Study of photochemical processes in free nanoparticles of atmospheric and biophysical relevance
Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry.
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Year to
Studies of photochemical processes in free molecular clusters and nanoparticles are proposed here, using a molecular beam experiment in the principal investigator's laboratory and complemented by quantum chemistry calculations in the theory group of co-investigator. In the initial stage, a substantial enhancement of the present experiment by implementing an ion imaging technique is proposed, which at the same time will lead to building of a new independent experimental setup. The new apparatus will first serve the development and testing of the new imaging system, then it will be used for complementary studies of the investigated molecules. Subsequently, joint experimental and theoretical studies of photodissociation in clusters and nanoparticles are proposed with the focus on systems of atmospheric and biological relevance. From the beginning, theoretical calculations will be performed to guide and interpret the experiment.
Studies of photochemical processes in free molecular clusters and nanoparticles are proposed here, using a molecular beam experiment in the principal investigator's laboratory and complemented by quantum chemistry calculations in the theory group of co-investigator. In the initial stage, a substantial enhancement of the present experiment by implementing an ion imaging technique is proposed, which at the same time will lead to building of a new independent experimental setup. The new apparatus will first serve the development and testing of the new imaging system, then it will be used for complementary studies of the investigated molecules. Subsequently, joint experimental and theoretical studies of photodissociation in clusters and nanoparticles are proposed with the focus on systems of atmospheric and biological relevance. From the beginning, theoretical calculations will be performed to guide and interpret the experiment.
doc. Mgr. Fárník Michal Ph.D., DSc.

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+420 26605 3206