Non evaporitic landscape around salt diapirs
Before you enter the salt diapir, you cross amazing nonevaporitic (nonsalt) landscapes...
Landscape of salt diapirs
Landscape of salt diapirs is very various and exotic. You can see exposed pure salt, but several hundreds meters further you will find thick layers of surficial sediments. Valleys alternate flat areas, field of dolines, canyons, abysses... Some diapirs are "full" of native people (Kaskai) grazing hundreds of ships and goats, other diapirs is a dead area...
Details on the surface of salt diapirs
Surfaces of salt diapirs abound in a variety of morphological phenomena, like salt rillenkarren, terestrial micro-pyramids, various types of salt crusts and many other features...
3N Cave
Temperature: 24-28 oC, humidity: up to 85 %, darkness, bad smell from excrements of bats and relicts of decomposing plant relicts.... salty sweat, salty and sandy mud, burning injuries.... WELCOME in the 3N Cave (Ghar-e N-Se in the Persian, former Cave of Three Naked Men) - the World’s longest salt cave. Lets enjoy a short trip to this unique cave....
Salt caves of Hormoz and Namakdan
We spent a lot of time in Hormoz and Namakdan caves. This gallery provides documentation of the most important caves from these diapirs...
Caves of other salt diapirs
Amazing sceneries and cave pictures may be observed and documented also in dozens of other salt caves located in various salt diapirs...
Wild life on salt diapirs
Salt diapirs and its surroundings is not a dead zone. It is an inhabited area with numbers of amazing animals and plants...
Filming with the BBC 2009
We were asked to join the BBC team working with Iain Stewart to film the best of the salt karst in Iran. The filming locations covered the 3N Cave on Namakdan diapir and salt glacier on Namak diapir.