The HR Excellence in Research Award is a means of public acknowledgment for research institutions that have demonstrated significant progress in the principles set in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU) has been a holder of the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award since April 26, 2019.






Human Resources Strategy for Researcher (HRS4R) originated on the initiative of the European Commission to support institutions in the implementation of the European Charter and Code to their policies. The Charter and Code specify the roles, responsibilities, and rights of researchers and their employers. The central objective is to create an attractive, open, and sustainable labour market for researchers that ensures equal rights and obligations for researchers wherever they work in the European Union.


Family fun day: the Institute of Physics was taken over by pirates


Another traditional "Family Day", this time pirate themed, brought fun to our employees and their families. Although the weather made it clear that summer was definitely over, it did not prevent a large turnout of our colleagues and their family members. "Our events are not just about having fun, they strengthen the relationships between our employees, their families and support our organisational culture. It is important for us to create a friendly and supportive environment," says Simona Dačeva, HR Team Manager, on behalf of the organizational team.

Students came, saw and tasted... not only our great coffee, but also the diverse job opportunities at FZU


We experienced another successful participation in career fairs. This year we started on 4th April at the FJFI CTU at the proven event "Ulov mě na Jaderce" and continued on 24th April at "Dny firem na Matfyzu". In both cases, a considerable number of students, especially students of physics and mathematics who are already looking for job opportunities during their studies, arrived at the FZU stand. Together we discussed the possibilities of professional employment and the offer of internships at FZU.

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Mgr. Simona Dačeva
Head of HRS4R

daceva [at] fzu [dot] cz (daceva[at]fzu[dot]cz)

Ing. Jiří Červenka, Ph.D.
Science Secretary

cervenka [at] fzu [dot] cz (cervenka[at]fzu[dot]cz)