Department of mycorrhizal symbioses
Institute of Botany, v.v.i,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Mycorrhizal symbioses have been studied for more than 20 years in the Institute of Botany. The growing number of scientists, PhD. and MSc. students working on this topic were reflected in the formation of a separate department within the Institute in 2003.
In recent years, we have focused our attention especially on the influence of arbuscular mycorrhiza on plant growth in degraded soils and the interaction of plants with heavy metals in soil. But we are also interested in the influence of arbuscular mycorrhiza on relationships between plants in natural communities. Since 1999, ericoid mycorrhiza has been studied in the department as well as, most recently, ectomycorrhiza and the interaction between mycorrhizal fungi and soil saprophytic fungi.
Last update: 5th January 2009