Výzkumné stáže
Jednou z nesporných výhod Ph.D. programu Ekonomie a ekonometrie na CERGE-EI je možnost výzkumných stáží na prestižních univerzitách ve Spojených státech a v západní Evropě, kde studenti provádějí část svého doktorského výzkumu. CERGE-EI poskytuje částečné financování těchto stáží, studenti mohou také žádat o financování z dalších zdrojů (např. Charles University Mobility Fund nebo GEOCEP).
O zkušenostech našich studentů z mobilit si můžete přečíst v našem blogu.
"Visiting a vibrant research department challenged my perspective on academia and research. We often lose sight of our research agenda getting caught up in the details of our daily lives in an environment that has become a comfort zone for us. Spending a semester in a completely new setting is challenging, fulfilling, and also a privilege. I have had the opportunity to have quality conversations with people in my field and I firmly believe this experience has opened a new chapter in my academic career."
Sofiana Sinani, CERGE-EI Ph.D. student,
výzkumná stáž na University of Copenhagen,
Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) v roce 2024
"My research stay at Princeton has been an incredibly enriching experience. Engaging with world-class faculty, receiving invaluable feedback on my work, and participating in both academic and social events have been highly motivating. These experiences have broadened my perspectives and deepened my commitment to impactful research in development and behavioral economics. This opportunity has truly been a highlight of my academic journey."
Salamatu Nanna Adam, CERGE-EI Ph.D. student,
výzkumná stáž na Princeton University,
Research Program in Development Economics v roce 2024
„Pobyt na Princetone ma obohatil vo viacerých smeroch. Jednak som dostal kvalitnú a bohatú spätnú väzbu na svoje projekty, ale rovnako dôležité bolo pre mňa nadviazať nové kontakty a snažiť sa pochopiť nad čím a ako ľudia na Princetone rozmýšľajú a pracujú.“
Rastislav Rehák, CERGE-EI Ph.D. student,
výzkumná stáž na Princeton University 2022
"My research stay at Columbia University was a transformative experience that deepened my understanding of the field and expanded my perspectives. Being there allowed me to present my work at several internal workshops and conferences, where I received valuable feedback from faculty members and students. These opportunities were crucial in helping me improve my research and prepare for the job market. I also attended workshops and seminars at other universities in the city, which connected me with a diverse academic community. Through these experiences, I build new contacts and explore opportunities for future collaborations."Tran Tranh Trang, CERGE-EI Ph.D. student,
výzkumná stáž na Columbia University,
School of International and Public Affairs,
Center on Global Economic Governance v roce 2024
"I spend one enriching semester at the University Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona. The research stay offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with world-class researchers in a dynamic academic environment. The UPF is known for its cutting-edge research in Macroeconomics. To have the chance to talk to researchers such as Davide Debortoli or Jordi Galí broadened my perspective and sharpened my research. I believe this experience can help me shine in the job market. I recommend it to everyone!"
Lukáš Jordán, CERGE-EI Ph.D. student,
výzkumná stáž na Universitat Pompeu Fabra,
Department of Economics and Business v roce 2024
Zde je vybraný seznam institucí, kde studenti CERGE-EI absolvovali své mobility v posledních několika letech:
Severoamerické univerzity: Boston University, Columbia University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University, Princeton University, Stanford University, University of California at Berkeley, University of Chicago, University of Minnesota, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University a další
Evropské univerzity: Cambridge University, Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) - Vienna, Copenhagen Business School, Pantheon-Sorbonne, Tinbergen Institute - Amsterdam, Università Luigi Bocconi - Milan, Université Libre de Bruxelles, University College London, University of Essex, University of Oxford, University of Paris I, University of Tilburg - Center for Economic Research, University of Zurich a další