Workshop website
Mapping Ethical Questions of Future Mobility
To participate, please register by sending an email to Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. by 19 March.
If you have questions about the workshop, please get in touch with Karol Kurnicki at Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript..
The new urban mobilities are supported by a big trend in which digital platforms play a major role. Old ways to travel are becoming linked by data. New automated and autonomous solutions increasingly rely on AI. New data-driven systems are being put in place in order to ensure that transport works but also that it is ready for the future. Platformisation and push towards more data in mobilities aim to shift the way we travel and make digital assistance necessary for any kind of transport.This workshop aims to explore some of the consequences of making mobilities digital. Some of these consequences we can already see, for instance, in the “uberisation” of transport. Some will onlybecome more relevant in the coming years, when the entire transportation systems will have been shaped by algorithms. This workshop will focus on ethical questions that must be raised alongside ongoing technological developments. We will go beyond well-known issues about data privacy orcontroversies around precarious labour in ride-hailing systems. During the workshop we will try toimagine a world in which mobility is fully digital and explore a range of problems that this brings.
Some of the guiding questions of this workshop are:
- Will the future digitalised mobility be sustainable?
- Will we all have access to clean and reliable travel?
- Will it be inclusive for everyone in our societies?
- Will it be affordable and really serving the public?