Codex Přemyslaeus
Regesty z výpisů z dvorských register Václava IV. z doby kolem a po roku 1400 / Regesten aus den Auszügen von den Hofkanzleiregistern Wenzels IV. aus der Zeit um und nach 1400
This book by Ivan Hlaváček, a leading expert of the Luxembourg epoch, provides access to extracts from the registers of the court offices of the Czech and Roman King Wenceslas IV. (1378-1419). A total of 335 documents from 1397-1407 were preserved in the Codex Přemysleus, discovered in the late 18th century in Přemysl and now kept in the National Library of Prague. The ensemble is valuable not only because the original court registers ceased to exist, but also due to the absence of the relevant Wenceslas volume of the Regesta imperii series.
In German.
Excerpts (in pdf):

published: 21st December 2013
326 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-80-7007-400-8
326 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-80-7007-400-8
series: Czech Archive (Archiv český)
/ volume 39
275 Kč buy online