Rentgenová difrakční stanice

Source: MicroMax™-007 HF Microfocus, direct drive, high frequency coper rotating anode with left and right port.
Left port
- Optic: VariMax™ VHF Arc)Sec Confocal Optical System with electronicaly adjustable divergence settings allowing the beam to be optimized for a sample's unit cell size
- Goniometer: AFC11 Partial-χ 4-axis Goniometer allows movement of φ, ω, χ, 2-θ axes and the crystal-to-detector distace to reach maximum access to reciprocal space and data collection options. All above from RIGAKU Corporation.
- Detector: PILATUS 300K detector is true photon counting devices that combine the state of art features to make the best commercially available detector for protein crystallography from Dectris Ltd. This combination of source, optics and detector system allows shuterless data collection.
- Cryo cooling: Oxford Cryosystems cooling system Cryostream 800 allows measurement in temperature range of 80 – 400 K with stability beter than 0.1 K from Oxford Cryosystems Ltd.
Right port
- Optic: VariMax™ VHF Confocal Optical System maximizing useble flux with manualy adjustable divergence settings allowing the beam to be optimized for a sample's unit cell size from RIGAKU Corporation.
- Goniometer and Detector: mar345 Image Plate Detector. The mar345 detector is mounted on a mar goniostat with experimental shuter and motorized φ axe and the crystal-to-detector distace. The mar345 detector is from marXperts GmbH.
- Cryo cooling: Oxford Cryosystems cooling system Cryostream 600 series allows measurement in temperature range of 90 – 400 K with stability beter than 1 K from Oxford Cryosystems Ltd.
Další instrumenty z této kategorie
The Crystal Gryphon (Art Robbins Instruments) is the ideal and small protein crystallography dispenser, featuring accuracy, speed and precision to make it the perfect instrument for sitting drop, hanging drop and microbatch reactions.

Oryx8 (Douglas instruments) is a protein crystallization robot for sitting drop and microbatch screening and optimization, including seeding experiments.

Protein crystallization robot Mosquito Crystal (TTP Labtech, UK) is the ideal liquid handling tool for setting up protein crystallisation drops in high throughput screening plates. Vapour diffusion and LCP methods are supported. Mosquito offers solutions and protocols for sitting drop or microbatch in all commercially available multi-well plates and provides a solution for hanging drop on a 96 well format.