Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 445-456, 2004

On properties of a graph that depend
on its distance function

Ladislav Nebesky

Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozoficka fakulta, nam J. Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1, Czech Republic, e-mail:

Abstract: If $G$ is a connected graph with distance function $d$, then by a step in $G$ is meant an ordered triple $(u, x, v)$ of vertices of $G$ such that $d(u, x) = 1$ and $d(u, v) = d(x, v) + 1$. A characterization of the set of all steps in a connected graph was published by the present author in 1997. In Section 1 of this paper, a new and shorter proof of that characterization is presented. A stronger result for a certain type of connected graphs is proved in Section 2.

Keywords: connected graphs, distance, steps, geodetically smooth graphs

Classification (MSC 2000): 05C12, 05C75

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