RNDr. Jan Borovička, Ph.D.

Academic career
2003–present: Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy, Neutron Activation Analysis Group (research scientist, partly employee)
2007–present: Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of Environmental Geology and Geochemistry (research scientist, partly employee)
2014–present: external member of the Laboratory of Fungal Biology, Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Republic
Main areas of research
From both biogeochemical and mycological perspectives I investigate interactions of macrofungi (mushrooms) and trace elements. I am particularly interested in the following geomycological areas: i) species-specific accumulation of trace elements in macrofungi, ii) environmental factors (bedrock geochemistry, pollution) influencing accumulation of elements in macrofungi, iii) isotope applications in geomycological studies (Pb, Cd), biogeochemistry of Cd isotopes, iv) applications of molecular genetics in environmental geomycology. I also focus on field mycology and taxonomy of macrofungi, including nomenclature, ecology, and molecular phylogeny. I am (co-)author of fungal names [Psilocybe weraroa Borovička & al., Leratiomyces laetissimus (Hauskn. & Singer) Borovička & al.] and descriptions of several fungal species new to science, e.g., Psilocybe allenii Borovička & al., Pluteus septocystidiatus Ševčíková & al., Cortinarius prodigiosus Bušek & al., Pluteus floccipes Ševčíková & Borovička, Pluteus keselakii Ševčíková, P.-A. Moreau & Borovička, and others. I co-operate with renowned European and American mycologists (e.g., V. Antonín, B. Dima, T.G. Froslev, L.-A. Parra, R.H. Petersen, P.-A. Moreau, M.E. Noordeloos) and I have published photographs of macrofungi in many scientific papers and monographs (e.g., Agaricus, Russula, Strophariaceae). I have collected and documented circa 4,000 “herbarium specimens” of macrofungi; the majority is deposited in the Mycological Department, National Museum in Prague (PRM). Furthermore, I am also interested in environmental analytical chemistry (characterization of certified environmental reference materials in particular) and psychedelic substances in macrofungi.
Research projects
2008-2011: Silver and zinc content of macrofungi: chemical form in fruit-bodies, geochemical and environmental aspects and chemotaxonomic significance (principal investigator) – Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences, project no. IAA600480801.
2011-2015: Hyperaccumulation of heavy metals in macrofungi - molecular, geomycological and ecotaxonomic aspects (partner investigator) – Czech Science Foundation, project
no. P504/11/0484.
2016-2018: Arsenic hyperaccumulation in macrofungi (international project, partner investigator) – Czech Science Foundation, project no. 16-34839L.
2016-2018: Factors affecting heavy metal accumulation in macrofungi (partner investigator) – Czech Science Foundation, project no. 16-15065S.
2019-2021: Cadmium hyperaccumulation in macrofungi: from isotopes to proteins and bacterial communities (principal investigator) – Czech Science Foundation, project no. 19-06759S.
Published papers (Web of Science only)
Antonín V., Borovička J., Holec J., Piltaver A., Kolařík M. (2019): Taxonomic update of Clitocybula sensu lato with a new generic classification. Fungal Biology 123: 431-447.
Beneš V., Hložková K., Matěnová M., Borovička J., Kotrba P. (2016): Accumulation of Ag and Cu in Amanita strobiliformis and characterization of its Cu and Ag uptake transporter genes AsCTR2 and AsCTR3. Biometals 29 (2): 249-264.
Borovička J., Řanda Z. (2007): Distribution of iron, cobalt, zinc and selenium in macrofungi. Mycological Progress 6 (4): 249-259.
Borovička J., Řanda Z., Jelínek E. (2005): Gold content of ectomycorrhizal and saprobic macrofungi from non-auriferous and unpolluted areas. Mycological Research 109 (8): 951-955.
Borovička J., Řanda Z., Jelínek E. (2006): Antimony content of macrofungi from clean and polluted areas. Chemosphere 64: 1837-1844.
Borovička J., Řanda Z., Jelínek E., Kotrba P., Dunn C.E. (2007): Hyperaccumulation of silver by Amanita strobiliformis and related species of the section Lepidella. Mycological Research 111: 1339-1344.
Borovička J., Dunn C.E., Gryndler M., Mihaljevič M., Jelínek E., Rohovec J., Rohošková M., Řanda Z. (2010): Bioaccumulation of gold in macrofungi and ectomycorrhizae from the vicinity of the Mokrsko gold deposit, Czech Republic. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42: 83-91.
Borovička J., Kotrba P., Gryndler M., Mihaljevič M., Řanda Z., Rohovec J., Cajthaml T., Stijve T., Dunn C.E. (2010): Bioaccumulation of silver in ectomycorrhizal and saprobic macrofungi from pristine and polluted areas. Science of the Total Environment 408: 2733-2744.
Borovička J., Noordeloos M.E., Gryndler M., Oborník M. (2011): Molecular phylogeny of Psilocybe cyanescens complex in Europe, with reference to the position of the secotioid Weraroa novae-zelandiae. Mycological Progress 10 (2): 149-155.
Borovička J., Kubrová J., Rohovec J., Řanda Z., Dunn C.E. (2011): Uranium, thorium and rare earth elements in macrofungi: what are the genuine concentrations? Biometals 24 (5): 837-845.
Borovička J., Mihaljevič M., Gryndler M., Kubrová J., Žigová A., Hršelová H., Řanda Z. (2014): Lead isotopic signatures of saprotrophic macrofungi of various origins: Tracing for lead sources and possible applications in geomycology. Applied Geochemistry 43: 114-120.
Borovička J., Oborník M., Stříbrný J., Noordeloos M.E., Parra Sánchez L.A., Gryndler M. (2015): Phylogenetic and chemical studies in the potential psychotropic species complex of Psilocybe atrobrunnea with taxonomic and nomenclatoral notes. Persoonia 34 (1): 1-9.
Borovička J., Bušek B., Mikšík M., Dvořák D., Jeppesen T.S., Dima B., Albert L., Froslev T.G. (2015): Cortinarius prodigiosus – a new species of the subgenus Phlegmacium from Central Europe. Mycological Progress 14: 29.
Borovička J., Braeuer S., Žigová A., Gryndler M., Dima B., Goessler W., Froslev T.G., Kameník J., Kärcher R. (2017): Resurrection of Cortinarius coalescens: taxonomy, chemistry, and ecology. Mycological Progress 16 (9): 927-939.
Borovička J., Braeuer S., Sácký J., Kameník J., Goessler W., Trubač J., Strnad L., Rohovec J., Leonhardt T., Kotrba P. (2019): Speciation analysis of elements accumulated in Cystoderma carcharias from clean and smelter-polluted sites. Science of the Total Environment 648: 1570-1581.
Borovička J., Konvalinková T., Žigová A., Ďurišová J., Gryndler M., Hršelová H., Kameník J., Leonhardt T., Sácký J. (2019): Disentangling the factors of contrasting silver and copper accumulation in sporocarps of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Amanita strobiliformis from two sites. Science of the Total Environment 694: 133679.
Borovička J., Ackerman L., Rejšek J. (2021): Cadmium isotopic composition of biogenic certified reference materials determined by thermal ionization mass spectrometry with double spike correction. Talanta 221: 121389.
Braeuer S., Goessler W., Kameník J., Konvalinková T., Žigová A., Borovička J. (2018): Arsenic hyperaccumulation and speciation in the edible ink stain bolete (Cyanoboletus pulverulentus). Food Chemistry 242: 225–231.
Braeuer S., Borovička J., Goessler W. (2018): A unique arsenic speciation profile in Elaphomyces spp. (“deer truffles”)—trimethylarsine oxide and methylarsonous acid as significant arsenic compounds. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 410 (9): 2283–2290.
Braeuer S., Borovička J., Glasnov T., Guedes de la Cruz G., Jensen K.B., Goessler W. (2018): Homoarsenocholine – A novel arsenic compound detected for the first time in nature. Talanta 188: 107–110.
Braeuer S., Borovička J., Kameník J., Prall E., Stijve T., Goessler W. (2020): Is arsenic responsible for the toxicity of the hyperaccumulating mushroom Sarcosphaera coronaria? Science of the Total Environment 736: 139524.
Braeuer S., Borovička J., Glabonjat R.A., Steiner L., Goessler W. (2021): Arsenocholine-O-sulfate: a novel compound as major arsenic species in the parasitic mushroom Tolypocladium ophioglossoides. Chemosphere 265: 128886.
Cejpková J., Gryndler M., Hršelová H., Kotrba P., Řanda Z., Synková I., Borovička J. (2016): Bioaccumulation of heavy metals, metalloids, and chlorine in ectomycorrhizae from smelter-polluted area. Environmental Pollution 218: 176-185.
De Lange R., Adamčík S., Adamčíkova K., Asselman P., Borovička J., Delgat L., Hampe F., Verbeken A. (2021): Enlightening the black and white: species delimitation and UNITE species hypothesis testing in the Russula albonigra species complex. IMA Fungus 12: 20.
Ďurišová J., Ackerman L., Strnad L., Chrastný V., Borovička J. (2015): Lead isotopic composition in biogenic certified reference materials determined by different ICP-based mass spectrometric techniques. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 39 (2): 209-220.
Falandysz J., Borovička J. (2013): Macro and trace mineral constituents and radionuclides in mushrooms: health benefits and risks. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97 (2): 477-501.
Gotvaldová K., Hájková K., Borovička J., Juroka R., Cihlářová P., Kuchař M. (2021): Stability of psilocybin and its four analogues in the biomass of the psychotropic mushroom Psilocybe cubensis. Drug Testing and Analysis 13 (2): 439-446.
Gryndler M., Egertová Z., Soukupová L., Gryndlerová H., Borovička J., Hršelová H. (2010): Molecular detection of Entoloma spp. associated with roots of rosaceous woody plants. Mycological Progress 9 (1): 27-36.
Gryndler M., Hršelová H., Soukupová L., Streiblová E., Valda S., Borovička J., Gryndlerová H., Gažo J., Miko M. (2011): Detection of summer truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad.) in ectomycorrhizae and in soil using specific primers. FEMS Microbiology Letters 318 (1): 84-91.
Gryndler M., Hršelová H., Soukupová L., Borovička J. (2012): Silver release from decomposed hyperaccumulating Amanita solitaria fruit-body biomass strongly affects soil microbial community. Biometals 25 (5): 987-993.
Gryndler M., Soukupová L., Hršelová H., Gryndlerová H., Borovička J., Štreiblová E., Jansa J. (2013): A quest for indigenous truffle helper prokaryotes. Environmental Microbiology Reports 5 (3): 346-352.
Hofmeister J., Hošek J., Brabec M., Dvořák D., Beran M., Deckerová H., Burel J., Kříž M., Borovička J., Běťák J., Vašutová M. (2014): Richness of ancient forest plant species indicates suitable habitats for macrofungi. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 2015-2031.
Hofmeister J., Hošek J., Brabec M., Dvořák D., Beran M., Deckerová H., Burel J., Kříž M., Borovička J., Běťák J., Vašutová M., Malíček J., Palice Z., Syrovátková L., Steinová J., Černajová I., Holá E., Novozámská E., Čížek L., Iarema V., Baltaziuk K., Svoboda T. (2015): Value of old forest attributes related to cryptogam species richness in temperate forests: A quantitative assessment. Ecological Indicators 57: 497-504.
Jansa J., Šmilauer P., Borovička J., Hršelová H., Forczek S.T., Slámová K., Řezanka T., Rozmoš M., Bukovská P, Gryndler M. (2020): Dead Rhizophagus irregularis biomass mysteriously stimulates plant growth. Mycorrhiza 30: 63-77.
Kallifatidis B., Borovička J., Stránská J., Drábek J., Mills D.K. (2014): Fluorescent Random Amplified Microsatellites (F-RAMS) analysis of mushrooms as a forensic investigative tool. Forensic Science International: Genetics 9: 25-32.
Krisai-Greilhuber I., Chen Y, Jabeen S., Madrid H., Marincowitz S., Razaq A., Ševčíková H., Voglmayr H., Yazici K., Aptroot A., Aslan A., Boekhout T., Borovička J., Crous P.W., Ilyas S., Jami F., Jiang Y.-L., Khalid A.N., Kolecka A., Konvalinková T., Norphanphoun C., Shaheen S., Wang Y., Wingfield M.J., Wu S.-P., Wu Y.-M., Yu J.-Y. (2017): Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 3. Sydowia 69: 229–264.
Kubrová J., Žigová A., Řanda Z., Rohovec J., Gryndler M., Krausová I., Dunn C.E., Kotrba P., Borovička J. (2014): On the possible role of macrofungi in the biogeochemical fate of uranium in polluted forest soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 280: 79-88.
Lajin B., Braeuer S., Borovička J., Goessler W. (2021): Is the water disinfection by-product dichloroacetic acid biosynthesized in the edible mushroom Russula nigricans? Chemosphere 281: 130819.
Leonhardt T., Borovička J., Sácký J., Šantrůček J., Kameník J., Kotrba P. (2019): Zn overaccumulating Russula species clade together and use the same mechanism for the detoxification of excess Zn. Chemosphere 225: 618-626.
Osobová M., Urban V., Jedelský P.L., Borovička J., Gryndler M., Ruml T., Kotrba P. (2011): Three metallothionein isoforms and sequestration of intracellular silver in the hyperaccumulator Amanita strobiliformis. New Phytologist 190 (4): 916-926.
Paymaneh Z., Gryndler M., Konvalinková T., Benada O., Borovička J., Bukovská P., Püschel D., Řezáčová V., Sarcheshmehpour M., Jansa J. (2018): Soil matrix determines the outcome of interaction between mycorrhizal symbiosis and biochar for Andropogon gerardii growth and nutrition. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: 2862.
Petersen R.H., Borovička J., Reboredo Segovia A., Hughes K.W. (2015): Transatlantic disjunction in fleshy fungi. II. The Sparassis spathulata – S. brevipes complex. Mycological Progress 14: 30.
Ramírez-Cruz V., Cortés-Pérez A., Borovička J., Villalobos-Arámbula A.R., Matheny P.B., Guzmán-Dávalos L. (2020): Deconica cokeriana (Agaricales, Strophariaceae), a new combination. Mycoscience 61 (2): 95-100.
Sácký J., Leonhardt T., Borovička J., Gryndler M., Briksí A., Kotrba P. (2014): Intracellular sequestration of zinc, cadmium and silver in Hebeloma mesophaeum and characterization of its metallothionein genes. Fungal Genetics and Biology 67: 3-14.
Sácký J., Beneš V., Borovička J., Leonhardt T., Kotrba P. (2019): Different cadmium tolerance of two isolates of Hebeloma mesophaeum showing different basal expression levels of metallothionein (HmMT3) gene. Fungal Biology 123: 247-254.
Sácký J., Černý J., Šantrůček J., Borovička J., Leonhardt T., Kotrba P. (2021): Cadmium hyperaccumulating mushroom Cystoderma carcharias has two metallothionein isoforms usable for cadmium and copper storage. Fungal Genetics and Biology 153: 103574.
Ševčíková H., Antonín V., Borovička J. (2014): Pluteus septocystidiatus, a new species with unique pleurocystidia. Sydowia 66 (2): 229-239.
Ševčíková H., Borovička J. (2015): Pluteus floccipes, a new species from the Czech Republic. Sydowia 67: 157-165.
Ševčíková H., Borovička J. (2019): Pluteus rugosidiscus (Basidiomycota, Pluteaceae), first record of this North American species in Europe. Nova Hedwigia 108 (1-2): 227-241.
Ševčíková H., Moreau P.-A., Borovička J. (2020): Pluteus keselakii (Pluteaceae, Agaricales), a new species in section Celluloderma. Phytotaxa 432 (2): 181-189.
Ševčíková H., Borovička J., Gates G. (2021): Pluteus hubregtseorum (Pluteaceae), a new species from Australia and New Zealand. Phytotaxa 496 (2): 147-158.
Zamora J.C., Svensson M., Kirschner R., Olariaga I., Ryman S., Parra L.A., Geml J., Rosling A., et al. (2018): Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa. IMA Fungus 9 (1): 167-175.