Frontiers in Plant Science

Editorial: Plant-Virus Interactions: Crop Resistance in Focus

Kumar J.K., Zhang H.M., Chakraborty S.

DArTseq genotyping facilitates the transfer of “exotic” chromatin from a Secale cereale × S. strictum hybrid into wheat

Szőke-Pázsi, K., Kruppa, K., Tulpová, Z., Kalapos, B., Türkösi, E., Gaál, E., Darkó, E., Said, M., Farkas, A., Kovács, P., Ivanizs, L., Doležel, J., Rabanus-Wallace, M.T., Molnár, I., Szakács, E.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 15 : 1407840 , 2024
Keywords: Secale cereanum, Triticum aestivum, DArTseq markers, genotyping, heatmap, introgression lines, chromosome rearrangements

Striking variation in chromosome structure within Musa acuminata subspecies, diploid cultivars, and F1 diploid hybrids

Beránková D., Čížková J., Majzlíková G., Doleželová A., Mduma H., Brown A., Swennen R., Hřibová E.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 15 : 1387055 , 2024
Keywords: oligo painting FISH, chromosome translocation, comparative cytogenetics, Musa acuminata, F1 hybrids

Insight into chromatin compaction and spatial organization in rice interphase nuclei

Doležalová A., Beránková D., Koláčková V., Hřibová E.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 15 : 1358760 , 2024
Keywords: 3D immuno-FISH, chromosome painting, chromosome territory, rice, spatial organization, microscopy

Gametocidal genes: from a discovery to the application in wheat breeding

Said M., Gaál E., Farkas A., Molnár I., Bartoš J., Doležel J., Cabrera A., Endo T.R.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 15 : 1396553 , 2024
Keywords: wheat, Triticum, Aegilops, gametocidal, Gc factors/elements/genes, pollen-killer, segregation distorter

Comparative genomic analysis of 5Mg chromosome of Aegilops geniculata and 5Uu chromosome of Aegilops umbellulata reveal genic diversity in the tertiary gene pool

Yadav I.S., Rawat N., Chhuneja P., Kaur S., Uauy Ch., Lazo G., Gu Y.Q., Doležel J., Tiwari V.K.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 14 : 1144000 , 2023
Keywords: Aegilops geniculata, wheat, gene, homoeologous, resistance, disease, sequencing, Aegilops umbellulata

Cytokinin deficiency confers enhanced tolerance to mild, but decreased tolerance to severe salinity stress in in vitro grown potato

Raspor M., Mrvaljević M., Savić J., Ćosić T., Kaleri A.R., Pokimica N., Cingel A., Ghalawnji N., Motyka V., Ninković S.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 14 : 1296520 , 2024
Keywords: Antioxidant enzymes, chlorophyll, cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase, in vitro, potato, salinity, transgenic, water saturation deficit

Exploring the crop epigenome: a comparison of DNA methylation profiling techniques

Agius D.R., Kapazoglou A., Avramidou E., Baranek M., Carneros E., Caro E., Castiglione S., Cicatelli A., Radanovic A., Ebejer J.-P., Gackowski D., Guarino F., Gulyás A., Hidvégi N., Hoenicka H., Inácio V., Johannes F., Karalija E., Lieberman-Lazarovich M., Martinelli, F. Maury S., Mladenov V., Morais-Cecílio L., Pecinka A., Tani E., Testillano P.S., Todorov D., Valledor L., Vassileva V.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 14 : 1181039 , 2023
Keywords: crop epigenome, DNA methylation profiling, bisulfite sequencing, next-generation sequencing, immunological techniques, mass spectrometry, DNA methylation modulation

Editorial: Exploring the genetic potential of Thinopyrum species in wheat and durum wheat improvement

Türkösi E., Kruppa K., Said M.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 14 : 1332662 , 2023
Keywords: wheat, thinopyrum, introgression breeding, in situ hybridization (ISH) analysis, marker assisted selection, pollen dispersal, seed trait variability

Uniparental expression of ribosomal RNA in ×Festulolium grasses: a link between the genome and nucleolar dominance

Mahelka V., Kopecký D., Majka J., Krak K
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 14 : 1276252 , 2023
Keywords: ribosomal DNA, nucleolar dominance, genome dominance, Festuca, Lolium, internal transcribed spacer, genomic in situ hybridization, fluorescent in situ hybridization