Juncaceae Phylogeny Group



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Catling P.M., Spicer K.W. (1988): The status of Juncus oronensis (Juncaceae). - Canad. J. Bot. 66(8): 1574-1582.

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Cheadle V.I. (1955): The taxonomic use of specialization of vessels in the metaxylem of Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Juncaceae and Restionaceae. - J. Arn. Arbor. 36, 141-157.

Cheadle V.I., Kosakai H. (1974): Vessels in Juncales: 1. Juncaceae and Thurniaceae. - Phytomorphology 23(1-2): 80-87.

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Christofferson I. (1984): Juncus ensifolius, svardtag, funnen i Sverige. - Svensk Bot. Tidskr., 78(2): 72-74.

Chrtek J., Krísa B. (1962): A taxonomical study of the species Luzula spicata (L.) DC. sensu lato in Europe. - Botaniska Notiser, Lund, 1962/ vol. 115 Fasc. 3   293-310.

Chrtek J., Krísa B. (1964): On the problems of the species "Luzula spicata" (L.) DC. in Italy. - Webbia, Firenze, 19: 1-10.

Chrtek J., Krísa B. (1964): Notes on the Luzula spicata complex in Turkey. - Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 25: 163-164.

Chrtek J., Krísa B. (1965): Luzula hispanica Chrtek et Krísa. - Novit. Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Carol. Prag 1965:27-29.

Chrtek J., Krísa B. (1967): Beitrag zur Verbreitung der Luzula alpino-pilosa (Chaix) Breistr. auf der Balkanhalbinsel. - Fragm. Balcan. Mus. Macedon. Sci., Skopje 6(4): 49-51.

Chrtek J., Krísa B. (1974): Einige taxonomische Bemerkungen zur Gattung Luzula DC. unter Aufstellung einer neuen Gattung Ebingeria. - Preslia 46(3): 210-212.

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Chicouene, D. (1996): Complements pour la determination des Joncacees armoricaines: I. Le groupe se JUncus bufonius. - E.R.I.C.A., Bull. de Bot. Armor. 8: 52-56.

Chicouene, D. (1996): Complements pour la determination des Joncacees armoricaines: II. Les taxons infra-specifiques de Juncus supinus Moench. (Juncus bulbosus L.). - E.R.I.C.A., Bull. de Bot. Armor. 8: 56-58.

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Clemants S.E. (1985): A key to the rushes (Juncus spp.) of Minnesota. -  Mich. Bot., 24(1): 33-37.

Clemants S.E. (1990): Juncaceae (rush family) of New York State. - Albany, N.Y.: New York State University, State Education Dept., 67p.

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Cope T.A. (1980): Taxonomy of the Juncus bufonius aggregate.  In Conference report: recent advances in the study of the British flora, the University of Manchester, 20th ‑ 21st April, 1979. -  Watsonia, 13(1): 76-77.

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Cope T.A. (1983): A guide to British rushes: 3. -  Wild Flower Mag., no.396: 16-20.

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Cope T.A., Stace C.A. (1978): The Juncus bufonius L. aggregate in western Europe. - Watsonia 12(2): 113-128.

Cope T.A., Stace C.A. (1983):  Variation in the Juncus bufonius L. aggregate in western Europe. -  Watsonia 14(3): 263-272.

Cope T.A., Stace C.A. (1985): Cytology and hybridization in the Juncus bufonius L. aggregate in western Europe. - Watsonia, 15(4): 309-320.

Corner R.W.M. (1972): Juncus alpinoarticulatus Chaix in southern Scotland. - Watsonia 9(1): 58.

Coutinho A.X.P. (1890): As Juncaceas de Portugal. - Bol. Soc. Broter. 8: 72-126.

Curtis W.M. (1985): New species of Tasmanian monocotyledones in the families Juncaceae, Centrolepidaceae and Cyperaceae. -  Brunonia, 7(2): 297-304.

Cutler D.F. (1961): Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. IV. Juncales. - Clarendon press, Oxford 1961 357 p.

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Celakovský L. (1861): Die sippe der Luzula campestris DC. in Herbar des Prager Museums. - Lotos, Prag 11: 138-143.

Celakovský L. (1861): Ueber Luzula pallescens Wahlenb. und nächstverwandte Arten. - Oester. Bot. Z., Wien 11:309-317.



Published Work and List of samples

Main topics of interest and Onging Projects

Phylogeny Conclusion

Group Participants

Juncaceae Literature