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Library Rules

Article I. Fundamental Stipulations

The Jan Kmenta CERGE-EI Library ("the Library") is part of a joint workplace of the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education of Charles University and the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic ("CERGE-EI"). The Library provides publicly accessible information services for economic research and education, and is closely connected with the goals and focus of CERGE-EI.

Article II. Library Users

  1. The Library mainly serves CERGE-EI academics, researchers, and students, members of the academic community of Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences, and the professional public.
  2. A natural person can become a user of the Library ("a Library User") after acquiring membership under Article V. of the Library Rules.

Article III. Binding Library Rules

  1. The Library Rules apply to the activities and services of the Library and are binding for all Library staff and Library Users.
  2. Library Users may submit suggestions regarding library services orally or in writing to the Library head.
  3. Failure to comply with the Library Rules is punishable and may be grounds for temporary or permanent revocation of Library membership. This is without prejudice to Library Users' liability for damage and its compensation under applicable legislation.

Article IV. Library Services

  1. The Library provides Library Users with public library and information services, in particular:
  • circulating and reference lending services,
  • an interlibrary lending service and an international interlibrary lending service ("ILS" and "IILS"),
  • bibliographic-information, reference, and resreferenceearch services,
  • electronic services.
  1. The Library provides basic services to Library Users free of charge. The Library is entitled to claim the reimbursement of costs incurred for administrative tasks and specialised services according to the actual costs incurred. A deposit may be requested to cover such costs.
  2. Publications not stored on the open shelves will in most cases be made ready upon request the next business day.

Article V. Library Membership

  1. A natural person becomes a Library User after obtaining a library card and subsequent registration in the Library system.
  2. A Library User card is not transferable.
  3. The Library User to whom a card is issued is responsible for any misuse of that card.
  4. Library membership is valid according to the Library User category. It can be renewed at the Library User's request.
  5. Library Users must immediately notify the Library of any changes in their personal data including, for example, changes in their place of residence.

Article VI. Other Library User Rights and Duties

  1. Library Users must comply with Act No. 121/2000, on copyright, on rights related to copyright and on amendments to certain other laws, as amended.
  2. Library Users must comply with the license terms and conditions when using electronic resources accessible through the CERGE-EI local network or through registered remote access, and must use the data obtained exclusively for the needs of teaching, research or study. The bulk downloading of data in excess of that required for personal use, the transferring of data to another person for commercial use, and the downloading of an entire year of a magazine are not permitted in particular.
  3. Failure to comply with the license terms and conditions may result in the Library User being sanctioned (according to the terms and conditions of the individual providers of the electronic resources) and may result in immediate termination of Library membership.
  4. Library Users assume responsibility for the condition and possible loss of loaned documents registered in the Library system.
  5. Library Users are responsible for checking the status of their user accounts and for notifying Library staff of any discrepancies.
  6. Library Users must present their Library card when entering the Library.
  7. Inside the Library, Library Users must follow the instructions of the Library staff and behave respectfully towards other Library Users. Any form of smoking and consumption of food and drink is prohibited in the Library. Persons who are dirty, intoxicated or under the influence of narcotic or psychotropic substances are prohibited from using the Library.


Article VII. Reference Lending

  1. The entire Library collection is available for reference lending.
  2. The following items are only available for reference lending:
    • publications at risk of irreplaceable loss or damage (unique publications),
    • reference literature,
    • the daily press.

Article VIII. Circulating Lending

  1. The lending rules are governed by the valid loan matrix (available for inspection in the Library and on the Library website), which also states the fines for overdue items for individual categories of borrowed documents and Library Users.
  2. Items may only be borrowed if the Library User does not have any overdue borrowed items, unpaid fines, etc.
  3. Library Users may reserve a publication borrowed by another Library User. When a reserved publication becomes available, the Library User has a set period to collect it. If the Library User does not collect the publication within the set period, the reservation is automatically canceled.
  4. If, in exceptional cases approved in advance by a Library staff member, a Library User returns a borrowed document by post, they must pack it properly and send it by registered post.
  5. Library Users must pay a fine for exceeding the borrowing period, even if no reminder has been sent. If an item is returned after a written reminder is issued, the Library User must also pay the fee for the reminder. Legal action will be taken after a third reminder.

Article IX. Deposits, Security Deposits and Compensation

  1. In the case of circulating borrowing, the Library may, in justified cases, require a cash security deposit to guarantee an item's proper return, for which it will issue a receipt. The Library User will present the receipt when returning the item, and the Library will refund the security deposit. The security deposit amount is set by the Library head.
  2. If a borrowed document is damaged, destroyed or lost, the Library is entitled to request one or more of the following forms of compensation:
  • restoration to the original condition,
  • delivery of an intact copy of the same edition of the same document in a binding of reasonable quality,
  • replacement with another edition of the document, or with another document of approximately equal value and importance for the Library's collection,
  • financial compensation equal to the current price of the document.

Article X. Final Provisions

  1. Exceptions to the Library Rules are approved by the Library head.
  2. The opening hours are set by the Library head.
  3. The Information Obligation of the Personal Data Controller forms an annex to the Library Rules.
  4. This directive comes into effect on 27. 1. 2025.
  5. This directive cancels Director's Directive No. 5/2020.

In Prague, on 27 January 2025

Appendix 1: Obligation to Provide Information to the Personal Data Administrator

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