Contradictions 2/2023
A Journal for Critical Thought
The English issue of Contradictions is focused on experiences of Central Eastern European anarchisms. The issue contains four studies: Adrian Tătăran’s article on history of Romanian anarchism, Eszter Balázs´s study on Hungarian avant-gardist artist Lajos Kassák and his relationship to anarchism, Miroslav Michela’s text on roots of Slovak anarchism in early 1990s, and Gleb Koran’s analysis of Belarussian anarchist journal Navinki in late 1990s and early 2000s. Essay by Greg Piotrowski contextualizes experiences of Polish anarchism in 1980s and 1990s in transformation of European anarchism after the Second World War and Essay by Ondřej Slačálek analyzes regional differences of histories of CEE anarchisms. Interview with Iavor Tarinski depicts the story of Bulgarian anarchism and its participation in resistence against Ottoman Empire, monarchist authoritarian rule and Stalinism. The issue also presents two important figures of Czech and Polish anarchism of the first half of the 20th century: Czech anarcho-feminist essay by Luisa Landová-Štychová and passage from the work of Polish cooperative socialist and anarchist Maria Orsetti. The important part of the issue is also forum on anarchism and Russian invasion of Ukraine with the participation of anarchist thinkers (Maria Rakhmaninova, Zosia Brom, Wayne Price, Ratibor Trivurac, Volodymyr Ischenko and others) as well as of collectives. The part of the issue are also review essays as well as obituary of Nicolas Trifon.
Excerpts (in pdf):

309 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-778-8