Dr. Kühne moved to FZU in September 2020 to establish her independent research in the Department of Functional Materials (#18) focusing on sensor applications of thin films. Her current post is funded by the EU Structural Funds, Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (OP VVV). Her research focuses on the development of metal complexes which can be deposited using various forms of vacuum and wet techniques to produce homogeneous thin films to test these novel nanomaterials for their sensing abilities towards hazardous gases. Her current research activities include:
- Development of new chemiresistive sensors
- CVD and magnetron sputtering of thin metal films and semiconductors
- Switchable magnetic materials based on transition metals and lanthanides
ORCID 0000-0003-0006-404X
ResearcherID B-2770-2011
SCOPUS ID 56017230700