FZU COLLOQUIUM: OPEN SCIENCE - Current Status and Future Trends at FZU


Current Status and Future Trends at FZU


Open science has been on the rise in recent years, and funding agencies are increasingly advocating for open science practices to improve the transparency, access, and reproducibility of science. Open science entails a radical change in how research is done and outcomes are disseminated, combining significant technological development and a cultural shift towards openness and collaboration. However, practicing open science is not easy, and considerable variation exists in the methodology and codes of conduct in different research fields, projects, and institutions.
This seminar aims to provide a guide and help researchers navigate a new landscape of open science in our institution. We will introduce the basic principles of open science and discuss the benefits and challenges of adopting open science practices. We will give an overview of the current support, services, and tools available at FZU. In particular, we focus on the practical aspects and procedures of open access, open data, and data management at FZU. We will also discuss the rules of different grant providers and share experiences and approaches from different research fields and project types (e.g. European and OP JAK). Finally, we will discuss future trends and requirements for the central support in open science.


9:00 Introduction to open science and overview of the current support, services, and tools at FZU - Jiří Červenka

9:40 Open science practices in European projects - Ilona Skordis Gottwaldová

9:50 Open science practices in OP JAK projects
FORTE – Ignacy Wolak-Sawicki
TERAFIT – Michal Urbánek (CEITEC)
SenDISo – Kristýna Dostálová
LasApp – Jan Aubrecht (UFE)
FerrMion – Jan Pech (UT)
AMULET – Jiří Červenka

10:30 Discussion

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Passcode: 596494
