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Library services are available for academics, researchers, and students of CERGE-EI, members from other units of Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences, as well as external users.

Library services include: loans for use in the library and loans to be checked out of the library, domestic and international inter-library lending service, database and remote database access, consulting services (information about catalogs, collections, and utilisation of the library), bibliographic and reference services and fact searches, retrieval services, scanning, internet access and instructional sessions about the library.

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UKAŽ is a Charles University’s discovery service and catalog, which allows simultaneous searching of printed, digitized and electronic resources available at CU. You may limit your search only to items accessible from the Jan Kmenta CERGE-EI Library. In UKAŽ you may also check your library account, renew your loans, make a reservation (request) for a document currently unavailable in open stacks (loaned / in storage), save bibliographic records to favourites, send them via e-mail or export document details to a citation manager.

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Charles University’s eResources Portal provides consolidated information about all the electronic resources available at Charles University. You may limit your search only to e-resources accessible for CERGE-EI. With a valid CAS password, remote access is also possible. External users (including alumni) have access only to limited number of e-resources.


The Library collects and creates records of publication activities of the CERGE-EI faculty, researchers and students. Personal bibliographies of authors affiliated with Economic Institute are stored in ASEP, a Czech Academy of Sciences database. Personal bibliographies of authors affiliated with CERGE are stored in Charles University OBD system.

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