Kontradikce / Contradictions 1-2/2021 (5. ročník)
Časopis pro kritické myšlení / A Journal for Critical Thought
The current volume of Contradictions builds on academic debate surrounding calls to reevaluate or rethink the history of dissent. Contributors to this volume explore how socialist political concepts took shape within the dissident movement in Central and Eastern Europe before 1989, and they show that the notion of Marxist dissent is not a contradiction in terms. In looking at the range of left dissident political thought, in light of its philosophical relevance, they explore multiple critiques, programs, and visions.
Excerpts (in pdf):
Available also as an e-book version, in e-pub, mobi, and pdf: Czech part, English part.

published: 24th January 2022
468 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-706-1
468 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-706-1
series: Kontradikce / Contradictions
390 Kč buy online