Department for the Study of Modern Czech Philosophy

Mgr. Ivan Landa, Ph.D.deputy head
PhDr. Jan Mervart, Ph.D.The department’s research programme focuses on the history of Czech philosophy from the beginning of the 19th century through the end of the 20th century, within the broader context of European intellectual history. It works in areas that have been the object of considerable scholarly interest, like the thought of T. G. Masaryk and of the dissident movement, in addition to other fields that have often been largely ignored in recent Czech research, such as Marxism, Czechoslovak structuralism, and the legacy of Johann Friedrich Herbart. A number of projects are currently underway, involving original research as well as the publication of critical editions of important texts, on topics including varieties of post-Stalinism, phenomenological Marxism, individualist philosophy, Hegelianism, anarchism, dissident thought and the “grey zone”, and conceptions of civil society. Over the past few years, our researchers have put out critical anthologies and collections of writers (including E. Bondy, K. Kosík, V. Gardavský, and I. Sviták); a number of scholarly studies, reviews, and monographs; translations of internationally important works; and the journal Kontradikce/Contradictions ( Department members regularly organize conferences, workshops, seminars, and public lectures for scholarly and non-scholarly audiences. They collaborate with researchers, universities, archives, and other research institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad. The scholars visiting our department include S. Azeri, D. Bakhurst, É. Balibar, M. Gubser, N. Karkov, S. R. Khan, J. Krapfl, A. Penzin, M. Postone, M. Rauszer, Z. A. Scarlett, Ch. Sypnowich, Z. Valiavicharska, R. Westerman, and J. A. Winters. The department was established in April 2013.
Our members participate in the following projects: 2016–2018 “Envisioning Post-Stalinist Czechoslovakia: Varieties of State Socialist Modernity” CSF 16-23584S (Jan Mervart, Petr Kužel, Jiří Růžička); 2016–2018 “Karel Kosík and the Fate of Phenomenological Marxism in East Central Europe” CSF 16-26686S (Ivan Landa); 2017-2020 “New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent”, COST (CA 16213) NEP4DISSENT: (Jan Mervart, Joseph Grim Feinberg); 2019–2021 “From Bolzano to Badiou: An Investigation of the Foundations of Historical Epistemology and Modern European Philosophy”, CSF 19-20319S (F. Nick Nesbitt); 2019–2021 “Individualism in Czechoslovak Philosophy”, CSF 19-14180S (Ivan Landa, Jiří Růžička)
Selected publications from 2015–2019
Mervart, Jan (ed.) Karel Kosík. Dialektika, kultura a politika: eseje a články z let 1955–1969. Praha: Filosofia, 2019. Sebrané spisy Karla Kosíka, 4. ISBN 978-80-7007-576-0.
Růžička, Jiří (ed.). Karl Korsch. Marxismus a filosofie, Praha, Filosofia 2019, ISBN 978-80-7007-591-3.
Mervart, Jan, Hudek, Adam, Kopeček, Michal (eds.). Čechoslovakismus. Nakladatelství Lidové noviny-ÚSD: Praha 2019. ISBN 978–80–7422–679–3.
Feinberg, Joseph Grim. The Paradox of Authenticity: Folklore Performance in Post-Communist Slovakia. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2018.
Kužel, Petr (ed.). Myšlení a tvorba Egona Bondyho, Praha: Filosofia, 2018.
Landa, Ivan – Mervart, Jan a kol. Imaginace a forma: mezi estetickým formalismem a fi losofi í emancipace: studie Josefu Zumrovi. Praha: Filosofia, 2018.
Bednář, M., Smysl české existence – Česká státní idea a Masarykova česká otázka, Praha: Academia 2018.
Lánský, Ondřej – Sochor, Lubomír (eds.). Materiály k teorii elit a k její kritice. Od klasiků do sedmdesátých let 20. století. Praha: Filosofia, 2018.
Kužel, Petr (ed.) Egon Bondy. Pracovní analýza a jiné texty. Praha: Filosofia, 2017, 410 s. Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích, 15.
Landa, Ivan – Mervart, Jan. Proměny marxisticko-křesťanského dialogu v Československu. Praha: Filosofia, 2017, 491 s. Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích, 14.
Svoboda, Jan. Masarykův realismus a filosofie pozitivismu. Praha: Filosofia, 2017, 319 s. Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích, 13.
Landa, Ivan. Struktury významu. Karel Kosík a problém kultury. Dějiny – teorie – kritika. 2017, roč. 14, č. 1, s. 7–42.
Mervart, Jan. Czechoslovak Marxist humanism and the revolution. Studies in East European Thought, 2017, roč. 69, č. 1, s. 111–126.
Jan Svoboda, Aleš Prázný (eds.), Česká otázka a dnešní doba, Praha: Filosofia, 2017, 648 stran.
Jemelka, Martin, Ševeček, Ondřej. Tovární města Baťova koncernu: Evropská kapitola globální expanze. Praha: Academia, 2016. 910 s. ISBN 978–80–200–2635–4.
Kužel, Petr. Úskalí partikularismu a otázka subjektu. In Kanda, Roman a kol. Podzim postmodernismu: teoretické výzvy současnosti. Praha: Filosofia, 2016, s. 59–82.
Růžička, Jiří. Modifikace, změna, událost. Alain Badiou a ontologie historie. Dějiny – Teorie – Kritika. 2016, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 121–153.
Landa, I., Marxova filosofická antropologie. Filosofický časopis. 2015, roč. 63, č. 3, s. 339–355.