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Employees list: V

| A | B | Č | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | Š | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Surname Name Phone E-mail Workgroup
Vágner Martin +420 225 106 453, 414, +420 776 818 704 vagner@ueb.cas.cz Secretariat of the Director
Vágnerová Radka +420 225 106 892 vagnerova@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Pollen Biology
Valárik Miroslav +420 585 238 714 valarik@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics
Valdová Jitka +420 225 106 483 valdova@ueb.cas.cz Administration Office
Vaněk Tomáš +420 225 106 832 vanek@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies
Vaňková Radomíra +420 225 106 427 vankova@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Váňová Jana +420 225 106 484 vanova@ueb.cas.cz Administration Office
Vanžurová Hana +420 585 238 726 vanzurova@ueb.cas.cz
Vítek Radek +420702925005 vitek-radek@seznam.cz Laboratory of Virology
Vladejić Jovanka +420 585 238 725 vladejic@ueb.cas.cz
Vlčko Tomáš +420 585 634 909 vlcko@ueb.cas.cz
Vlk Martin +420 241 062 485 vlkmartin@ueb.cas.cz
Vltavská Kateřina +420 225 106 419, 404 vltavska@ueb.cas.cz
Vobejdová Zuzana +420 585 238 772, +420 585 238 705 vobejdova@ueb.cas.cz
Voller Jiří +420 585 634 856 jirivoller@gmail.com Laboratory of Growth Regulators
Voloshina Maria +420 225 106 472 voloshina.m@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Integrative Structural Biology
Vondráková Zuzana +420 225 106 422, +420 225 106 467 vondrakova@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds
Vondrakova Zuzana +420 225 106 431, 736 212 766 vondrakovaz@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Vrána Jan +420 585 238 720 vrana@ueb.cas.cz
Vukasinovic Nemanja +420 608 292 883 vukasinovic@ueb.cas.cz Laboratory of Cell Biology
Vundrle Jan +420 585 238 772, +420 585 238 705 vundrlejan@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics
Vundrle Jaroslav +420 585 238 772, +420 585 238 705 vundrle1@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics
Vundrlova Jindra +420585238702 vundrlova@ueb.cas.cz Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics
Vylíčil Jakub +420 728 479 630 vylicil@ueb.cas.cz External Cooperation