Current Job Opportunities

Research fellow / postdoc in mathematical and computational neuroscience - Ref. č. 2024/11

There is an open position for a research fellow / postdoc in mathematical and computational neuroscience at the Institute of Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Helmut Schmidt. The successful candidate will join a diverse team of researchers who work at the interface of neuroimaging and computational modelling of brain activity. The focus of this position will be on developing computationally efficient models of biological neural networks with complex network structure and a variety of neuron types, using state-of-the-art mean field approaches. Applications include, but are not limited to: epilepsy, schizophrenia, working memory and cognition, as well as generating mechanisms of EEG and BOLD

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Postdoc/Junior researcher positions in Prediction of parameters for energy distribution system project - Ref. No. 2024/10

A junior scientist (postdoc) position is available to join the Department of Complex system, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS) for the project “Neural networks realtime forecasting of variable baseline for the power equipment at HV, LV voltage levels” (TACR reg. No. TK05020142).

This project aims to predict the parameters of the energy distribution system based on knowledge of the evolution of the system in time and other usually time-dependent external variables such as the weather or the situation in the financial energy markets. The main objective is to apply artificial intelligence methods in this area, particularly in the field of deep learning.

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Scientific positions: Senior Researcher, Researcher, Postdoctoral Fellow, Graduate student or Research assistant in Computational Neuroscience within the BRADY project - Ref. No. 2024/9

Scientific positions are available in the Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group (COBRA) at the Institute of Computer Science, Prague (Czech Republic). These positions are centered in the Research Work Package 1 of a larger, interdisciplinary consortium established for the OPJAK BRADY project. The relevant RWP1 aims to establish a family of generative models of graded complexity capturing brain dynamics that would:

  • Approximate spatial patterns observed in resting state neuroimaging, including topology and topography of functional connectivity
  • Approximate temporal brain dynamics, including activity fluctuations, connectivity dynamics, and information flow
  • Provide an internally consistent unified account of electrophysiological and fMRI data, linking to biologically interpretable latent variables and structural connectivity
  • Allow predicting the effect of external stimulation, such as complex sensory and cognitive tasks, electric of magnetic stimulation, or pharmacological intervention
  • Allow capturing the key axes of inter-subject variability, linking it to psychometric data
  • Ultimately allow characterizing and predicting the trajectory of deviation from healthy brain dynamics in a range of psychiatric and neurological diseases

Further information can be found here:

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CAS–ICS postdoctoral position - Ref. No. 2024/7

The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) invites outstanding and enthusiastic junior researchers, PhD holders, to apply for a postdoc position funded jointly by CAS and ICS. This is a regular call with a deadline twice a year: April 1st and September 1st.

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Administrativní pracovník na projektech v Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. - Ref. č. 2024/5

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Postdoc/Junior researcher positions in Computational Neuroscience within the BRADY project - Ref. No. 2024/4

Several postdoctoral positions are available in the Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group (COBRA) at the Institute of Computer Science, Prague (Czech Republic). These positions are part of a larger, interdisciplinary consortium that was recently recommended for funding (OPJAK BRADY). The project topics include:

Topic 1: Detailed biophysical modelling of neurotransmitter action (supervised by Pavel Sanda).

Topic 2: Computationally efficient mean-field models of cortical microcircuits (supervised by Helmut Schmidt).

Topic 3: Whole-brain dynamics with applications particularly to schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease (supervised by Gustavo Deco).

Topic 4: Data-driven model inversion and personalized parameter identification (supervised by Nikola Jajcay).

Topic 5: Modelling interventions into arousal dynamics (supervised by Jaroslav Hlinka).

Other related topics may be considered based on their fit to the overall project. Further information can be found here:

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Junior Scientist (postdoc) position in statistical modelling and computational psychometrics - Ref. No. 2024/3

A junior scientist (postdoc) position is available to join the Computational psychometrics (COMPS) group and the Department of Statistical Modelling, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS) for the project “Research of Excellence on Digital Technologies and Wellbeing” (DigiWELL, reg. no.CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004583, project duration 2024 - 2028).

The DigiWELL project responds to research challenges in key areas of the rapidly evolving domain of digital technologies aimed at promoting physical, mental and social wellbeing. Within the project, we are responsible for the work package focused on developing, optimizing and applying techniques for statistical modelling of the complex data beyond the currently available methods.

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Research Fellow / Postdoc position in Environmental Informatics - Ref. No. 2024/2

We are looking for new team member to join the Environmental Informatics group to work on its interdisciplinary project HORIZON project CARMINE. The group is part of the Department of Complex Systems, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences - based in Prague, Czech Republic, Environmental Informatics group is primarily focused on urban meteorology, mostly on high-fidelity modeling of micro-meteorological processes in urban environments.

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Research Fellow / Postdoc positions in Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics

We are looking for new team members to join the Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group to work on its interdisciplinary projects. The group is part of the Department of Complex Systems, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences - based in Prague, Czech Republic,

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A postdoc position in computational neuroscience - Ref. No. 2023/5

A postdoc position is available at the Institute of Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Helmut Schmidt. The successful candidate will join a diverse team of researchers who work at the interface of neuroimaging and computational neuroscience, and will have the opportunity to work on one or more of the following topics: 1. the development of mathematical models of cortical microcircuits that are both biologically realistic and computationally efficient; 2. the integration of state-of-the-art mean field models of cortical activity into whole-brain network models, with a strong emphasis on realistic long-range axonal signal transmission; 3. the application of such models to neuroimaging data (EEG and fMRI).

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