Mgr. Michala Jandák Lônčíková, Ph.D.
- T. G. Masaryk
- History of Scientific Institutions in Czechoslovakia after 1952
- 2012–2020: PhD., Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, General History
- 2009–2011: Mgr., Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, History
- 2006–2009: Bc., Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, Journalism
Research interests
- Modern Jewish history in 20th Century
- The Holocaust in Slovakia and Central European Context
Teaching since 2010
- 2018/2019: Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of General History
Research projects since 2010
- Diary of the Refugee Ladislav Weiner from the Steamer Pentcho (1940–1943), 2023/2024 (Česko-německý fond budoucnosti)
- Genocide, Postwar Migration and Social Mobility: Entangled Experiences of Roma and Jews, 2019– (Grantová agentura ČR, EXPRO)
- European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, 2018– (H2020)
- Inclusion of the Jewish Population to Postwar Czechoslovak and Polish Societies, 2017–2018 (Grantová agentura ČR)
- Post-WWII Anti-Semitic Pogroms in East and East Central Europe: Collective Violence and Popular Culture, 2015-2018 (Gerda Henkel Stiftung)
- Influence of the Nazi Germany on the Instrumentalisation of the Anti-Semitic Propaganda in Slovak State and in the Independent State of Croatia during the Second World War 2015 (Comenius University in Bratislava)
- Instrumentalisation and institutionalisation of the anti-Semitic propaganda in Slovakia in the years 1938–1945, 2014 (Comenius University in Bratislava)
Fellowships abroad since 2010
- 2019: Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies
- 2014/2015: Sveučilište u Zagrebu (University of Zabreb)
- 2014: Univerzita Karlova (Charles University)
- 2013/2014: Technisches Universität Chemnitz (Chemnitz University of Technology)
Publications since 2010
- Nižňanský, Eduard; Lônčíková, Michala, Dejiny židovskej komunity v Banskej Bystrici. Banská Bystrica: Židovská náboženská obec so sídlom v Banskej Bystrici, 2016.
Articles in impacted journals
- Lônčíková, Michala. Address Unknown: Reshaping the Jewish Living Space and Social Mobility in the Slovak State (1939–1945). The City and History 9, no. 1 (2020): 112–126. doi: https://doi.org/10.33542/CAH2020-1-05
- Lônčíková, Michala. The Jew Is and Always Will Be Our Greatest Enemy! Anti-Semitism in Slovak Radio Broadcast from the Reich’s Vienna Radio Station. Forum Historiae 13, no. 1, (2019): 144–159. doi: https://doi.org/10.31577/forhist.2019.13.1.10
- Lônčíková, Michala. Atrocities in the borderland: anti-Semitic violence in eastern Slovakia (1945–1946). Review of European History: Revue européenne d’histoire 26, no. 6 (2019): 928–946. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/13507486.2019.1612328
- Ápor, Péter; Kende, Támas; Lônčíková, Michala; Sandulescu, Valentin. Post-World War II anti-Semitic pogroms in East and East Central Europe: collective violence and popular culture. Review of European History: Revue européenne d’histoire 26, no. 6 (2019): 913–927. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/13507486.2019.1611744
- Fiamová, Martina; Lônčíková, Michala. Autonómia Slovenska 1938–1939: Počiatočná fáza holokaustu a perzekúcií (Úvod). Forum Historiae 13, no. 1 (2019): 1–6. doi: https://doi.org/10.31577/forhist.2019.13.1.1
Articles in other peer-reviewed journals
- Lônčíková, Michala. Unwillingly on the Road. Forced Jewish Migration at the Municipal Level in Slovakia (1939–1945). In S:I.M.O.N. SHOAH: INTERVENTION. METHODS. DOCUMENTATION 8, no. 3 (2021), 20–32.
- Lônčíková, Michala. The End of War, the End of Persecution? Post-World War II Collective Anti-Jewish Violence in Slovakia. History in Flux 1, no. 1 (2019): 151–164.
- Lônčíková, Michala. Was the antisemitic propaganda a catalyst for tensions in the Slovak-Jewish relations? Holocaust Studies 23, no. 1–2 (2016): 76–98.
- Lônčíková, Michala. Damu alejnu ve al-baneijnu. Antisemiut al basis amuna datit ve hištakfut be-taamula be-Slovakia (1938–1939) [Hebrew]. Moreshet Journal 13 (2015): 196–209; Lônčíková, Michala. His Blood Be on Us and Our Children. Confessional Antisemitism and its Reflection in the Propaganda in Slovakia (1938–1939) [English]. Moreshet Journal 13 (2016): 230–249.
Book chapters
- Lônčíková, Michala. Reflection on the Holocaust in the Post-War People’s Judiciary in the Banská Bystrica District. In Policy of Anti-Semitism and Holocaust in Post-War Retribution Trials in European States, edited by Mičev, Stanislav a Ristveyová, Katarína, 188–220. Banská Bystrica: Múzeum SNP, 2019.
- Lônčíková, Michala. Was the antisemitic propaganda a catalyst for tensions in the Slovak-Jewish relations? In Jews and Gentiles in Central and Eastern Central Europe during the Holocaust. History and Memory, edited by Kubátová Hana a Lániček Jan, 76–98. London: Routledge, 2018.
- Lônčíková, Michala. Für Gott und für die Nation! Säulen der Kindererziehung im Slowakischen Staat (1939–1945). In Kindheiten im Zweiten Weltkrieg, edited by Weil, Francesca, Postert, André a Kenkmann, Alfons, 246–262. Halle: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2018.
- Lônčíková, Michala. Prominentní arizátori v okrese Banská Bystrica v rokoch 1935–1945. In Židovský kultúrny fenomén v stredoeurópskom kontexte II, edited by Hrbácsek, Magdaléna, 42–58. Galanta: Oz Art Danubius, 2017.
- Lônčíková, Michala. Politics and History: When Nationalism Encounters Populism in the Twenty-first Century. In The Process of Politicization: How Much Politics Does a Society Need?, edited by Wacławczyk Wiesław a Jarosz, Adam, 45–63. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2017.
- Lônčíková, Michala. Coming back home? Anti-Jewish Violence in Slovakia after the Holocaust. In „Juden unerwünscht“. Anfeindungen und Ausschreitungen nach dem Holocaust, edited by Benz, Wolfgang a Mihok, Brigitte, 191–212. Berlin: Metropol Verlag, 2016.
- Lônčíková, Michala. Holokaust pred súdom. Správy o deportáciách z okresu Banská Bystrica v povojnovom ľudovom súdnictve. In Slovensko a nacistické koncentračné tábory, edited by Nižňanský, Eduard a Lônčíková, Michala, 58–91. Bratislava: Stimul, 2015.
- Lônčíková, Michala. Frekvencia antisemitskej propagandy v období 1938–1939 na Slovensku vo vybranej periodickej tlači. In Antisemitizmus a propaganda, edited by Nižňanský, Eduard; Lônčíková, Michala, 47–69. Bratislava: Stimul, 2014.
- Nižňanský, Eduard; Lônčíková, Michala. Politická rovina antisemitizmu v karikatúrach Ľudových novín 1941–1942. In Antisemitizmus a propaganda, edited by Nižňanský, Eduard; Lônčíková, Michala, 106–124. Bratislava: Stimul, 2014.