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ICS Library

Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday:
8.00-11.30, 12.30-16:30


Contact Address
Ústav informatiky AV ČR, v.v.i.
Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2
182 07 Praha 8

(view map)

Library of ICS

Contact Persons

Library Policy

The library of the Institute of Computer Science is registered at the Ministry of Culture as a basic library with a specialized collection.

The opening hours are:

  • Monday-Friday: 8.00–11.30, 12.30-16.30

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Most of your requests can be solved also comfortably via e-mail: knihovna@cs.cas.cz


We will inform you about sources and services that you can use via remote access.

18.7.2024: In the week 24.-28.7.2024 the Library of ICS will be CLOSED. Thanks for your understanding!

2. 10. 2023: From October 2nd, till November 1st, you can use the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library collection. We have obtained a trial access. You can read and download articles in journals i magazines in this collection.

2. 10. 2023: From October 2nd, till November 1st, you can use the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library collection. We have obtained a trial access. You can read and download articles in journals i magazines in this collection.

19.5.2023: New books in Library collection from January till April 2023 are available on the Library's Intranet.

17.5.2023: Trial access to WDA – WILEY DIGITAL ARCHIVES is now available for our Institute. Access will be available until 9th of June 2023. The archives contain resources from: British Association for the Advancement of Science, New York Academy of Sciences, Royal Anthropological Institute, Royal College of Physicians, Royal Geographical Society. Each collection brings its own unique types of materials into a researcher’s view: Books, Periodicals, Conference papers, Proceedings, Newspaper and many more.

10.5.2023: Springer has curated Optimization research highlights from their mathematics journals with free access for a limited time.
Articles: On technical debt in mathematical programming: An exploratory study, On Quasi-Stationary Mean Field Games of Controls, Route intelligent recommendation model and algorithm under the Pythagorean hesitant fuzzy linguistic environment, Method for solving bang-bang and singular optimal control problems using adaptive Radau collocation.

24.4.2023: Slovak National Library launched portal DIKDA - SNL Digital Library, which offers to registered readers more than a million copyright-free and commercially unavailable works. And all this for free, online from anywhere in the European Economic Area. You just need to register from a mobile phone or laptop, and you can immediately search for digital copies of books, magazines, articles, photographs, manuscripts that were published from the invention of the printing press to the beginning of the 21st century.

18.4.2023: We have prepared a list of new books added to the ICS Library collection in 2022.

28.3.2023: Springer has curated Combinatorics research highlights from their mathematics books and journals with free access for a limited time.
Chapters: Combinatorial Sums and Inversions, Connections with Combinatorics, Combinations, Foundational Combinatorial Structures.
Articles: A Short Proof of the Blow-Up Lemma for Approximate Decompositions, Algebraic degree of Cayley graphs over abelian groups and dihedral groups, Graphs with Flexible Labelings, Flows on measurable spaces.

27.1.2023: News on the use of digital libraries - Works not available on the book market (Díla nedostupná na trhu – DNNT): In 2023, the National Library makes available more than 178,000 digitized books published before 2007 and journals published before 2011 from Czech publishers. The digital library also offers over 30,000 free works.

5.9.2022: New books in Library collection from May till August 2022 are available on the Library's Intranet.

19.8.2022: Springer has curated mathematics highlights from their journals and books.

12.5.2022: News on the use of digital libraries - Works not available on the book market (Díla nedostupná na trhu – DNNT): The number of digital libraries that make available full texts of Czech books published before 2001 and journals published before 2011 has expanded to include the digital library of the Research Library in Hradec Králové. The library now includes around 178,000 digitized books and journals from Czech publishers.

30.4.2022: New books in Library collection from January till April 2022 are available on the Library's Intranet.

21.4.2022: ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) is celebrating its 75th anniversary. On this occasion, ACM made freely available for reading and downloading articles published during the first 50 years of its publishing. There are more than 117,500 articles, from year 1951 until the end of 2000.

24.3.2022: E-journals access statistics for the year 2021 are available on the Library intranet.

17.2.2022: Works not available on the book market (Díla nedostupná na trhu – DNNT): In 2022, the National Library makes available a digital library of works not available on the book market. The library includes around 150,000 digitized books and journals from Czech publishers. Remote access is possible for books published before 2001 and journals published before 2011.

These are Czech books and magazines that have been digitized, but are still protected by copyright (70 years have not passed since the author passed away or 50 years since the work was published). At the same time, they cannot be purchased in the regular retail network, for example in the form of a new edition.

There are currently 3 digital libraries available, which offer access to full texts for free works and works not available on the book market: the National Digital Library of the National Library of the Czech Republic, the Digital Library of the Moravian Library, and the Digital Library of the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Access to the libraries is available here: https://dnnt.cz/

As a user of the ICS Library, you have access to this service via eduID.cz. More information about DNNT (Czech language only): https://prirucky.ipk.nkp.cz/ndk/obsah.

27.1.2022: We present new books added to the ICS Library collection in 2021.

21.1.2022: New books in Library collection from September till December 2021 are available on the Library's Intranet.

7.1.2022: Since 1 January 2022, the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences is providing access for our Institute to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).

3.9.2021: New books in Library collection from May till August 2021 are available on the Library's Intranet.

16.7.2021: Oxford University Press (OUP) has curated a collection of articles about publishing for early career researchers. Find articles from OUP’s leading journals on various topics including: First time authors, Research best practice, Predatory journals, Publishing trends and other.

25.6.2021: From July 1 2021, the Moravian Library will provide access to online database: DNNT (díla nedostupná na trhu) - works not available on the market, published before 2000 and newspapers and magazines published before 2010. As a user of the ICS Library, you will have access to this service via eduID.cz.

30.4.2021: New books in Library collection from January till April 2021 are available on the Library's Intranet.

3.3.2021: Read an E-Book Week | We have selected e-sources with freely available and purchased e-books (fiction, non-fiction, professional etc.) - almost 5 000 electronic book titles from 4 publishers: Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Taylor and Francis, other available e-books in ICS Library, free sources of e-books online.

19.2.2021: Springer has curated a collection of 301 most recent high-impact publications in various topics, including Computer Science, Math and Statistics by Chinese researchers across from Springer Nature. Articles and chapters are free to read.

28.1.2021: We have prepared for you a list of new books in the collection of the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in 2020 in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Technology.

25.1.2021: We present new books added to the ICS Library collection in 2020.

22.1.2021: Altmetric Top 100 - Explore the most discussed research papers of 2020.

14.1.2021: New books in Library collection from October till December are available on the Library's Intranet.

21. 12. 2020: The ICS Library would like to wish you merry and peaceful Christmas, and all the best, especially good health, to the year 2021!

27.10.2020: We have selected e-sources with freely available e-books (fiction, non-fiction, professional etc.). More in section Scientific Sources - Free sources of e-books.

15.10.2020: New books in Library collection from May till September are available on the Library's Intranet.

9.6.2020: Cambridge University Press has provided access to selected chapters of the latest books in the London Mathematical Society Series.

3.4.2020: Free access to book chapters, journal articles and other research resources related to COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Cambridge, Clarivate, EBSCO: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Healthcare Resource Center, EBSCO: COVID-19 Updates and Information, EBSCO: DynaMed COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus), Elsevier, Emerald, IOP Publishing, OVID, Oxford Academic, Royal Society Publishing, SAGE, SIAM, Science Journal, Springer Nature, Taylor and Francis, Wiley.

1.4.2020: The Moravian Library has launched service Online.knihovny.cz, which aims to provide easier access for searching electronic resources available remotely. The site offers an overview of literature for adults, students, parents and children who do not have access to classic books at this time. It offers for example: professional literature for work, for leisure reading, e-resources for study or writing theses, school compulsory reading.

27.3.2020: On the ProQuest Ebook Central platform it is possible to access the collection of e-books for registered users of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Part of the collection is already purchased and is available. Users can download PDF or EPUB, print and copy without restrictions. Books have no limit on the number of concurrent users and are DRM-free. In addition, it is possible for library users to suggest a purchase of any of the 221 000 electronic books (if interested in purchase, write to knihovna@cs.cas.cz).