Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 457-463, 2004

On topological classification of non-archimedean Frechet spaces

Wieslaw Sliwa

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, A. Mickiewicz University, ul. Umultowska 87, 61-614 Poznan, Poland, e-mail:

Abstract: We prove that any infinite-dimensional non-archimedean Frechet space $E$ is homeomorphic to $D^{\Bbb N}$ where $D$ is a discrete space with $\card(D)=\dens(E)$. It follows that infinite-dimensional non-archimedean Frechet spaces $E$ and $F$ are homeomorphic if and only if $\dens(E)= \dens(F)$. In particular, any infinite-dimensional non-archimedean Frechet space of countable type over a field $\Bbb K$ is homeomorphic to the non-archimedean Frechet space $\Bbb K^{\Bbb N}$.

Keywords: non-archimedean Frechet spaces, homeomorphisms

Classification (MSC 2000): 46S10

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