Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds
Research areas of the laboratory:
- Metabolism of phenolic compounds, growth regulators and polyamines in plant tissue cultures, metabolism of phenolic compounds and polyamines in relation to growth and differentiation.
- Somatic embryogenesis of conifers (Picea abies, Abies alba, A. cephalonica, A. nordmanniana): induction of embryogenic cultures, maturation, desiccation, and germination of somatic embryos. Endogenous phytohormones during somatic embryogenesis (ABA, IAA, cytokinins, polyamines, ethylene), anatomy of somatic embryos. Cryopreservation of conifer embryogenic cultures.
- Organogenesis of technical and medicinal Cannabis in vitro using plant growth regulators, especially cytokinins and auxin. We study the effect of cytokinin oxidases´ inhibitors.
head of the laboratoryscientist
- Mgr. Kateřina Eliášová PhD.
deputy head of the laboratoryscientist
- RNDr. Lucie Fischerová Ph.D.
- RNDr. Zuzana Vondráková CSc.
graduated technical assistant
- Ing. Jana Pavlíčková
- ing. Alena Trávníčková
Research projects
Research projects:
Number of grants/projects: 6
- The profile of carotenoids in selected apple varieties in relation to storage conditions , MŠMT , Zuzana Vondráková
- The role of polyamines in the process of plant autophagy , MŠMT , Lenka Gemperlová
- Contribution of super-resolution microscopy and image analysis to the study of plant in vitro cultures with the emphasis on somatic embryogenesis of conifers , MŠMT , Kateřina Eliášová
- Improvement of pre-sowing treatments for dormant European beech seeds , MZE NAZV , Zuzana Vondráková
- The use of biotechnology methods for the preservation and reproduction of autochtonous populations of hurst ecotype of Norway spruces. , MZE NAZV , Milena Cvikrová
- Effects of drought and heat stress on polyamine metabolism in wild type and transgenic tobacco plants. , MŠMT , Milena Cvikrová
Number of publications: 94
- PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 75: 405-414 2015 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- DENDROBIOLOGY 74 25-32 2015
- Věda kolem nás 2015
- PLANT CELL, TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE 121 741-760 2015 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- PLANT SCIENCE 235 25-36 2015
- FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 74 37-47 2015 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- PLANT SCIENCE 221 90-99 2014
- PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 152 184-201 2014 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 17(2) 2014 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 101 12-25 2014 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only