Working Papers 2006–2010

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429. Shamshur, Anastasiya. December 2010. “Access to Capital and Capital Structure of the Firm.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

428. Popova, Olga. December 2010. “Corruption, Voting and Employment Status: Evidence from Russian Parliamentary Elections.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

427. Žigić, Krešimir. November 2010. “Second-Best Trade Policies, R&D Spillovers and Government (In)ability to Precommit in an Intra-Industry Trade Framework.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

426. Horváth, Roman, and Jakub Matějů. October 2010. “How Are Inflation Targets Set?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

425. Popova, Olga. October 2010. “Can Religion Insure against Aggregate Shocks to Happiness? The Case of Transition Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

424. Stankov, Petar. October 2010. “Deregulation, Economic Growth and Growth Acceleration.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

423. Maksudova, Nargiza. October 2010. “Macroeconomics of Microfinance: How Do the Channels Work?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

422. Pertold, Filip. October 2010. “Don't Drink and... Avoid Risky Sex of Your Peers: The Influence of Alcohol Consumption of Opposite-Gender Peers on Youth Risky Sexual Behavior.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

421. Pertold-Gębicka, Barbara. October 2010. “Measuring Skill Intensity of Occupations with Imperfect Substitutability Across Skill Types.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

420. Vorobyev, Dmitriy. October 2010. “Growth of Electoral Fraud in Non-Democracies: The Role of Uncertainty.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

419. Babický, Vítězslav, Andreas Ortmann, and Silvester van Koten. October 2010. “Fairness in Risky Environments: Theory and Evidence.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

418. Shestakova, Natalia. September 2010. “Overcoming Consumer Biases in the Choice of Pricing Schemes: A Lab Experiment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

417. Vozár, Mário. September 2010. “The Effect of Time in a Multi-Dimensional Marriage Market Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

416. Novotný, Jan. September 2010. “Were Stocks during the Financial Crisis More Jumpy: A Comparative Study.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

415. Tashpulatov, Sherzod. September 2010. “Analysis of Electricity Industry Liberalization in Great Britain: How Did the Bidding Behavior of Electricity Producers Change?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

414. Jeong, Byeongju. August 2010. “Intergenerational Bargaining in Technology Adoption.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

413. Ostatnický, Michal. August 2010. “Oligopolistic Price Competition with Informed and Uninformed Buyers.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

412. Novotný, Jan. August 2010. “Price Jumps in Visegrad Country Stock Markets: An Empirical Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

411. Shestakova, Natalia. July 2010. “Pricing Scheme Choice: How Process Affects Outcome.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

410. Bičáková, Alena. May 2010. “Gender Unemployment Gaps: Evidence from the New EU Member States.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

409. Matějka, Filip. April 2010. “Rigid Pricing and Rationally Inattentive Consumer.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

408. Matějka, Filip. March 2010. “Rationally Inattentive Seller: Sales and Discrete Pricing.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

407. Gębicka, Barbara. March 2010. “College Degree Supply and Occupational Allocation of Graduates the Case of the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

406. Anastassova, Lubomira. February 2010. “Are Immigrants Paid Less for Education?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

405. Earnhart, Dietrich, and Lubomír Lízal. February 2010. “Pollution Control in a Transition Economy: Do Firms Face Economies and/or Diseconomies of Scale?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

404. Krajčová, Jana. January 2010. “On the Hidden Costs of Monitoring Corruption or Effort.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


403. Tsuchimoto, Fusako, and Libor Dušek. December 2009. “Responses to More Severe Punishment in the Courtroom: Evidence from Truth-in-Sentencing Laws.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

402. Brázdik, František. December 2009. “Announced Regime Switch: Optimal Policy for Transition Period.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

401. Kováč, Eugen, Viatcheslav Vinogradov, and Krešimir Žigić. December 2009. “Technological Leadership and Persistence of Monopoly under Endogenous Entry: Static versus Dynamic Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

400. Hromádková, Eva. November 2009. “Gatekeeping—Open Door to Effective Medical Care Utilisation?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

399. Pertold, Filip. November 2009. “Sorting into Secondary Education and Peer Effects in Youth Smoking.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

398. Bena, Jan, and Peter Ondko. November 2009. “Financial Development and Allocation of External Finance.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

397. Kálovcová, Katarína, and Andreas Ortmann. November 2009. “Understanding the Plott–Wit–Yang Paradox.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

396. Slobodyan, Sergey, and Raf Wouters. November 2009. “Learning in an Estimated Medium-Scale DSGE Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

395. Tsuchimoto, Fusako. November 2009. “A Theory of Ethnic Diversity and Income Distribution.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

394. Stančík, Juraj, and Timo Välilä. November 2009. “Changes in the Fiscal Stance and the Composition of Public Spending.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

393. Shamshur, Anastasiya. September 2009. “Is the Stability of Leverage Ratios Determined by the Stability of the Economy?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

392. Basl, Josef, Daniel Münich, and Oleg Sidorkin. September 2009. “Publication Productivity of Czech Sociology in Scientific Journals Within the Last Decade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

391. Morgese Borys, Magdalena, and Petr Zemčík. September 2009. “Size and Value Efects in the Visegrad Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

390. Zemčík, Petr. September 2009. “Housing Markets in Central and Eastern Europe: Is There a Bubble in the Czech Republic?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

389. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Juraj Stančík. September 2009. “Foreign Ownership and Corporate Performance: The Czech Republic at EU Entry.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

388. Dvořák, Pavel, and Jan Hanousek. August 2009. “Paying for Banking Services: What Determines the Fees?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

387. Konečný, Tomáš. August 2009. “Expatriates and Trade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

386. Vourvachaki, Evangelia. August 2009. “Information and Communication Technologies in a Multi-sector Endogenous Growth Model.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

385. Rydval, Ondřej, Andreas Ortmann, Sasha Prokosheva, and Ralph Hertwig. July 2009. “How Certain Is the Uncertainty Effect?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

384. Břeský, Michal. May 2009. “Revenue and Efficiency in Multi-Unit Uniform-Price Auctions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

383. Tinn, Katrin, and Evangelia Vourvachaki. April 2009. “Can Optimism about Technology Stocks Be Good for Welfare? Positive Spillovers versus Equity Market Losses.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

382. Hanousek, Jan, and Evžen Kočenda. February 2009. “Intraday Price Discovery in Emerging European Stock Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

381. Boháček, Radim, and Volha Belush. January 2009. “Social Security Reform in a Dynastic Life-Cycle Model with Endogenous Fertility.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


380. Rychalovska, Yuliya. December 2008. “The Implications of Structural Asymmetries for Monetary Policy and Welfare in a Small Open Economy: A Linear Quadratic Framework.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

379. Bogomolova, Anna, and Dmitri Kolyuzhnov. December 2008. “Optimal Monetary Policy Rules: The Problem of Stability Under Heterogeneous Learning.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

378. Kolyuzhnov, Dmitri. December 2008. “Economic Dynamics Under Heterogeneous Learning: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Stability.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

377. Bena, Jan. December 2008. “The Effect of Credit Rationing on the Shape of the Competition-Innovation Relationship.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

376. Břeský, Michal. December 2008. “Pure Equilibrium Strategies in Multi-Unit Auctions with Private Value Bidders.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

375. Maçi, Ilir, and Krešimir Žigić. November 2008. “Competition Policy and Market Leaders.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

374. Kováč, Eugen, and Jakub Steiner. November 2008. “Reversibility in Dynamic Coordination Problems.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

373. Krajč, Marian. November 2008. “Are the Unskilled Really That Unaware? Understanding Seemingly Biased Self-Assessments.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

372. Krajčová, Jana, and Andreas Ortmann. November 2008. “Testing Leniency Programs Experimentally: The Impact of ‘Natural’ Framing.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

371. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Daniel Münich. November 2008. “Gender Gap in Admission Performance under Competitive Pressure.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

370. Krajčová, Jana. October 2008. “Testing Leniency Programs Experimentally: The Impact of Change in Parameterization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

369. Žigić, Krešimir. October 2008. “Stackelberg Leadership with Product Differentiation and Endogenous Entry: Some Comparative Static and Limiting Results.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

368. Brázdik, František, and Juraj Antal. October 2008. “Macroeconomic Stability: Transition Towards the Nominal Exchange Rate Stability.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

367. Konečný, Tomáš, and Jan Mysliveček. September 2008. “Fair Trade—Is It Really Fair?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

366. Aslanidi, Olga. September 2008. “Dollarization in Transition Economies: New Evidence from Georgia.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

365. Kopřiva, František. September 2008. “Source of Information-Driven Trading on the Prague Stock Exchange.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

364. Mysliveček, Jan. September 2008. “How to Price Imperfect Certification.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

363. Çelik, Levent. September 2008. “Viewer Sampling and Quality Signaling in a Television Market.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

362. Çelik, Levent. September 2008. “Monopoly Provision of Tune-ins.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

361. Mysliveček, Jan. September 2008. “Comparing Certification and Self-Regulation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

360. Hanousek, Jan, and Filip Palda. September 2008. “Tax Evasion Dynamics in the Czech Republic: First Evidence of an Evasional Kuznets Curve.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

359. Çelik, Levent. September 2008. “Strategic Informative Advertising in a Horizontally Differentiated Duopoly.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

358. Saxa, Branislav. August 2008. “Learning-by-Exporting or Managerial Quality? Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

357. Tsharakyan, Ashot. August 2008. “The Effect of Mortgage Origination Fees on the Housing Price Dynamics.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

356. Yemelyanau, Maksim. June 2008. “Inequality in Belarus from 1995 to 2005.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

355. Ortmann, Andreas, and Sergey Slobodyan. June 2008. “(The Evolution of) Post-Secondary Education: A Computational Model and Experiments.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

354. Břeský, Michal. May 2008. “Properties of Equilibrium Strategies in Multiple-Unit, Uniform-Price Auctions.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

353. Babecký, Jan, Fabrizio Coricelli, and Roman Horváth. June 2008. “Assessing Inflation Persistence: Micro Evidence on an Inflation Targeting Economy.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

352. Cho, Junghun. June 2008. “Sequential Cheap Talk from Advisors with Reputation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

351. Bičáková, Alena, Jiří Slačálek, and Michal Slavík. March 2008. “Labor Supply after Transition: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

350. Franta, Michal, and Martin Guzi. March 2008. “Unequal Access to Higher Education in the Czech Republic: The Role of Spatial Distribution of Universities.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

349. Hanousek, Jan, Evžen Kočenda, and Ali Kutan. March 2008. “The Reaction of Asset Prices to Macroeconomic Announcements in New EU Markets: Evidence from Intraday Data.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

348. Dinga, Marián. February 2008. “The Impact of Territorially Concentrated FDI on Local Labor Markets: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

347. Rydval, Ondřej, Andreas Ortmann, and Michal Ostatnický. January 2008. “Three Very Simple Games and What It Takes to Solve Them.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


346. Van Koten, Silvester. December 2007. “Legally Separated Joint Ownership of Bidder and Auctioneer: Illustrated by the Partial Deregulation of the EU Electricity Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

345. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Katherine Terrell. December 2007. “Regional Unemployment and Human Capital in Transition Economies.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

344. Aslanidi, Olga. November 2007. “Determinants and Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Interventions: New Evidence from Georgian Data.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

343. Cho, Junghun. November 2007. “Self-Reputation and Perception of Reputation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

342. Mravec, Michal. September 2007. “Understanding the Lack of Competition in Natural Gas Markets: The Impact of Storage Ownership and Upstream Competition.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

341. Drnáková, Lenka. September 2007. “Determinants of Secondary School Choice in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

340. Stančík, Juraj. September 2007. “Horizontal and Vertical FDI Spillovers: Recent Evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

339. Morgese Borys, Magdalena, and Roman Horváth. September 2007. “The Effects of Monetary Policy in the Czech Republic: An Empirical Study.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

338. Mikhed, Vyacheslav, and Petr Zemčík. October 2007. “Testing for Bubbles in Housing Markets: A Panel Data Approach.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

337. Mikhed, Vyacheslav, and Petr Zemčík. October 2007. “Do House Prices Reflect Fundamentals? Aggregate and Panel Data Evidence.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

336. Kováč, Eugen, and Krešimir Žigić. August 2007. “International Competition in Vertically Differentiated Markets with Innovation and Imitation: Trade Policy versus Free Trade.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

335. Fungáčová, Zuzana. August 2007. “Can the Market Fix a Wrong Administrative Decision? Massive Delisting on the Prague Stock Exchange.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

334. Ortmann, Andreas, Sasha Prokosheva, Ondřej Rydval, and Ralph Hertwig. July 2007. “Valuing a Risky Prospect Less than Its Worst Outcome: Uncertainty Effect or Task Ambiguity?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

333. Tsharakyan, Ashot. July 2007. “Welfare Effects of Housing Price Appreciation in an Economy With Binding Credit Constraints.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

332. Çelik, Levent. July 2007. “Informative Advertising and Consumer Search in a Differentiated-Products Duopoly.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

331. Paligorova, Teodora. July 2007. “Corporate Governance and Executive Pay: Evidence from a Recent Reform.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

330. Bena, Jan, and Štěpán Jurajda. June 2007. “Which Firms Benefit More from Financial Development?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

329. Konečný, Tomáš. May 2007. “Can Immigrants Hurt Trade?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

328. Van Koten, Silvester, and Andreas Ortmann. May 2007. “The Unbundling Regime for Electricity Utilities in the EU: A Case of Legislative and Regulatory Capture?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

327. Devetag, Giovanna, and Andreas Ortmann. April 2007. “Classic Coordination Failures Revisited: The Effects of Deviation Costs and Loss Avoidance.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

326. Slobodyan, Sergey, and Viatcheslav Vinogradov. April 2007. “The Demographic Challenge of the Interconnected Education and Pension System in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

325. Krajč, Marian, and Andreas Ortmann. April 2007. “Are the Unskilled Really That Unaware? An alternative explanation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

324. Steiner, Jakub, and Colin Stewart. April 2007. “Learning by Similarity in Coordination Problems.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

323. Morgese Borys, Magdalena. March 2007. “Testing Multi-Factor Asset Pricing Models in the Visegrad Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

322. Babetskii, Ian, and Nauro Campos. March 2007. “Does Reform Work? An Econometric Examination of the Reform-Growth Puzzle.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

321. Černý, Alexandr, and Randall Filer. March 2007. “Natural Resources: Are They Really a Curse?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

320. Svítková, Katarína. March 2007. “Prompted to Be Good: The Impact of Certification on the Quality of Charities.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

319. Žigić, Krešimir. March 2007. “Government's (In)ability to Precommit, and Strategic Trade Policy: The ‘Third Market’ versus the ‘Home Market’ Setup.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

318. Dušek, Libor. March 2007. “Political Risk of Social Security: The Case of the Indexation of Benefits in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

317. Bena, Jan, and Štěpán Jurajda. March 2007. “Financial Development and Growth in Direct Firm-Level Comparisons.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

316. Kováč, Eugen, Viatcheslav Vinogradov, and Krešimir Žigić. January 2007. “Persistence of Monopoly, Innovation, and R&D Spillovers: Static versus Dynamic Analysis.” (Abstract) (Full Text)


315. Podpiera, Jiří. December 2006. “The Role of Policy Rule Misspecification in Monetary Policy Inertia Debate.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

314. Cho, Junghun. December 2006. “Multiple Advisors with Reputation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

313. van Koten, Silvester. December 2006. “Bidding Behavior when One Bidder and the Auctioneer Are Vertically Integrated. Implications for the Partial Deregulation of EU Electricity Markets.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

312. Svítková, Katarína. November 2006. “Corporate Philanthropy in the Czech and Slovak Republics.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

311. Boone, Jan, Delia Ionaşcu, and Krešimir Žigić. October 2006. “Trade Policy, Market Leaders and Endogenous Competition Intensity.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

310. Brhlíková, Petra. October 2006. “Mixed Competition and Welfare under Various Nonprofit Objectives. Mixed Competition under Various Cost Configurations.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

309. Slobodyan, Sergey, Anna Bogomolova, and Dmitri Kolyuzhnov. October 2006. “Stochastic Gradient versus Recursive Least Squares Learning.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

308. Briatka, Ľuboš. September 2006. “How Big is Big Enough? Justifying Results of the IID Test Based on the Correlation Integral in the Non-Normal World.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

307. Ortmann, Andreas, and Ralph Hertwig. September 2006. “Monetary Incentives: Usually Neither Necessary Nor Sufficient?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

306. Jõeveer, Karin. September 2006. “Sources of Capital Structure: Evidence from Transition Countries.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

305. Katuščák, Peter, and Joel Slemrod. September 2006. “Trust and Trustworthiness in an Economy with Heterogeneous Individuals.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

304. Feldman, Naomi, and Peter Katuščák. September 2006. “Should the Average Tax Rate Be Marginalized?” (Abstract) (Full Text)

303. Ryvkin, Dmitry, and Andreas Ortmann. September 2006. “Three Prominent Tournament Formats: Predictive Power and Costs.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

302. Devetag, Giovanna, and Andreas Ortmann. September 2006. “When and Why? A Critical Survey on Coordination Failure in the Laboratory.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

301. Yusupova, Elena. July 2006. “Information Asymmetry, Share Mispricing and the Coordination Problem: Investor Portfolio Choice in Czech Voucher Privatization.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

300. Münich, Daniel. July 2006. “Measuring Economics Research in the Czech Republic: A Comment.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

299. Brhlíková, Petra, and Andreas Ortmann. July 2006. “The Impact of the Non-distribution Constraint and Its Enforcement on Entrepreneurial Choice, Price, and Quality.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

298. Bena, Jan. May 2006. “Choice of Corporate Risk Management Tools under Moral Hazard.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

297. Poghosyan, Tigran, and Evžen Kočenda. May 2006. “Foreign Exchange Risk Premium Determinants: Case of Armenia.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

296. Jurajda, Štěpán, and Teodora Paligorova. April 2006. “Female Managers and Their Wages in Central Europe.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

295. Steiner, Jakub. April 2006. “Coordination in a Mobile World.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

294. Tóth, Peter, and Petr Zemčík. March 2006. “What Makes Firms in Emerging Markets Attractive to Foreign Investors? Micro-evidence from the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

293. Slobodyan, Sergey. March 2006. “One Sector Models, Indeterminacy, and Productive Public Spending.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

292. Temurshoev, Umed. March 2006. “Pollution Haven Hypothesis or Factor Endowment Hypothesis: Theory and Empirical Examination for the US and China.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

291. Bena, Jan, and Jan Hanousek. February 2006. “Rent Extraction by Large Shareholders: Evidence Using Dividend Policy in the Czech Republic.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

290. Knot, Ondřej, and Ondřej Vychodil. February 2006. “Bankruptcy Regimes and Gambling on Resurrection.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

289. Anastassova, Lubomira. February 2006. “Productivity Differences and Agglomeration Across Districts of Great Britain.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

288. Svítková, Katarína, and Andreas Ortmann. February 2006. “Certification as a Viable Quality Assurance Mechanism: Theory and Suggestive Evidence.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

287. Jeong, Byeongju. January 2006. “Proprietary Policy and Production.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

286. Brázdik, František. January 2006. “Non-Parametric Analysis of Technical Efficiency: Factors Affecting Efficiency of West Java Rice Farms.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

285. Kolyuzhnov, Dmitri, Anna Bogomolova, and Sergey Slobodyan. January 2006. “Escape Dynamics: A Continuous-Time Approximation.” (Abstract) (Full Text)

284. Slobodyan, Sergey. January 2006. “Indeterminacy and Stability in a Modified Romer Model: A General Case.” (Abstract) (Full Text)