Hybride nanocomposite materials.
Grant Agency
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Molecular sieve chemistry and catalysis.
Organometallic Catalysis.
Year from
Year to
The aim of this project is research, development and application of new types of hybride (organic - organometallic - inorganic) nanocomposite materials for special applications in the catalytic preparation of new polymers and in a substantial improvement of their properties. New nanocomposite materials will be synthesized and their properties will be optimized using combination of conventional, microwave and electrochemical approaches. Number of experimental techniques will be used to characterize these nanomaterials in a detail. Main attention in the investigation of these advanced nanocomposite materials will be paid to their utilization in highly selective catalytic processes like polymerization or metathetic polymerization of olefins and acetylenes and in polymeric composite materials. Experimental results will be applied to optimize current polymeric processes and final products.
Key words: hybride nanocomposite materials; special applications; catalytic polymerization; organometallic synthesis; polyhedral silsequioxanes; metathetic polymerization.
Main contractor: Heyrovský Institute.
Three other contractors: University of Tomas Bata in Zlin; VÚAnCh Ústí nad Labem; Kaučuk, a.s.
The aim of this project is research, development and application of new types of hybride (organic - organometallic - inorganic) nanocomposite materials for special applications in the catalytic preparation of new polymers and in a substantial improvement of their properties. New nanocomposite materials will be synthesized and their properties will be optimized using combination of conventional, microwave and electrochemical approaches. Number of experimental techniques will be used to characterize these nanomaterials in a detail. Main attention in the investigation of these advanced nanocomposite materials will be paid to their utilization in highly selective catalytic processes like polymerization or metathetic polymerization of olefins and acetylenes and in polymeric composite materials. Experimental results will be applied to optimize current polymeric processes and final products.
Key words: hybride nanocomposite materials; special applications; catalytic polymerization; organometallic synthesis; polyhedral silsequioxanes; metathetic polymerization.
Main contractor: Heyrovský Institute.
Three other contractors: University of Tomas Bata in Zlin; VÚAnCh Ústí nad Labem; Kaučuk, a.s.
Mgr. Horáček Michal Ph.D.

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+420 26605 3965, 3735