The Department of Musicology of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites you to the lectures of the series
Dialogo della musica, autumn 2024
Ancient treatises on music are often written in the form of a dialogue. This is the inspiration for our lecture series, which aims to open a dialogue between the lecturer and the audience, as well as between the various disciplines dealing with music. In line with the current Year of Czech Music, the autumn series focuses on the music of the Czech lands and Czech music beyond its borders.
The lectures take place always on Tuesdays at 5 pm in the Musicological Library of the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Puškinovo nám. 9, Prague 6.
17. 9.
Birgit Lodes (Vídeň)
Harmonies and Heritage: Exploring the Musical Legacy of Charlotte Princess Kinsky
Charlotte Princess Kinsky, wife and widow of Beethoven’s patron Ferdinand Prince Kinsky, was a dedicatee of song collections by composers like Václav Jan Tomášek, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Franz Schubert. Raised in the music-loving von Kerpen family in Koblenz, she emigrated to Prague in 1792. In 1801, she married Ferdinand, bringing a deep love for music and a beautiful voice. My lecture explores her musical life in Prague, focusing on compositions performed at her wedding, on the pieces in her private music collection, and on drawings of the Kinsky home by her mother.
8. 10.
Risto Pekka Pennanen (Helsinky)
De-Canonising Music History through the Late Habsburg Archival Documents: Bosnia and Bohemia under the Analytical Gaze of Historical Ethnomusicology
The rich archives of the Habsburg administration contain a remarkable number of sources on music, musicians, talking machines, soundscape and musical societies – to name a few relevant themes. The scholarly use of such archival documents is not straightforward, however. Extracting data from in the archives of Bosnia and Bohemia, this talk concentrates on the major problems in finding data about Bohemian musicians and their impact on the musical life of the two provinces. The example cases are the Gregor Damenkapelle, the children of Emanuel Ekl in Josef Mazura’s Damenkapelle, barrel organist Barbora Hnídková, and the phonograph owners Johann Škarda and Jan Ptačník.
19. 11.
Matěj Kratochvíl (Praha)
Hudba a identita Čechů v Clevelandu
Kořeny české komunity v Clevelandu v americkém státě Ohio sahají do poloviny 19. století. Na počátku 20. století bylo toto průmyslové centrum čtvrtým největším „českým městem“ po Praze, Vídni a Chicagu. Hudba od počátku hrála významnou roli v udržování identity clevelandských Čechů i v jejich zapojování do americké společnosti. Jak se v průběhu historie proměňovala role různých hudebních aktivit mezi Čechy v Clevelandu a jak se do ní promítá hledání toho, co znamená být Čech a zároveň být Američan? Přednáška čerpá ze studia archivních materiálů i z aktuálního terénního výzkumu.