Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research, 2024 (roč. 25), číslo 2
Convergences: Gender, Communication, and Work


Convergences: Communication, Work, and Gender

Nicoleta Elena Apostol (ORCID: 0000-0001-5777-7230), Romina Surugiu (ORCID: 0000-0003-2731-2058)

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (2): 3-12 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.019  


The Aftermath of Minds, Hearts, and Symbols: A Multidimensional Perspective on Digital Housework

Alina Silion

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (2): 13-41 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.015  

Digital housework is one of the outcomes of the spread of interactive, smart technologies in the home. This new type of work consists of domestic, personal, and professional activities that are carried out at home using technological and digital devices. This study seeks to provide a better understanding of the gender implications of the cognitive, emotional, symbolic, and outcome dimensions of digital housework. The research questions used in the study are: (1) What are cognitive, emotional, and symbolic digital housework tasks and their outcomes? (2) What gender patterns can be observed in the performance of cognitive, emotional, and symbolic digital...

The Limits and Opportunities of Practising Journalism in the Digital Space: A Gender Perspective

Alexandra Codău, Valentin Vanghelescu

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (2): 42-64 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.017  

This study explores the professional debut of women journalists in the digital environment in Romania, focusing on the dynamics of gender identity. The research examines the phenomenon of the viralisation of the first material published by a young journalist and the subsequent online reactions to it on social media. The case study method is used to analyse the discursive and institutional consequences of this event, observing the reactions of various stakeholders (the author, readers, journalists, NGOs, and the academic community). The findings highlight the opportunities created by the viral nature of the debut article, which provides...

The Transnational Construction and Maintenance of Digital Feminist Media Activism: Engagement Practices in  the Global South and North

Mariana Fagundes-Ausani

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (2): 65-92 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.018  

The article observes, from a transitional perspective, how feminist activists appropriate digital spaces to produce informative content about gender equity and how they organise themselves to maintain feminist media projects in terms of content production and public access to this information. The research focuses on analysing three Brazilian publications (AzMina, Lado M, and Think Olga) and three French ones (Georgette Sand, Les Glorieuses, and Madmoizelle). The global North-South category is mobilised to propose a dialogue between feminist journalism practices in Brazil and France, using both countries because they are important players on the international...

Time to Change the 'Change': Stigma and Support in Blogs about the Menopause

Keren Darmon

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (2): 93-116 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.016  

This article empirically explores how women who are members of UK-based women-only networks for women working in the media and communications industries blog about the menopause, specifically Bloom (, Women in Advertising and Communications Leadership (, and Women in Public Relations (www.womeninpr. org). The over-arching research question in this paper is: How do women who are members of women-only networks for women working in communications blog about the menopause? I seek to answer this question by exploring whether the selected blog posts’ texts on the websites of women-only networks have a feminist...

Washing ‘Dirty Work’ in Academia and Beyond: Resisting Stigma as an Early Career Researcher Investigating Sexuality in the Digital

Chiara Perin

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (2): 117-137 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.014  

During my PhD studies, my ethnography of the r/NoFap subreddit involved grappling with challenges that questioned my research design, academic posture, political stance, gender identity, sexuality and desire and asked for mutable choices to deal with them. With over 1.1 million members, predominantly men, this Reddit channel advocates abstinence from pornography consumption and excessive masturbation as a means to overcome a self-diagnosed porn addiction, porn overuse, and compulsive sexual behaviour. The related conversations are dominated by evolutionary narratives on gender and sexuality, men’s sexual entitlement to women, and the heteronormative...


Americká maskulinita pod tlakem změn

Ondřej Frunc

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (2): 138-141 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.011  

In their publication, Yasemin Besen-Cassino and Dan Cassino focus on capturing the basic strategies by which men in the US compensate for changes in the perception of their masculinity. They draw on a large amount of quantitative and qualitative data, which I consider to be one of the great contributions of this publication. They outline a basic overview of strategies that can be significantly expanded in further research and further deepen knowledge about the direction different men take if they feel their own masculinity is threatened. Their book Gender Threat: American Masculinity in the Face of Change (2022) is still a relevant text for the study...

Stížnost jako předmět fenomenologické analýzy i nástroj institucionální kritiky

Magdaléna Michlová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (2): 141-145 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.012  

The subject of this review is "Ahmed, S. 2021. Complaint! Durham: Duke University Press". The paper introduces Sara Ahmed as a proponent of queer phenomenology and an academic activist involved professionally and personally in combating gender-based violence in academia, mainly by examining complaints as a subject of a phenomenological analysis as well as as a tool of an institutional critique. Ahmed's main research questions and conclusions are presented in the paper, and the aims of the author are critically reflected upon.

Střední a východní Evropa ve středu zájmu: Neviditelná práce a genderová nerovnost v akademii

Tereza Trojanová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2024, 25 (2): 145-149 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2024.013  

Recenze se zabývá knihou Gender and Academic Career Development in Central and Eastern Europe od polské socioložky Anny Górska. Poskytuje souhrn obsahu knihy, který je konceptualizován podle druhu akademické práce a podle stádia akademické kariéry. Zmiňuje hlavní přínos knihy, který spočívá v souhrnném přehledu problematiky v regionu, kde anglicky psaná kniha na toto téma doposud chyběla. Zároveň recenze pojmenovává nedostatky této publikace způsobené přílišným zobecněním regionu, který je sám o sobě heterogenní oblastí, a s tím související určitou povrchností předložených argumentů.