VIII-th Symposium on Surface Physics

June 28 - July 2, 1999

Trest Castle, Czech Republic

organized by the

Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and
Technological Foundation of the Czech Republic

Symposium is sponsored by European Physical Society

Third announcement


The Symposium will take place at the Trest Castle, Czech Republic, 150 km east of Praha, near Jihlava.

There will be a special bus to Trest from Praha on Monday June 28 at 10:00 a.m. Participants should gather in the hall of the main railway station "Praha - hlavni / Wilsonovo nadrazi" 15 minutes before the bus departure. On Friday, the special bus will leave after the lunch.
Expected return to Praha is on Friday, July 2 around 4:00 p.m.

Trest can also be reached from Praha by regular buses and the drive takes about 3 hours. The journey by train is far from direct, however. If you plan to go by car please take into account that you are allowed to use Czech highways only with the highway label (similarly as in Switzerland), price 800 CZK (Czech crowns). The label may be obtained at any border crossing.
Approximate exchange rate is: 1 USD = 35 CZK, 1 DEM = 19 CZK and 1 EUR = 37,50 CZK.


No single rooms are available. Two to three persons per room will be accommodated. Participants are expected to arrive on Monday June 28 morning and to leave after the lunch on Friday, July 2.


The program opening will be on Monday, June 28 at 3:00 p.m.
The symposium ends on Friday afternoon, July 2.
All participants will receive the book of abstracts during the registration at the conference office.

The scientific program will consist of invited lectures (45 minutes) and contributed papers, presented in oral (15 min.) or poster form (90x90 cm). The conference language is English.

On Wednesday afternoon, a bus trip to historical town Telc will be organized. Concert and the Banquet in the Castle will be held for participants and accompanying persons.


Invited lectures will be published in a special issue of the Progress in Surface Science. Contributed lectures, selected according to the Journal criteria will be published in a special issue of the Czechoslovak Journal of Physics.

Authors are asked to submit manuscripts prepared in TeX typesetting system (preferably LaTeX). The source file should be submitted on a floppy disk on the first day of the symposium or sent via e-mail before the symposium.
The manuscript and two copies must be delivered at the beginning of the symposium. Maximum length of the typewritten manuscript is 5 pages in double spacing (including figures) for contributed papers.


After April 15, the symposium fee including meals and accommodation will be 470 USD.

Payment by bank transfer in USD (net of any bank charges) should be made payable to: Technologicka nadace Ceske republiky to the account given below.
Payment by cheque in USD is also possible to the bank account given below. It is important to give the bank your full name or the full name and address of the institution making the payment for you. The confirmation of the payment (best a copy of the bank order) has to be sent to the conference address.

 Account number: 10006-37637-021/0100
 Account: Technologicka nadace Ceske republiky - ASCOC
 Bank: Komercni banka, Vaclavske namesti 42, CZ-110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic

Cancellations and Refunds

If notice of cancellation is received more than two weeks before the symposium, all but 50 USD will be returned. Otherwise basic costs will be required.


International Advisory Committee

G. Ertl (Berlin)
T.T. Tsong (Taipei)
M.A. Van Hove (Berkeley)

Programme Committee

I. Bartos (Chairman)
V. Chab
Z. Knor
M. Lenc
F. Maca
V. Matolin
Z. Sroubek

Organizing Committee

F. Maca (Chairman)
P. Demo
J. Zemek
I. Bartos
P. Jiricek
Z. Kozisek
M. Ondrejcek


Dr. Frantisek Maca

Institute of Physics
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Na Slovance 2
CZ-182 21 Praha 8
Czech Republic

Phone: (+420-2) 6605 2914
FAX: (+420-2) 8584569
Infoserve: html

During the symposium:

Trest Castle:
Phone: (+420)(066) 722 4247, 722 4248
FAX: (+420)(066) 72214190

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Michal Ondrejcek 3/5/99