The Institute of Physics presents its activities and popularizes physics at a number of other opportunities and events. We organize lectures for the public, attend festivals, celebrate significant anniversaries. A few selected examples.
- International Day of Light – TBC
- Science Festival – 06/18/2025
- Zažít město jinak – TBC
Science Festival
Every year in September we participate, along with other institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences and a number of other exciting exhibitors, in the Science Festival organised by the Czech Technical University. A popular event in the open offers a lot of interactive entertainment and interviews with scientists for school groups and the general public.
International Day of Light
In honour of the launch of the first laser by Theodor Maiman, May 16 has been declared the International Day of Light. On this occasion, HiLASE and ELI Beamlines centres in Dolní Břežany prepare an attractive programme for children and adult visitors consisting of commented tours, workshops, logical games and light installations.
Zažít město jinak
In the autumn of 2019 FZU facility in Cukrovarnická took part in a neighbour festival called Zažít město jinak. Since then, we demonstrate physical experiments and organize tours around campus, initially built for a Sugar Research Institute. Visitors could take a stroll through a newly reconstructed garden, do some sport or see the architecturally distinctive interiors of the building.