SCIENTIAE seminars | Michal Choptiany: Reforming Calendar and World Chronology in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania: The Case of Joannes Latosinus
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS
SCIENTIAE seminars | Ewa Zakrzewska: Desiderata, or Experimental Wish List: A Case Study in Information Architecture and Principles of Collaborative Inquiry in the Early Royal Society
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS
SCIENTIAE seminars | Thomas Vozar: The Dragoman and the Scholar: Ali Ufki, Isaac Barrow, and the Orientalizing Poetics of De Religione Turcica (1658)
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS
5th Seminar on the Philosophy and History of Matematics
Organized by the Junior Star GA ČR Project Pragmatika
SCIENTIAE seminars | Sergio H. Orozco-Echeverri: Astrology, Almanacs, and the Global Shift: From Flat Charts to Spherical Maps in Early Modern Ibero-America
Organized by Scientiae & Institute of Philosophy, CAS
Sociologie a filosofie vědy: vědecky zacházet se světem
Pořádá Filosofický ústav AV ČR, Centrum teoretických studií AV ČR & UK, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
208th Gellner seminar with William T.S. Mazzarella
Jointly organized by the Department of Mobility and Migration of the Institute of Ethnology CAS, the Czech Association for Social Anthropology, and the Institute of Philosophy CAS
Michele Contente: Some remarks on the constructive conception of predicativity
Organized by the Department of Logic.
Sociologie a filosofie fyziky: odpustit si a zapomenout
Pořádá Kabinet pro studium vědy, techniky a společnosti.