Ve výpisu publikací najdete všechny důležité publikační výsledky výzkumu a vývoje našich vědeckých pracovníků od roku 1961.
- Integrated Ferroelectrics 101 (2009) 50-62.
- 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane-1,4-diium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate from X-ray and neutron dataZeitschrift für Kristallographie 224 (2009) 174-178.
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 3771-3777.
- Physical Review B 80 (2009) 059901(1)-059901(3).
- Properties of non-symmetric bent-core liquid crystals with variable flexible chain lengthe-Liquid Crystal Communications 11 (2009) 1-14.
- Relation between shakedown and shape memory of matallic materials considering their mesoscale and atomic scale substructuresArchives of Mechanics 61 (2009) 445-458.
- Physical Review D 80 (2009) 092006-092006.
- Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 191801-191801.
- Physical Review D 80 (2009) 071102-071102.
- Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 251801-251801.
- Physics Letters B 678 (2009) 45-54.
- Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 092001-092001.
- Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 201802-201802.
- Physics Letters B 679 (2009) 177-185.
- Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 231801-231801.
- Physics Letters B 674 (2009) 4-10.
- Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 192002-192002.
- Physics Letters B 680 (2009) 34-43.
- Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 092002-092002.
- Surface Science 603 (2009) 2861-2869.
- physica status solidi (b) 246 (2009) 2798-2801.
- physica status solidi (b) 246 (2009) 2832-2835.
- Diamond and Related Materials 18 (2009) 918-922.
- Composites Part A - App. Sci. Man. Vol. 40 ( 2), pp. 125-129
- Plasma Processes and Polymers 6 (2009) 5366-5369.
- Optik 120 (2009) 619-622.
- Optics Express 17 (2009) 12723-12730.
- Automatic control of colour marks for springs in automotive industryJemná mechanika a optika 54(9) (2009) 255-258.
- Physical Review A 80 (2009) 043837(1)-043837(11).
- Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2009) 07A747(1)-07A747(3).
- Surface Science 603 (2009) 469-476.
- Progress in Solid State Chemistry 37 (2009) 1-14.
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 475 (2009) 151-156.
- Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 96 (2009) 557-567.
- Functional Materials Letters 2 (2009) 45-54.
- SiD Letter of Intent.arXiv:0911.0006
- European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields 63 (2009) 611-623.
- Physics Letters B 678 (2009) 444-449.
- Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 082002(1)-082002(4).
- Physical Review C 80 (2009) 024908(1)-024908(4).
- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 97 (2009) 679-683.
- Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 12003(1)-12003(4).
- Physical Review D 79 (2009) 012003(1)-012003(4).
- Applied Optics 48 (2009) 2884-2889.
- Journal of Russian Laser Research 30 (2009) 540-546.
- Europhysics Letters 88 (2009) 37002(1)-37002(9).
- Applied Physics Letters 95 (2009) 231501(1)-231501(3).
- Integrated Ferroelectrics 108 (2009) 57-66.
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 267 (2009) 3461-3465.
- Pre-edge XANES structure of Mn in (Ga,Mn)As from first principlesChemistry of Metals and Alloys 2 (2009) 34-38.