Mgr. et Mgr. Jitka Jindřišková
- T. G. Masaryk
- History of Scientific Institutions in Czechoslovakia after 1952
- 2011: Mgr., History – Norwegian Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
- 2011: Mgr., Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in History, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
- 2008: Bc., History – Norwegian Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
Research Interests
- correspondence of T. G. Masaryk, digital humanities
- science popularization, history didactics
- culture and history of the Scandinavian countries
Research Projects since 2010
- NAKI III, DH23P03OVV05, Network of Letters (NETLET) – The correspondence of intellectual elites in turbulent times of Bohemian/Czech history from the digital perspective, MIA CAS team coordinator (2023–2027),
- TA CR, ID TL04000233, Seniors – the Bearers of 20th Century Historical Memory: Third-Age Distance Learning of the Historical Sciences in the COVID 19 Pandemic Era, team member (2020–2022),
- NAKI II, DG18P02OVV026, International Correspondence Networks of T. G. Masaryk and the establishment of Czechoslovakia in 1918, team member (2018–2021).
Foreign Scholarships, Fellowships and Research Stays since 2010
- 10/2014‒12/2014: EHP grants scholarship – University of Oslo, Norway
- 8/2012‒10/2012: scholarship of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Norway) – University of Bergen, Norway
Memberships in University and Academy of Science bodies
- since 2023: member of Collegium of popularizators and PR workers of the Council for Academic Media and Popularization of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Publications since 2010
(Publication List at the MIA CAS)
Critical Editions
- HÁJKOVÁ, D., JINDŘIŠKOVÁ J., eds. Korespondence T. G. Masaryk – Velká Británie. Svazek II. (1916), [Correspondence T. G. Masaryk – Great Britain, Vol. II. (1916)]. Praha: Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, 2021. ISBN 978-80-88304-68-5.
- HÁJKOVÁ, D., HERC S., JINDŘIŠKOVÁ J., eds. Korespondence T. G. Masaryk – Velká Británie. Svazek I. (1881–1915), [Correspondence T. G. Masaryk – Great Britain, Vol. I. (1881–1915)]. Praha: Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, 2020. ISBN 978-80-88304-50-0.
Book Chapters
- JINDŘIŠKOVÁ, Jitka. Augusto Pinochet očima norské radikální levice [Augusto Pinochet from the Perspective of the Norwegian Left-Radicals]. In Jana Škerlová, Martin Vitko (eds.) Promýšlet Evropu dvacátého století. Hybatelé dějin. Brno: Matice moravská, 2018, pp. 121‒134. ISBN 978-80-87709-10-8.
- JINDŘIŠKOVÁ, Jitka. Odraz Vietnamské války v kultuře norského protestního hnutí v mezinárodních souvislostech [A Reflection of the Vietnam War in Cultural Expressions of Norwegian Protest Movement in an International Context]. In Lenka Pokorná Korytarová, Jana Škerlová, Ondřej Haváč a Martin Hromek (eds.) Promýšlet Evropu dvacátého století. Proměny hranic. Brno: Matice moravská, 2014, pp. 91–111. ISBN 978-80-87709-08-5.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- JINDŘIŠKOVÁ, Jitka. Román Umdlené duše a problém moderního člověka. Korespondence T. G. Masaryka a Arneho Garborga [The Weary Men Novel and the Problem of a Modern Man. Correspondence between Tomáš G. Masaryk and Arne Garbog]. Práce z dějin Akademie věd. 2020, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 17–48. ISSN 1803-9448.