EconLit with Full Text   Open the database Charles University E-resources PortalUSAID2013 - 2019

Emerald Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

JSTOR Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal Collections Business I, Business II and Life Sciences are available only via direct access (LAN)USAID2013-2017

Oxford Journals Online Full Collection Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

NBER Working Papers Information about the database Open the database 

ProQuest Central Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

ScienceDirect Information about the database Open the database EZProxyCharles University E-resources Portal ShibbolethCharles University E-resources PortalUSAID 2008-2012, 2013;2014-2019

Springer Link Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources PortalUSAID2007-2008

Taylor & Francis Online  Information about the database  Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal 

Wiley Online Library  Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal


Oxford English Dictionary Online Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

Ulrichsweb Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal

Writefull Information about the database Open the database Charles University E-resources Portal


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