
In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.

  1. J. Šebek, R. Mueller, J. Kuriplach
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46 (1996) 2215-2216.
  2. L. Skrbek, J. Stehno, J. Šebek
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics 103 (1996) 209-236.
  3. A. Andreev, V. Sechovský, L. Havela, J. Šebek, M. I. Bartashevich, T. Goto, K. Kamishima, D. A. Andreev, V. S. Gaviko, R. V. Dremov, I. K. Kozlovskaya
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46 (1996) 3385-3386.
  4. Z. Janů, R. Tichý, F. Soukup, M. Novák, M. Behenský
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46 (1996) 2811-2812.
  5. Z. Janů, R. Tichý, Xiao-lin Wang
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46 (1996) 1735-1736.
  6. Z. Janů, R. Tichý, M. Novák, V. Gregor, Xiao-lin Wang
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46 (1996) 1737-1738.
  7. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 235 (1996) 77-79.
  8. A. Andreev, L. Havela, V. Sechovský, H. Aruga Katori, T. Goto
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 235 (1996) 72-76.
  9. T. D. Cuong, Z. Arnold, J. Kamarád, A. Andreev, L. Havela, V. Sechovský
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 157-158 (1996) 694-695.
  10. A. Andreev, S. M. Zadvorkin
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 225 (1996) 237-242.
  11. H. Nakotte, K. Prokeš, E. Brück, K. H. Buschow, F. R. de Boer, A. Andreev, M. C. Aronson, A. Lacerda, M. S. Torikachvili, R. A. Robinson, M. A. Bourke, A. J. Schultz
    Physical Review B 54 (1996) 12176-12183.
  12. I. Paseka, S.Havliček, M. Nejezchleba, O.Schneeweiss, J. Šubrt, K. Závěta
    Comparison of Fe3Si nanocrystals prepared by mechanical alloying and spark erosion
    Acta Physica Slovaca 46 (1996) 137-140.
  13. V. Hašlar, D. Atkinson, P. T. Squire, M. R. J. Gibbs, K. Závěta, L. Kraus
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 153 (1996) 63-74.
  14. L. Půst, D. Dlouhý, M. Jirsa
    Superconductor Science and Technology 9 (1996) 814-821.
  15. G. Vértesy, I. Tomáš, L. Půst, V. Hašlar, L. Kraus, Z. Vértesy
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 164 (1996) 163-171.
  16. F. Schreiber, Z. Frait
    Physical Review B 54 (1996) 6473-6480.
  17. L. Půst, G. Bertotti, I. Tomáš, G. Vértesy
    Physical Review B 54 (1996) 12262-12271.
  18. L. Půst, M. Jirsa, L. Papadimitriou, O. Valassiades, C.B. Lioutas
    Magnetic measurements of magnitude and time stability of induced currents in the YBaCuO doped with Cd and Mg
    Acta Physica Slovaca 46 (1996) 183-186.
  19. L. Kraus, V. Hašlar, O. Heczko, K. Závěta
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 157-158 (1996) 151-152.
  20. V. Basso, G. Bertotti, P. Duhaj, E. Ferrara, V. Hašlar, L. Kraus, J. Pokorný, K. Závěta
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 157-158 (1996) 217-219.
  21. F. Schreiber, J. Pflaum, Z. Frait, J. Heise, J. Pelzl
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 157-158 (1996) 281-282.
  22. L. Půst, G. Bertotti, I. Tomáš, G. Vértesy
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 157-158 (1996) 355-356.
  23. S. N. Kane, K. Ruwali, A. Gupta, L. Kraus, V. Hašlar
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 157-158 (1996) 519-520.
  24. Z. Frait, P. Šturc
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 157-158 (1996) 533-534.
  25. M. Jirsa, M.R. Koblischka, P. Nordblad, J. Magnusson
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46 (1996) 1605-1606.
  26. M.R. Koblischka, L. Půst, M. Jirsa
    Formation of the central peak in magnetization loops of type - II superconductors
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46 (1996) 1607-1608.
  27. G. Vértesy, I. Tomáš
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 160 (1996) 25-26.
  28. V. Hašlar, L. Kraus, D. Dlouhý, P. Duhaj, P. Švec
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 160 (1996) 257-258.
  29. O. Heczko, L. Kraus, V. Hašlar, P. Duhaj, P. Švec
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 160 (1996) 259-260.
  30. Z. Kaczkowski, L. Kraus, G. Vlasák, P. Duhaj
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 160 (1996) 275-276.
  31. B. Ljungcrantz, R. Grössinger, L. Kraus
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 160 (1996) 305-306.
  32. L. Juha, M. Farniková, V. Hamplová, J. Kodymová, J. Krása, L. Láska, O. Špalek, P. Kubát, I.Stibor, D. Slezák, E. Koudoumas, S. Couris
    Therole of Oxygen Molecules in the Photolysis of Fullerenes
    J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2 (1996)
  33. L. Juha, V. Hamplová, M. Fárníková, J. Kodymová, O. Špalek, J. Krása, L. Láska, P.Kubát, E. Koudoumas, S. Couris, I. Stibor
    Photochemicalreactivity of fullerenes dissolved in different solvents
    Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 96-100 (1996) 363
  34. H. Turčičová, J. Vacik, J. Červená, V. Peřina, V. Železný, J. Zemek
    Radio-frequency plasma processing of oxide crystalline materials (LiNbO3)
    Acta Phys. Univ. Comenianae 37 (1996) 65 - 70 37 (1996) 65-70.
  35. B. Lesiak, J. Zemek, P. De Haan, A. Jozwik
    Sur. Sci. 346 (1996) 79 - 90
  36. A. Jablonski, J. Zemek
    Surf. Sci. 347 (1996) 207 - 214
  37. L. Smrčka, P. Vašek, J. Koláček, T. Jungwirth, M. Cukr
    Surface Science 361/362 (1996) 509-512.
  38. P. Středa, P. Vašek, M. Cukr
    Surface Science 361/362 (1996) 533-536.
  39. J. Hejtmánek, E. Pollert, D. Sedmidubský, P. Vašek, M. Nevřiva
    Physica C 264 (1996) 220 - 226
  40. G. Nachtwei, S. Heide, C. Breitlow, P. Svoboda, P. Středa, M. Cukr
    Semiconductor Science and Technology 11 (1996) 1015-1021.
  41. S. Semenchinsky, L. Smrčka, J. Stehno, V. Borzenets
    Physics Letters A 217 (1996) 335-339.
  42. K. Nováková, O. Smrčková, D. Sýkorová, P. Vašek
    Supercond. Sci. Technol. 9 (1996) 761 - 765
  43. M. Kotrla, P. Šmilauer
    Physical Review B 53 (1996) 13777-13792.
  44. H. Biederman, P. Hlídek, J. Pešička, V. Stundžia, D. Slavínská, J. Zemek, R. J. Kingdon, R. P. Howson
    Vacuum 47 (1996) 1453 - 1463
  45. S. K. Bose, J. Kudrnovský, V. Drchal, O. Jepsen, O. K. Andersen
    Ordering tendencies in Fe-Al alloys in magnetic and nonmagnetic models,
    Mat. Sci. Eng. B 37 (1996) 237-241.
  46. A. Di Pomponio, A. Continenza, R. Podloucky, J. Vackář
    Symmetrization of atomic forces within the full-potential linearized augmented-plane-wave method
    Phys. Rev. B 53 (1996) 9505
  47. D. Drakova, G. Doyen, F. Máca
    Surface Science 352 (1996) 704-710.
  48. V. Drchal, J. Kudrnovský, A. Pasturel, I. Turek, P. Weinberger
    Ab-initio theory of surface segregation self-consitent determination of the concentration profile.
    Phys. Rev. B 54 (1996) 8202
  49. V. Drchal, J. Kudrnovský, I. Turek
    Ab-initio calculation of the electronic and atomic structure of solids and their surfaces.
    Comput. Phys. Comm. 97 (1996) 111
  50. V. Drchal, J. Kudrnovský, I. Turek, P. Weinberger
    Interlayer magnetic coupling the torque method.
    Phys. Rev. B 53 (1996) 15036