Complex research services
We support the application of the outputs of FZU's research and development activities in industry and other research institutions. We cooperate with industrial partners on research, development and solutions for national and international projects. We provide patent, legal and marketing-business support. We support technology transfer.
Offer for companies
Experimental Facilities
Small icon with link
Public procurement
Dynamic temperature control system
Offer submission deadline
Small-scale public contract for supplies
Precision LCR meters
Offer submission deadline
Below-threshold public contract for supplies contracted within a simplified below-threshold procedure
Vysokorozlišovací skenovací elektronový mikroskop s analýzou prvkového a fázového složení a krystalografické orientace
Offer submission deadline
Nadlimitní veřejná zakázka na dodávky zadávaná v otevřeném řízení
Multi source high temperature evaporator
Offer submission deadline
Small-scale public supply contract
Let's join forces
Head of Knowledge and Technology Transfer
lazansky [at]
+420 266 05 2628
+420 725 015 339
We would like to thank all institutions and companies for their confidence and look forward to further successful collaboration.