Ing. Jan Remsa, Ph.D.

His focus is thin film preparation and application using the method of pulsed laser deposition, magnetron sputtering, or their combination.
Using the aforementioned procedures, it is possible to create, for example, multilayer and gradient structures. In some cases, it is advantageous to create a film that has different properties (composition) at different depths, or a structure consisting of several different layers. Laboratory techniques make it possible to create a coating layer by layer, including a combination of different materials. Applications where this process can be used successfully include optical films that guide light (waveguides), films to improve substrate adhesion, and films that use quantum phenomena for their applications.
The use of thin films is also a significant benefit in the production of piezoelectric materials for bone implants. Their use can help solve one of the big problems of implantology, which is the poor integration of the implant into the bone (osseointegration).
In the field of biomedicine, a role is also played by DLC coatings, i.e. coatings based on diamond-like carbon. However, their potential is limited by the high internal stress in the DLC structure. His work, therefore, focuses also on finding a solution that should limit it by adding more elements to the film (doping). He uses chrome, titanium, nitrogen, or silver for this.
He is also working on the preparation of self-cleaning and disinfecting surfaces – these are surfaces exhibiting photocatalytic behaviour (a chemical reaction occurs on them in the presence of light). This property can be used, for example, in the field of medicine or the construction industry.